Can you name many people who laid the foundation for new trends in psychology? Freud invented psychoanalysis, Messmer laid the foundation for messmerism (hypnosis treatment technique), the cunning Hubbard invented Dianetics and made a lot of money on it… If you remember more, please write to me to improve your erudition… And now I still know Kucherenko, the founder of sensorimotor psychosynthesis. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the letter “C” in the psychological dictionary … By the way, another question: how many people can you name — not titled academicians, not show business figures and not major politicians — listed in encyclopedias and dictionaries during their lifetime? ..
I learned about Kucherenko by accident. I read an interview with the detective Agrippina (Daria) Dontsova in the Ogonyok magazine. The story of the writer is known — she had cancer, the fourth stage, metastases, chemotherapy … So, according to Dontsova, made to her in that interview, it was psychotherapist Vladimir Kucherenko who cured her. From cancer. Conversations.
It is amazing. But not for me. Firstly, I know that there are indeed very, very rare cases when suddenly a person’s cancer goes away, despite the efforts of surgeons and chemotherapy.
Secondly, it was not me who noticed that the tumor sometimes disappears after a sharp change in the patient’s worldview, an almost complete restructuring of the personality … It seems that Kashpirovsky told such a case. His friend was diagnosed with cancer. He howled and went down completely.
“Look at who you have become like,” the therapist told him then. “Yes, you are dying, and nothing can be done about it. Well, at least die with dignity!..” The man started up, woke up and decided to follow the advice, since there was nothing else left. He internally calmed down and began to look at the world in a completely different way — as for the first time. He was pleased with everything, every little thing, he tried to please even those whom he hated before. He decided to die with dignity — he began to look at the world differently — and he was cured …
And thirdly, I personally knew one person who independently and consciously cured his own cancer. He himself developed mental exercises similar to auto-training. In short — he imagined the disease in the form of a monster, with which the noble knight mentally fights — his body. According to his method, my wife cured herself of sciatic neuralgia. For one session.
As a person who is very interested in the work of consciousness, I could not pass by Kucherenko. I called Dontsova, recognized Kucherenko’s phone number, came to him and directly asked how he treats illnesses with words. Then I just press PLAY and bring the dictaphone recording of our conversation. Draw your own conclusions.
Kucherenko: I don’t treat, I’m not a doctor. I am a psychologist. My task is to normalize the functioning of the brain. And then the brain itself then deals with the problems of the body. What causes a chronic disease at all — asthma, allergies, hypertension, tumors? .. Due to improper regulation. Because of disturbances in the work of the brain, which gives the wrong commands.
Since the time of Freud, any doctor knows: there is a character of an ulcer, there is a character of a hypertensive patient … You can treat hypertension all your life, give the most modern drugs, and as a result a person will die from hypertension or its consequences. But, in fact, he dies due to personality defects. Because his body “in the face of the brain” constantly reproduces hypertension.
Bekhtereva in one of her works gives a classic example — in a person with epilepsy, the so-called epileptic uc in the brain is cut out. They just do a trepanation and remove this defective area. For a while, the seizures disappear. And then the brain suddenly discovers: something is wrong! Something has changed! Yeah, it turns out there are no epileptic seizures. Well, if not, then we need to do it!.. And the brain restores epilepsy “using a bypass technology”: another part of the brain — healthy, without c.u.a — takes over the function of forming epileptic seizures… But if you use other techniques, like hypnosis, then you don’t have to cut anything — the diseased part of the brain will simply stop generating epileptic seizures.
Author: For computer scientists, this is called reprogramming. Great panacea! No drugs needed, no procedures needed. The brain heals everything… Then why is cancer still considered an incurable disease?
Kucherenko: You know, when I was a student, I clearly knew that there are incurable diseases. They are treated but not cured. Hypertension, fibroids, allergies, asthma… And one of these diseases is schizophrenia. That’s how I was taught. But when I came to practice hypnosis at a medical school, the first patient they gave me was a schizophrenic patient. I was amazed because I knew that a schizophrenic patient with hypnosis should not even come close! But they said: you can, we have a technique, but you try to find your own technique.
