“Transfiguration” in Krasnoyarsk: photos of the finalists BEFORE and AFTER

“Transfiguration” in Krasnoyarsk: photos of the finalists BEFORE and AFTER

This week, four winners of the Transfiguration contest, organized by the Woman’s Day website and the GLYANEC beauty and cosmetology studio, met with the studio’s master Olga Chugui. The stylist came up with bright images for the red-haired women, which our heroines were very pleased with. Olga “conjured” each finalist for about four hours. In addition to the new appearance, our winners received pleasant gifts from Woman’s Day.

Woman’s Day invites you to evaluate how the appearance of the four winners of our competition has changed. Take the survey on page 5!

Anna Alistrat, 28 years old, Krasnoyarsk

Marital status: married, daughter – 3 years old.

Profession: a physical education teacher by training, now the owner of a private kindergarten.

About participation in the competition:

“I have long wanted to take care of my appearance, but somehow there was not enough time. And when I saw your competition, I immediately, without hesitation, sent my photo! I really like to participate in various contests, reality shows, and my friends are “sharpened” for this: as soon as they found out about the contest, everyone began to vote for me together. “

About the result:

“I feel spring freshness, lightness … I really liked the attitude of the studio“ Gloss ”masters when I sat down in the chair – they did not immediately start chipping me with scissors, but asked what I would like, what kind of haircut, what color of hair. I think every girl wants to be transformed by summer, to change her appearance, and there is no need to be afraid of that! Especially when you get into the hands of real professionals. “

Stylist comment:

“We did bronding for Anna (multi-color highlighting and coloring of her hair using a certain technology, – approx. Woman’s Day), a ladder haircut and light spring make-up. We lightened individual strands of hair on top to create extra volume. For girls with a “square” type, I would recommend making a ladder so that the shortest strands start no higher than the jawline in order to visually lengthen the face. “

Olga Dmitryachkova, 44 years old, Zheleznogorsk

Marital status: married, daughter – 20 years old, son – 11 years old.

Profession: engineer.

About participation in the competition:

“I was expecting the beginning of the concert, leafing through Telesem and saw the information about the competition. If I had read about him in some other magazine, I would never have taken part! In general, I sent a photo and safely forgot about it. And then a letter about the beginning of voting comes to the mail. My friends were rooting for me, and my eldest daughter, she’s a student, developed such an active activity in social networks that people would vote for me … And I reached the final! “

About the result:

“Beauty is hard work, and not every woman will have the time and opportunities for her transformation. It is necessary that all these components coincide, and then there will be an excellent result. I am very pleased: the hair color and hairstyle are unique! “

Stylist comment:

“Monochromatic coloring is not in fashion now, so we did coloring for Olga in 5 colors, a haircut for styling and a discreet, natural make-up. For women with such a universal type of appearance – blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin – any hair color is suitable: blond, red, and dark, but only in warm shades, since cold tones add age to them. From light shades it can be caramel blond, wheat or vanilla, from dark – chocolate. “

Christina Kondratova, 23 years old, Krasnoyarsk

Marital status: Single.

Profession: advertising manager

About participation in the competition:

“I always wanted to experiment with looks. Even as a child, I watched programs and films where the main characters were completely transformed, and I wanted it the same way! I really wanted to win, because for 6 years I was in my usual way. The competition has become an excellent chance for change – a good salon and the opportunity to radically change for free! My friends and family were very rooting for me. “

About the result:

“When the master asked what I want, I replied: do whatever you want with me. They gave me a short haircut and I love it! The head looks well-groomed. The shade of the hair is simply amazing! Very unusual. Many thanks to Olga for her work! The time I spent in the salon flew by unnoticed. “

Stylist comment:

“Christina has a pronounced warm type, so cold colors are contraindicated for her – the girl will immediately look older. We made her a square, this haircut is very easy to style. All her lines go to the visual lengthening of the face. We also added asymmetry. For hair coloring they used golden-chocolate, light-brown tones. “

Natalia Abanina, 38 years old, Sosnovoborsk

Marital status: married, daughter – 13 years old, son – 15 years old.

Profession: sales consultant, works in the network of jewelry stores “Line of Love”.

About participation in the competition:

“I have never participated in such competitions, but here a great desire arose. My hair has always been long. True, I decided on a couple of experiments – doing coloring of the bangs and side strands, highlighting. During the vote, the entire staff of our federal network of jewelry stores supported me, as well as friends and relatives, even in the United States my relatives voted. “

About the result:

“I am delighted with my transformation! This has never been. But I decided that if I change, then change dramatically. Of course, a change in appearance is always exciting, but I really like this image. “

Stylist comment:

“Natalia’s face is angular, so they made a haircut and asymmetrical bangs that visually pull it out. For coloring, they left their natural color and added light chocolate. Both warm and cold tones suit Natalia, but with warm ones she looks younger and nicer. “

Anna Alekseeva, Elena Radionova

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