Transient ultrasound – characteristics, indications and the course of the examination

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Transient ultrasound is a test performed in the youngest patients, i.e. newborns and infants. This test is performed to assess the development of the brain and blood vessels. Premature ultrasound is most often performed in children who were born prematurely or suffered an injury during childbirth. What is the progression of the transient ultrasound and how to interpret the results of this examination?

What is a transient ultrasound – general characteristics

Transient ultrasound is one of the first tests to be performed on newborn babies. Ultrasound examination is an alternative to computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, i.e. tests that should not be performed on such young patients. Ultrasound examination does not cause side effects, it is safe for a toddler, and at the same time allows you to get a picture of the central nervous system in a quick, painless and non-invasive way.

The crimson is the non-ossified connection of the bones of the skull that has existed for some time after the birth of a child. In the clinical study, the front cap and the posterior cap are of the greatest importance. I darken the front it grows over about 20 months of a child’s life, while rear cap around 6-8 weeks of age. The fontanels are filled with connective tissue. It transmits ultrasound, thanks to which it allows to obtain a clear image in an ultrasound examination.

Transient ultrasound – indications for the examination

Transanthial ultrasound is a test that is most often performed in premature babies and children with very low birth weight. In these two groups, the transient ultrasound examination is a routine and obligatory examination. However, specialists also mention other indications for the performance of a transient ultrasound. Among others, these are:

  1. low blood hematocrit determined in the blood count;
  2. neurological abnormalities such as decreased muscle tone;
  3. maternal gestational diabetes;
  4. incorrect anthropometric measurements;
  5. intrauterine infections;
  6. fetal dystrophy;
  7. perinatal breathing disorders;
  8. abnormalities in the neurological examination;
  9. intracranial hypertension;
  10. birth defects;
  11. premature detachment of the placenta;
  12. low Apgar score after delivery;
  13. suspicion of meningitis.

How to prepare a child for an ultrasound scan?

Ultrasonography is a safe examination and there are no absolute contraindications associated with it. That is why it is not necessary to prepare in advance for a prenatal ultrasound. The only thing worth thinking about is making sure your baby is calm during the procedure. This will facilitate the doctor’s work and speed up the entire process. A way to reduce stress for a little patient may be to feed him a dozen or so minutes before performing the ultrasound.

  1. Check also other tests: Computed tomography – when to perform and how to prepare?

Pre-epidural ultrasound – the course of the examination

The course of the trans-epithelial ultrasound does not differ much from other ultrasound examinations. The doctor puts a head that emits ultrasound waves to the baby’s head. The baby’s head is previously lubricated with a special gel, thanks to which the head adheres better to the skin, and the ultrasound waves do not distort. Parents can stay with the child for the entire duration of the examination. In some cases, the toddler may lie on one of the parents’ laps.

The ultrasound examination takes an average of 20–40 minutes. An initial interview should be added here, during which the doctor is informed about the results of the previous ultrasound and other research. Parents can also talk to the person carrying out the test and learn about the interpretation of the result after a trans-gland ultrasound has been performed.

  1. It is worth remembering that in the neonatal period it is recommended to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Epidural ultrasound – interpretation of results

Ultrasound analysis of the glandular period is performed during the test, while the results can be obtained immediately after its completion. After taking the measurements, the doctor compares the obtained results with the standards that are appropriate for the child’s age. Your doctor can detect intracranial bleeding during a transient ultrasound. This examination also allows the diagnosis of cerebral ischemia, which in turn leads to necrosis of the brain tissue, periventricular osteomalacia, and hemorrhagic necrosis of the periventricular parenchyma.

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