I tried and I succeeded! The patient went into stable remission, his senostopathy disappeared — bodily hallucinations in the form of severe phantom pains. And I thought, damn it! Since the brain can bring a person out of a crisis state into a normal state, why not make it so that he continues to monitor the state of the body in other parameters, not allowing it to go beyond the norm?
But how to do that? Of course, we can tell a person: so, please, please change the number of leukocytes in the blood … But this will not change anything, verbal commands are incomprehensible to the body. But if during the session we achieve that a person in the gastric region has a feeling of heat — heat spreads in the region of the stomach, liver, then in this case physiologists will register a change in the number of leukocytes in his blood. Because the heat in the stomach is a symptom of the activation of the immune system of the body … That is, you need not tell him about leukocytes, but inspire warmth in the stomach!
Author: As far as I understood from Hollywood films, there is a subconscious and a consciousness. Consciousness is occupied by 5% of the brain — the cortex, it is responsible for logic, orientation in space, sociality, speech … And the subconscious is the remaining 95% of the brain that controls the body. The conscious and subconscious speak different languages. How can one get into the subconscious with the help of words and control the somatics?
Kucherenko: Through different types of trance states. In one type of trance, the brain stem structures are more active, in the other, the reticular formation works. By changing the types of trance, you can control the body. For example, to expand blood vessels, including microcapillaries, which normally do not let erythrocytes through…
When I was working in a drug treatment clinic, I had my first cancer patient. Or rather, sick. She was literally imposed on me, especially since she was not in the profile of the clinic. I flatly refused because I knew cancer was incurable. Then the doctors deceived me, they said that in fact it was not cancer, but oncophobia with the corresponding somatics — many years of bleeding and the like … I took it. And after several sessions, she came joyful and announced that the biopsy showed that the cancer cells had disappeared. That’s when I figured out the scam…
Author: And what is this sensorimotor psychosynthesis of yours?
Kucherenko: I’ll tell you now… In our clinic, we did what no one else did — we treated alcohol addicts without medication, plunging them into a trance state. We had a waiting list for two and a half years. In fact, alcoholism and other diseases have been successfully treated using hypnosis for a long time, including abroad. The problem is, not all people are hypnotizable! It is for the unhypnotizable that I developed the method of sensorimotor psychosynthesis.
At one time I could not understand the problem of hypnotizability. What is hypnosis anyway? This, in fact, no one knows until now. Why does one patient have results, while working with another does not bring results, although doctors say the same words to him? I tried to understand which mechanism is not working, how to fix and adjust it. How to achieve that it was possible to work not only with those who are hypnotizable. He turned his attention to shamanism. For a long time I studied the methods of shamans, meditation techniques. So over the years I have accumulated …
Author: How do shamans work?
…Long pause…
Kucherenko: You know, I’m currently conducting a special practicum on altered states of consciousness at the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University. And I spend a lot of hours explaining to students how shamans work. And now I had such a long pause, because I was trying to figure out how to explain this in a nutshell … I can’t … I can only say that shamans do not divide people into hypnotizable and non-hypnotizable — they use techniques that work for everyone … For example, in the XNUMXth century, any shaman could cure an allergy that is now incurable.
Author: Are there many hypnotic people in general?
Kucherenko: It depends for whom. For some hypnotists, 90% of people are hypnotizable, while for others, only 10% are hypnotizable.
Author: At the same time, it is not clear what hypnosis actually is … Then let’s go from the other side. What is the power of a hypnotist? Well, the strength of a weightlifter is in the muscles, ligaments, coordination. Gu.e. In other words, more muscle equals more weight. What is the power of a hypnotist? What does he take? Why can some hypnotists bring down 90 percent of people and others only 10?
