Transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity: IVF pregnancy, how to behave

In vitro fertilization is used as a fertility treatment. Embryo transfer is the final stage of this procedure. The cycle of development of a new life depends on the correctness of its implementation.

The embryo transfer is carried out 48 or 120 hours after the fertilization of the eggs with sperm. In some cases, the procedure is carried out a little later. It depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman.

The exact time and day of IVF is set by the embryologist

The transplant is performed during ovulation using special equipment – a gynecological catheter. All embryos are in fluid. As soon as it enters the uterus, the eggs leave the uterus and attach to the walls.

For a long time, various experiments have been carried out on how many embryos need to be transplanted. Doctors have set this parameter. They transfer 3-4 embryos into the uterus. This approach to performing artificial insemination has increased its effectiveness.

Factors affecting the number of transplanted eggs:

  • causes of infertility;
  • woman’s age;
  • number of assisted insemination attempts.

At this stage in the development of medicine, not only 3-4 embryos can be transplanted. There is a selective transfer technique. It is a single embryo fertilization procedure. This makes it possible to avoid multiple pregnancies.

When performing artificial insemination, the doctor must be sure that the egg will turn into a blastocyst. This happens in 80% of cases. In this case, all the rules for the procedure must be observed.

The embryo of the third day can reach the blastocyst stage. Therefore, doctors during this period and do his infusion. If the development of the embryo stops, fertilization will not work. There are many examples when 10 embryos were transplanted to a woman on the third day of cultivation. They were all of excellent quality. Only on the fifth day, only one embryo was suitable for transplantation.

Doctors believe that the worst thing is to do embryo replanting on the 4th day of cultivation.

This period is considered the most critical. During it, the embryo launches its own genome. If there are no abnormalities in the chromosomes, the embryo continues to develop. If they are, he dies.

Reasons for canceling embryo implantation

The fertility specialist can postpone the day of fertilization. The general condition of the body and several other factors are taken into account.

Embryo transfer – the final stage of IVF

Reasons for cancellation:

  • The presence of viral diseases. A weakened immune system will not be able to fight effectively to preserve the egg.
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation (OHSS syndrome). Manifestation: obtaining more than 20 eggs by puncture. Also, the presence of shortness of breath, an increase in the size of the abdomen, edema may serve as a reason for canceling the procedure.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia. Its standard size is 9-12 cm. If this figure is exceeded, fertilization efficiency is significantly reduced. It is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.
  • Increased levels of progesterone in the blood. This reduces the likelihood of effective egg transfer. Low progesterone levels. It also affects the result of fertilization. To bring the hormone index back to normal, treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed.

All causes can be easily eliminated subject to certain recommendations and prescriptions of a reproductive physician.

Preparatory steps for implantation into the uterine cavity

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother with the help of artificial insemination should perform the following actions before replanting embryos:

  1. Take a blood test for estradiol and progesterone. These hormones affect the effectiveness of the procedure.
  2. Drink up to two glasses of water in a few hours. The bladder should be moderately full.
  3. Do not use makeup or cosmetics before going to the clinic.

The attending physician gives advice on preparation for each patient.

How to behave after the procedure?

The most important thing is that the woman is calm. Nervous stress and anxiety are contraindicated for her. The efficiency of the transfer directly depends on the internal state. No need to lift weights or consume alcoholic beverages.

If you notice any changes in the body, you need to consult a doctor.

After performing the transfer, the patient does not experience any sensations. Sometimes there may be a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Some women experience implantation bleeding during this period. This is a consequence of damage to the vessels of the uterus.

The discharge is odorless. They have a light pinkish tint. Their volume does not increase. They disappear within a few hours or days after embryo transfer.

Body temperature after the procedure

In isolated cases, an increase in body temperature is observed. This is the body’s reaction to the transfer of an egg with an embryo. During this period, a new life is born in the uterus. The female body can prevent this. If the thermometer readings have exceeded the permissible values, you should consult with your doctor.

An analysis for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin is taken on the 14th day after the procedure. Its indicator indicates how effectively artificial insemination was carried out.

Pregnancy after IVF lasts 9 months

It must be three-digit. Despite this, in medical practice, even indicators of 5 and 25 mU / ml indicate that fertilization was successful. If the doctor has doubts, he will prescribe repeated tests in 2-3 days. He may also suggest using regular test strips. It will be enough to carry out several such checks.

In vitro fertilization makes it possible to effectively treat infertility. Embryo transfer is a complex process. It is performed using special equipment. After it, a woman should treat herself and her health with greater care. After all, a new life will develop in it. Fertility doctors give their patients certain recommendations. They will help the woman properly prepare for the procedure.

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