Transformation of the participant of the project “You are great!”

Transformation of the participant of the project “You are gorgeous!”

On September 18, 41-Domashny will air the third episode of the large-scale transformation project “You are gorgeous!”. This time, its member is a correspondent for Woman’s Day.

As such a kid, our Sania came to the project (on the left), and left as such a beauty.

The work of a journalist usually does not involve beautiful clothes and shoes – tight dresses, skirts, high-heeled shoes. Our work is dynamic, so clothes should be comfortable and comfortable. There are many dresses in my wardrobe, but they are all loose fit. It is convenient to come to work in them, go to the other side of the city for an interview, and go to a photo report in the evening. As for the hair, I do not like to style it, I only have enough for drying with a hairdryer in the morning.

But soon my husband and I have a wedding anniversary, and I was dreaming – how to surprise him? For example, with its unearthly beauty … Why not combine business with pleasure? And I wrote to the project “You are great!” a touching story about how you want to impress your husband on a romantic evening.

In a few days – the long-awaited call:

– Sania, we invite you to the shooting. Take with you a few sets of your usual clothes, 2 pairs of nude tights and a good mood!

The night before, I almost did not sleep a wink: I was worried about what the presenter Nina Savelyeva and image maker Natalya Balagurova would come up with for me. What if they transform me so that my husband will be scared to appear?

On the morning of the day of filming, I choose a woolen red dress – my favorite, warm, cozy, but a little stretched. On your feet – comfortable autumn boots with flat soles.

Nina Savelyeva met me at the shopping center where the program is being filmed. Once again I told her my story – this time on camera, and the transformation began!

With host Nina Savelyeva during filming

Step one: hair and makeup

At first, Sania regretted having her hair cut off …

First of all, I was sent to a beauty salon, where the master Daria took up my unruly hair. They turn me away from all the mirrors in the chair.

– And this is all unnecessary, – says Daria and with these words 10 centimeters of my hair falls to the floor. And then again and again … I nervously bite my lip: I feel sorry for the hair! What remained on the head, the master curled with an iron. In the process, she advises with what oil to treat dry hair ends and insistently advises you to style your hair in the morning.

The next step is makeup. I still sit with my back to the mirrors, and no matter how I try to see myself with peripheral vision, nothing comes of it. Feels like they applied foundation and powder about three centimeters … But when they turned me around in a chair, a beauty with a mysterious look, delicate skin color and curls a la film star of the 50s of the last century looked out of the mirror …

– It’s not me! – I say sincerely. The image turned out to be light, but expressive and very romantic!

The stylists turned our correspondent into a real film star!

Fashionable shoes – with color tints

For shoes, Nina and Natasha went with me to the store of the Austrian brand.

– This season, the trend is the play of color, sharp noses, chains, metal elements on shoes. We will find you such now! – Natasha promises.

We chose two pairs of high-heeled shoes (I staggered because I don’t wear them in everyday life). Some are black suede pointed toe with inserts in the form of metal zippers. The second ones are also sharp-nosed, but this time they are lacquered and with tints of color: pink, purple, sea-green, green, blue …

The selection of clothes according to the rules begins with the analysis of the old wardrobe. I didn’t bring a lot of things with me – a dark turquoise floral dress, blue jeans, and a dirty pink T-shirt.

– Sania, these jeans must be urgently sent to the basket! – Natalia began to criticize abruptly. – Correct jeans should be blue and fit well. And in general, as I see, your flowers are not very good. Everything was very faded, dull and as if faded long ago. I think you need bright and saturated colors. Then you yourself will play!

Thank God they didn’t make me throw things away … And then they offered me three images. Imagemaker Natalya tried to take into account all the potential places where my spouse can invite me to my anniversary.

The first image is for a walk

The first image – to walk

Fuchsia pencil skirt, navy knit turtleneck with sequins on the shoulders. When I go out in such clothes, and even in heels, everyone around gasps!

– Sania, I’m going to scold you again! – Natasha begins. – You are committing a crime against fashion by hiding such a figure under the robes. After all, you yourself can create such an image: a bright pencil skirt, which is relevant this season, a contrasting turtleneck with interesting elements on the shoulders.

This is where my figure is really visible. Quite simple but beautiful. But you can’t go to work like that – how can I run on an editorial assignment in such heels?

The second image – to the theater

Second image – to the theater

A dark turquoise skirt below the knee, a white blouse with a collar embroidered with sequins, a mustard-colored jacket.

– And this image is ideal for a cultural trip – to the theater, to an exhibition or to a philharmonic concert, – says Natalia. – The skirt here is very intellectual length. The image is modest, but very bright – due to the contrast, interesting elements on the blouse, fashionable shoes.

And it seemed to me that this image of a hipster girl should be worn with different shoes and a different hairstyle.

The third image is the most romantic, for a restaurant

The third image – in a restaurant

Bright red short dress with black inserts.

– You came in a red dress, but compare it to this! Your old dress does not emphasize any virtues, and this – emphasizes everything. Here, finally, your ideal figure is visible! In this way, you can safely go to the most expensive and sophisticated restaurant and feel at ease there. You are the spitting image of a movie star!

Yes, the dress is amazing and very showy, but to be honest, not very comfortable. In this you feel like in a shell. But on what you will not go for the sake of your husband, and, probably, beauty really sometimes requires sacrifice.

The final step: stylist tips and a romantic dinner

Strict image maker Natalya Balagurova criticized Sania’s former image

Natalya Balagurova gave me several tips at once:

  1. Get rid of all clothes that do not emphasize my figure, baggy, hoodie. And unfashionable jeans – go there too!
  2. Buy only those clothes that emphasize the figure. And emphasize it every day. Choose bright and deep colors – red, fuchsia, turquoise, mustard, blue.
  3. Always do make-up and styling.

Well, after such an interesting and long adventure (and the shooting lasted all day), it’s time to meet my husband. Will he appreciate it?

– Where is my wife? – first of all he asks, but then he smiles, hugs me and invites me to a restaurant. The romantic image of the film star came just in time. My husband liked it, but he won’t be able to see me like that every day: tomorrow I will again put on my worn jeans, flat boots and a comfortable stretched T-shirt. Still, in the image that was created for me in “You are gorgeous!”, I feel out of place. It’s nice to be a movie star, but only for one evening!

Film star Sania, unfortunately, became only for one evening!

Project “You are wonderful!” goes out on the channel “41-Home“On Thursdays at 19.35, in the program “Useful evening“. The issue with our correspondent can be seen on September 18.

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