Transparent discharge during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester
Transparent discharge during pregnancy can be both a variant of the norm and serve as a reason for contacting a specialist. Together with the gynecologist, we figured out the reasons for their appearance at different times

Pregnancy is an interesting and at the same time difficult period in a woman’s life. It is necessary to pay attention to the slightest changes in the body, carefully monitor your health. When any deviations appear, a lot of questions are immediately born. This also applies to discharge: they are of different types, and there are many reasons. What do clear discharge during pregnancy mean and can they indicate the presence of any disease? We deal with the gynecologist.

Characteristics of clear discharge during pregnancy 

ColorColorless, slightly yellow or white
SmellNo harsh odor
  StructureThick, jelly-like, without clots and inclusions
ConsistencyMucous, not too thick
FeelShould not cause discomfort, burning, itching, pain

Abundant discharge

Most often, abundant discharge appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, their color and consistency may change. All this is due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman. The amount of discharge increases due to the growth of the uterus and increased blood flow. If this does not cause discomfort, there is most likely no cause for alarm. But it will not be superfluous to ask the doctor about this at the next appointment.

Cheesy discharge

This consistency may indicate fungal growth. In a pregnant woman with cheesy discharge, candidiasis is most often found (1). In addition to a change in consistency, unpleasant symptoms appear: burning, itching, less often redness.

If you find curdled discharge, you should seek help from a specialist. Since there is a risk of infection of the child at the stage of fetal formation.

Mucous discharge

Such secretions are considered normal during pregnancy, if they are not too thick, there are not very many of them, they do not cause burning and itching. Mucus appears due to an excess of the hormone estrogen. The discharge may be pale pink or milky in color. A pregnant woman develops a mucous plug that protects the uterus (respectively, the fetus) from infection. After 3 months of pregnancy, the discharge ceases to be mucous and does not contain clots.

Liquid secretions 

Most often white, they are considered a variant of the norm during pregnancy at any time. But if such discharge is accompanied by a pungent odor, pain and itching, then this may indicate an infectious disease. The inflammatory process begins imperceptibly, while it can lead to serious consequences.

Abundant liquid discharge in late pregnancy may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, the immediate help of a specialist is required.

Why do clear discharge appear during early pregnancy 

The color of vaginal discharge in the first trimester may vary from clear to yellowish white. The consistency also changes: they are thick, more liquid or plentiful. Transparent discharge is not a deviation from the norm. But only if there are no other symptoms: changes in color, smell. Also, there should be no blood clots in the discharge. 

– We must be prepared for the fact that during pregnancy, vaginal discharge will increase – this is the result of a change in hormonal levels. If the discharge is transparent, not abundant, does not cause discomfort, itching is the norm, – adds gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences Yulia Shishkina. – There is no need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Just pay attention to intimate hygiene, use pharmacy products to wash, change your underwear more often. Give preference to good cotton linen of the correct form. But daily pads should not be used – they give a “greenhouse effect”, which disrupts the oxygen exchange in the vagina and, conversely, can aggravate the discharge.

1 trimester

Transparent discharge in the first trimester is often accompanied by the presence of mucus. This is normal, because changes begin in a woman’s body: in many respects they relate to the hormonal system. Mucous transparent discharge appears due to the formation of a cork that protects the embryo from infections. 

It is important that there are not too many such secretions. If they are plentiful, you should consult a doctor.

Why do clear discharge appear during late pregnancy 

In the second and third trimester, clear discharge is also a variant of the norm. However, in the later stages, abundant clear discharge can be easily confused with leakage of amniotic fluid.

2 trimester

Clear discharge without odor, discomfort and mucus is considered normal in the second trimester of pregnancy. It is necessary to ensure that there are no inclusions, blood clots and a sharp change in color.

3 trimester

In the third trimester, clear discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid and that the baby is pressed against the cervix (2). If they are accompanied by burning and itching, often redness, then a pregnant woman may have inflammation or infection. It is better to immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

From 22 weeks until the end of pregnancy, the frequency of Candida fungi also increases. This is due to changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman (3). It is especially important to pay attention when examining the presence of candidiasis: it can be treated even in the later stages.

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What to do if clear discharge appears during pregnancy at home

With heavy discharge, do not use panty liners, they can irritate the skin and create even more discomfort. At home, you only need to follow the basic rules of intimate hygiene. 

If discomfort occurs, then you need to go to the doctor, who, most likely, will prescribe the necessary tests.

Popular questions and answers

Yulia Shishkina, a gynecologist and candidate of medical sciences, answers popular questions about transparent discharge at different stages of pregnancy. 

What should not be done when you notice clear discharge during pregnancy?

Definitely don’t panic. If you are in early pregnancy, then slight clear discharge is associated with hormonal changes that occur in your body. At a later date – the second, third trimester – according to the abundant incessant transparent discharge, leakage of amniotic fluid can be suspected. In this case, again, do not panic and immediately turn to an obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor will use a special test to determine whether it is really amniotic fluid or not. 

Should I see a doctor if clear discharge appears?

It is worth consulting a doctor if there is too much discharge, they cause itching, burning, there is an unpleasant odor, the color is rather yellow, green, white. This is a possible symptom of a vaginal infection, which can be dangerous for the unborn baby. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor. The obstetrician-gynecologist will treat this infection in accordance with the recommendations for the timing of pregnancy. And, as I said above, abundant discharge can be associated with leakage of amniotic fluid – also a reason for a mandatory visit to a specialist. 

Can clear discharge indicate the presence of any disease?

If the patient has been examined, we have ruled out the risks of infections or potential infection from her sexual partner, she has no complaints of discomfort due to discharge, they are not abundant – there is no need to worry about any disease.

If any of these points is in doubt, consult a doctor at least as a preventive measure. 

Sources of

  1. TJ Aguin, JD Sobel, Vulvovaginal candidiasis in pregnancy, 2015 URL:
  2. YOU. Duda, O.G. Dražina. Obstetrics. in 2007
  3. Rymashevsky A. N., Naboka Yu. L., Svirava E. G., Bragina L. E. Features of microbiocenoses of the vagina and large intestine in pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy, 2011. URL: n/osobennosti-mikrobiotsenozov-vlagalischa-i-tolstogo-kishechnika-u-beremennyh-v-tretiem-trimestre-beremennosti/viewer

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