General information
Fats that contain TRANS fatty acids are called Trans Fats. These are fats of vegetable origin, in which the chemical reaction has changed a molecule structure.
They are found in cheap substitutes for butter, spreads (the so-called soft butter is a mixture of vegetable and milk fat), Margarines and confectionery fats.
The food industry requires large amounts of fats that should be stored a long time and to melt at a certain temperature, but t be cheaper than butter and have useful properties of vegetable oils.
Similar products are cheap vegetable oils. To make liquid oil solid, it is subjected to hydrogenation — saturated with hydrogen at high temperature.
During this process approximately 30% of the molecules change their configuration, becoming a TRANS.
Have changed the structure of the molecules does not correspond to the natural analogue, so they can not participate in metabolism in full scale. Unprocessed TRANS-isomers are accumulated in the body and interfere with the absorption of essential fatty acids.
Excess TRANS fat can lead to the deposition of cholesterol on walls of vessels and development of atherosclerosis. According to the research results, the excess of TRANS fats in the body reduces the efficiency of the immune system and can even cause cancer.
TRANS fat are added to foods, which include hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. Most TRANS fats found in fast food chains, in the production of which used the cheapest substitutes for natural oils.
According to various sources, servings of fries contain from 30 to 40 percent modified molecules. As much TRANS fats can be found in confectionery products, made with the use of cooking fat and substitutes for cocoa butter.
TRANS fats are found in natural products. In vegetable oils there are about 1 percent, in a creamy 4-8, and animal fats up to 10 percent.