Kucherenko: I think the talent of a hypnotist lies in the ability to intelligibly explain to a person what you want from him. Pure communication skills. If you say to one person: «you are sleeping,» he will understand this as that you need to try to do what he does every night, going to bed. And the other will begin to analyze, think: “What does it mean, I’m sleeping? I don’t sleep at all! ..” That is, instead of following the instruction, he does something completely different. Accordingly, a different result is obtained.
Author: So your technique of sensorimotor psychosynthesis, based on shamanism, simply allows you to hypnotize a non-hypnotizable person? Correctly?
Kucherenko: Wrong. I am not a hypnotist and have not developed new hypnosis techniques. My patient does not sleep, although he is in an altered state of consciousness, that is, in a trance. But there are a lot of such altered states of consciousness, in addition to hypnosis. A person is sitting with me, we are talking with him … By the way, at Moscow State University I show students what a trance is and how to enter it. You put a person into a state of catalepsy, raise one hand to shoulder level, then put the other hand and continue to talk to him. From the outside, it looks like two people are talking normally, none of them are sleeping, just one of them somehow strangely holds his hands — on weight. But at the same time, the muscles of his hands do not get tired, lactic acid does not accumulate in them, and a person does not have swallowing movements. As the trance deepens, the person ceases to notice the people around him, he has no eye-motor reaction.
Author: You said there are many trance states. What exactly?
Kucherenko: Oh, yes, a lot. The state of falling in love, inspiration, aha-experience… Aha-experience is a state of sudden insight, when a person suddenly understands something, suddenly guesses something and can exclaim: «Aha! ..». Further… The state in which we once learned to count and write is also a trance… In a trance we read a fascinating book that is difficult to tear ourselves away from — because we do not see the letter, but we immediately see a live picture before our eyes… Simply put, trance is a change in the processes of categorization, when a person moves from a predominantly verbal-logical form of categorization, which is characteristic of the usual state of consciousness, to categorization in the form of visual-sensory images.
Author: Not bad for a popular science book… And what do you talk about with non-hypnotizable citizens during a session in order to knock them into a trance?
Kucherenko: I ask a person to pay attention to the sensations and images that he has. I ask you to remember something — the color of objects, their location. Your apartment or your mother’s face. And as the detailing of objects goes on, as the image becomes more and more clear, I put the person’s hands into catalepsy — to deepen the trance and turn on the body.
Author: Why should he raise his hands?
Kucherenko: Then what thinks is not just the cerebral cortex and not even the brain as a whole. The whole person thinks! It is no coincidence that when a child learns to read, he moves his lips, it is no coincidence that fine motor skills of the hands are directly related to mental abilities. The speech apparatus is necessary for verbal-logical thinking. And when we cause catalepsy of the speech apparatus or even just give a person an injection of anesthesia into the jaw muscles, his ability to solve logical problems drops sharply. And he moves to other forms of thinking.
If during the session I achieve complete relaxation of the eye-motor muscles in a person, his visual thinking is practically turned off. When you achieve numbness in the skeletal muscles, you take control of kinesthetic forms of thinking … So, as the image becomes more detailed, that is, the gradual connection of audiovisual, kinesthetic thinking, the presented picture comes to life — a person sees, for example, the mother’s face, how it moves, hears her voice , he can touch her, smell her, touch her clothes …
Author: How did the writer Dontsova get to you?
Kucherenko: She came to me in a very neglected state — the fourth stage. Breast cancer is well treated with psychotherapy in the very early stages. If you start treating right away, the cancer goes away very quickly. I have had many such cases. First, the tumor is reborn, becomes non-malignant, then generally resolves. And Grunya came already with metastases. We worked with her for two hours. During this time, a person can survive several past lives, fly in space, hunt a mammoth. She turned into a pterodactyl, flew over the jungle. The tiger was. A person in a state of trance feels the body of a pterodactyl as his own. It can easily feel like a woman, then a man.
Author: Why did Grunya fly over the jungle?
