Transposing Data in Excel

Use the option paste Special (Special Paste) > Transpose (Transpose) in Excel to convert rows to columns or columns to rows. You can also use the function TRANSPOSE (TRANSP).

Paste Special > Transpose

To transpose data, do the following:

  1. Select a range A1: C1.
  2. Right click and click Copy (Copy).
  3. Highlight a cell E2.
  4. Right click on it and then select paste Special (Special insert).
  5. Enable the option Transpose (Transpose).Transposing Data in Excel
  6. Press OK.Transposing Data in Excel

function TRANSP

To use the function TRANSPOSE (TRANSP), do the following:

  1. First, select a new range of cells.Transposing Data in Excel
  2. Enter the


    = ТРАНСП (

  3. Select a range A1: C1 and close the bracket.Transposing Data in Excel
  4. Finish entering the formula by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter.Transposing Data in Excel

Note: The formula bar indicates that this is an array formula because it is enclosed in curly braces {}. To remove this array formula, select the range E2: E4 and press the key Delete.

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