Transport Police Day 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
When Our Country celebrates Transport Police Day in 2023: Healthy Food Near Me talks about the holiday of the special department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which ensures the safety of passengers and transportation

Transport police officers wear the same uniform as others in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They also include a criminal investigation department, an anti-corruption department, cynologists and juvenile affairs. However, their area of ​​responsibility is not urban and rural streets, but transport infrastructure facilities – stations, airports, railways, piers, as well as aircraft, ships and trains. Healthy Food Near Me talks about the professional holiday – Transport Police Day in Our Country, history and traditions for 2023.

When is Transport Police Day celebrated?

This holiday has a fixed date and is celebrated annually. February 18. The day is not a day off either for employees or for the townsfolk.

history of the holiday

As usual in the field of professional celebrations, Transport Police Day is associated with the publication of a specific document – the decree “On the organization of the railway police and railway guards.” He was released at the dawn of Soviet power on February 18, 1919. It is believed that this marked the beginning of the creation of the first police structure, which then and now is engaged in a similar business: it controls order at transport facilities. This is how the Main Directorate of Transport, which exists today, was formed.

However, one should not think that transport security was not paid attention at all before. With the growth of the empire and the realization of the strategic importance of communications, centralized maintenance of order on them has been sought since at least the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Under Alexander I, the Directorate of water and land communications appeared. But since the sphere was young, one structure was assigned to deal with all transport aspects. Among them were the policemen.

Over the next century, powers were repeatedly transferred, and official structures were renamed. After the October Revolution, for some time, even the NKVD officers were instructed to maintain transport security. But then the transport law enforcement officers began to acquire the structure already familiar to us, gradually expanding and covering new areas, for example, airports.

Holiday traditions

Hundreds of thousands of people serve in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in transport. Naturally, a common professional holiday is important for such a numerous department. Therefore, each regional or district administration is preparing for the celebration. Often everything goes according to the canons of festivities in law enforcement agencies. Distinguished employees and veterans are invited to a solemn meeting with a concert. Awards and commendations are given. Interestingly, the transport police do not have their own memorable places and sculptural compositions to which they could lay flowers. Therefore, sometimes personnel are gathered at the memorial to the fallen law enforcement officers or other similar monuments.

How to get into the service in the transport police

To do this, you need to contact the personnel department of the line department where you want to serve. The line department is an analogue of the regular police department, only it necessarily belongs to the transport police.

Contacts of the personnel department will be prompted in the duty department. You can contact a higher structure, for example, the Linear Administration of your region. All vacancies in the area of ​​​​responsibility are collected there.

If you have a higher education, preferably a law degree, then they can offer an officer position. For others, it is enough to have an education of 11 classes or a specialized secondary education. Men are required to serve in the military. If you want to grow in the system, you will have to get a higher legal education, you can in absentia. Sometimes they are sent to study at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you already have another “tower” behind you, you can study for a master’s degree.

You must be at least 35 years of age to enter the service. You have to go through a psychological selection, as well as pass sports standards. After that, newcomers are sent to the “training school” for six months, and then they are accepted into the service.

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