Kucherenko: During all the sessions, a flight is always given! Especially when you work, for example, with uterine fibroids. Why do all people fly in their dreams during adolescence? This is a consequence of hormonal changes. Therefore, in order to achieve changes at the hormonal level, it is necessary to induce a feeling of flight in the patient. Then he changes the tone of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, blood vessels. Without a flight, you will never remove the consequences of a heart attack, hypertension, fibroids. Therefore — constant air pockets, bends. Grunya’s arms and legs floated up, she flew in space with me.
And when she was under anesthesia at the operation, she had a complete illusion that I was standing next to her and holding her hand. We worked this out before the operation. I communicated with her throughout the operation.
Author: Any cancer can be cured?
Kucherenko: No, what are you! These are completely different diseases! I only dealt with breast cancer and uterine cancer, with fibroids. They need to be treated differently. I myself mastered everything by the “poke method”.
Author: And how many sessions do you need to be cured of, say, breast cancer?
Kucherenko: If this is the beginning of the disease, you just had a puncture, ten sessions are enough. The session lasts 2-3 hours along with a preliminary conversation … And some things pass right away. I have a man who was treated for alcoholism, and his spine was injured, he could not sit still. So after the first session, the pain in his spine disappeared. It was ten years ago, and still the pain has not returned, he calls me sometimes …
I remember I had an elderly woman. Her mitral valve began to pass half as much blood, and she needed urgent heart surgery. And the valve is not a muscle, it is a connective tissue, it was not clear whether my technique would work … But after a course of sessions, the mitral valve began to work for her like in the best years, she bought herself skis, and her personal life improved. The complexion has changed. By the way, after the sessions, there is a tremendous rejuvenation, because the vascular tone changes … The woman began to fly on airplanes — she had never flown before …
Author: Is it hard to conduct sessions?
Kucherenko: Very difficult. After that, I am squeezed out like a lemon, lying flat. After all, I drag a person, like a locomotive, from one form of trance to another — from deep relaxation to catalepsy, I myself go from one form of trance to another with him, my physiology also changes, biochemistry changes, hormonal changes occur. I am in constant stress. I have to track him every second, I have to notice and react if a person just thought the wrong thing …
Author: So, science does not really know what hypnosis, trance is. But hypnosis has been known for over a hundred years!
Kucherenko: Previously, there was such an idea about hypnosis that it was a kind of state similar to sleep. No wonder the formulas for immersion in hypnosis included the word «sleep», the command «sleep!». There were reasons for this: physiological studies showed that in hypnosis many functions become the same as in sleep — pulse, gas exchange, encephalogram, and other physical indicators.
Opponents of this point of view said that hypnosis is more wakefulness than vice versa, and referred … to the same physiological indicators. And the thing is that there are a lot of hypnotic states, as well as techniques for introducing into these states. And if we put a person into a hypnotic sleep, we get a physiological state close to sleep. And if we introduce it into a state of active activity, then vice versa. In an active hypnotic state, a person can run, jump, strike… This is a state of super-wakefulness, super-possibilities.
Previously, they still liked to say that hypnosis is inhibition diffused through the cerebral cortex. Now they don’t say that, because some neurons of the cerebral cortex during hypnosis can be inhibited, while neighboring neurons can be excited. What kind of inhibition spilled over the cortex then? .. Therefore, now they are talking about the functional systems of the brain. Functional systems are neurons from different brain structures that are combined to perform a task. neural ensembles. A person learns to ride a bike or read — he forms a functional system that provides this function. A person has learned to react with an allergic reaction to something — he has formed an appropriate functional system. A parasitic program has been registered… And it is curious that the same neurons can participate in different functional systems.
Accordingly, in order to remove allergies, you need to reprogram the brain. I got rid of my first allergy when I was in my first or second year of psychology at Moscow State University. My friend had a pollen allergy. I was doing a hypnosis practice session with him, and it occurred to me to turn off his allergies as well. I thought: how can I turn off the functional system? Didn’t know how. And I decided to just bypass it. During hypnosis, he made a friend forget about his allergy, that he once had it.
The good thing about trance is that you can turn on both amnesia and hypermnesia in it, that is, either make you forget anything, or make you remember anything … First I made him forget his name. In such a state, a person undergoes a strong change in self-awareness, this is understandable: when you don’t know who you are, what you are … In a state of amnesia, I told him that he would now remember his name, but after that he would forget everything related to allergies. And so it happened. He just forgot his allergies.
And a year later — in the midst of the flowering of allergenic herbs — he came to me with clean skin. And last year at this time he was given forty injections to relieve itching! Seeing such progress, I happily asked: “Well, how are your allergies?”
He looked at me in complete bewilderment: «What allergy?» I told him how we conducted the session, how I removed this allergy for him. He left very perplexed. And the next day, all red came back to me, my eyes were flowing … I had to conduct a session again, turn off the functional system in the brain again. And I also set a fuse — so that henceforth no words about allergies could turn on the functional system that generates allergies.
Author: I have a friend named Dima Aksenov, he is fond of neurolinguistic programming, he even wrote a couple of books about NLP. So, with the help of NLP, he himself removed the allergy to egg white. reprogrammed. Replaced the allergy program with something else. Does the disease need to be replaced with something, or can it be removed “free of charge”?
Kucherenko: Yes, NLP does use the substitution technique. But you can turn off the functional system without replacing it with another program.
Author: Another question: what does the phrase “forgot everything about allergies” mean? Does this mean that he even forgot the word «allergy»? Unlikely! Otherwise, accidentally somewhere heard or read the word «allergy» will awaken the disease. But this did not happen for a whole year. So, not everything related to allergies, he forgot! At least he remembered the word!
Kucherenko: Right question. Here we are talking about trance logic. In which there is one feature — what seems logical to us in a normal state, a person in a trance can be perceived as something illogical. Conversely, in trance there may be insensitivity to logical contradictions.
In the fifties of the XX century, the famous researcher of hypnosis Orne conducted such an experiment. He placed a chair in front of the subject and suggested to him that his mother was sitting on this chair. The subject begins to see his mother, hear her, he can touch her, ask about something. He is asked to determine whether the mother is real or not. He begins to talk with his mother, asks her the most tricky questions: «But when I was five years old, what happened …». And soon the person is convinced: the mother is real! This is her knowledge, her voice, her facial expressions. Mum!
Then a second chair is placed in front of the subject and they say that his mother is also sitting on it. And they ask: check, is this mother real? The subject begins to test the second mother. And again she is convinced: the mother is real! In front of him are two chairs with two mothers on them. He is asked to clarify which of the two mothers is the real one. He confidently says that both are real and sees no contradictions here. That’s what trance logic is. Two mothers? Fine! They are both real! Checked!
That is, my patient did not forget the word «allergy», but everything that he had connected with this word. My friend Petrenko, a psychologist, and I conducted such a series of experiments. We suggest to a person that he has forgotten everything related to smoking. Then we lay out a variety of objects on the table, some of which are somehow connected with smoking. So, a person sees all objects — ski boots, skis, dumbbells, forks … but he does not see a pack of cigarettes! Can’t see an ashtray with cigarette butts!
And when you point your finger at this pack of cigarettes, he begins to look at it in bewilderment: where did this come from?
We ask: “What is it?” The person begins to describe: “Well, this is such a box. It can store various small items. And you can also hang it on the Christmas tree, instead of a toy: it is so bright!
If you make a person forget everything that is connected with winter, he no longer sees skis and ski boots on the table. Moreover, the effect of amnesia can manifest itself not only in a trance state. With the appropriate suggestion, the patient does not remember all the words associated with the word «winter», and when leaving the trance.
Author: I understood everything about amnesia. It turns off whole thematic pieces from memory. And how does the state of supermemory work? Hyper… how is she?
Kucherenko: Hypermnesia is super memory. After all, a person remembers everything that has ever flashed in his field of vision during his life. A person could hear a popular physics show on TV out of the corner of his ear when he was four years old, and at the same time he was sitting on the potty. The brain has this information!.. It’s just hard to get it. The person himself will never be able to do this, he needs help.
I remember a student came to me who had already failed three times in mathematics. I put him in a state of hypermnesia, and he remembered everything. Then, during the exam, such depths fell out of him that the teacher simply gasped. Everything that he had ever seen or heard about the subject surfaced in the guy’s memory — flashed other people’s notes, lectures listened to through a dream …
Once, people from the prosecutor’s office turned to me, asking me to help in one case. They worked for a large criminal group. They already tried to take these bandits, so they threw grenades at the operatives right on the crowded street. In general, the gang was serious. They brought me a witness who was supposed to be able to see the passport of a person from this group. The operatives did not know for sure whether that person belonged to a criminal group or not, whether the woman saw his passport or not. That’s why they brought her to me.
I conducted a session with a woman, and it turned out the following: two years before the session, she was sitting in the car of the person she was looking for, who went out for a minute to buy cigarettes. And the witness began to wipe the dust on the dashboard, and took the passport lying on it to shift it. The passport opened for a second, and the pages turned in her hands. Of course, the witness did not read this passport, she was not interested in the passport at all: she simply wiped the dust. But for a moment the pages flashed before my eyes …
I immersed her in the past and scrolled it, as if in slow motion — here she takes her passport, here it opens in her hands — the first page, the second … We take a freeze frame, scroll back a little, forward … As a result, we managed to pull out the information, we restored the name of the passport holder and part of the surname. They found him, and it turned out that he was not just involved in the gang, but one of its leaders. Through him they took the whole gang. I was even awarded then, they asked me what I want more — a nominal watch or money? I chose money — 150 USD. It was 1990…
By the way, a similar effect of super-memory can be achieved by electrical stimulation of the hypocampus, there is such a part of the brain. In this case, too, memories begin to flow in a stream. Perhaps the phenomenon when a person in a moment of danger or before death flashes his whole life before his mind’s eye is connected precisely with the stressful overexcitation of the hypocampus.
Author: In short, can hypnosis or, more broadly, a trance state awaken in a person those abilities and knowledge that he is not even aware of?
Kucherenko: Yes. In a normal state, a person’s capabilities are severely limited by his self-esteem, the image of his “I”. Although in fact a person can do much more than he thinks about himself!
And experiments with trance states have shown this. It is worth suggesting to a person under hypnosis that he is not him, but another person — Einstein, Repin — as a person begins to produce creativity. Why? Yes, the pressure of self-esteem, self-criticism has simply been removed: “I can do this, but I definitely won’t succeed. I was taught this, but this is not … «.
Author: And if a person is not hypnotizable …
Kucherenko: If a person is not hypnotizable, my task is to find out which mechanism does not work for him. And debug everything so that it works like a hypnotizable one. You conduct a session, and if something does not work, you find out why. Each technique has several possible outcomes. For example, I say: «I’ll count to three, and you won’t remember your name.» If this technique is carried out as I said — just a phrase, then the hypnotizable people on whom it will work will be about 3%. But if we add one more trick here … For example, before suggesting to a person that he has forgotten his name, we make a person catalepsy of the facial muscles — so that he cannot speak at all. His muscles cramped, paralysis of the speech apparatus set in! He can’t say his name and we say he forgets it. We go up the steps … In this case, the percentage of hypnotizable people increases.
The most interesting thing here is to find out why the technique works on one person, but not on the other! You say to a man: you forgot your name! And he didn’t forget. You ask: how did you know him? He replies: and it was as if an inscription appeared before my eyes, where my name was written … Excellent, we make darkness before his eyes. This can be done, the main thing here is to go from simple to complex. The simplest thing is to give a person catalepsy of the hands, when a person cannot unclench his fists, cannot bend his arms. Then we do the same with the muscles of the eyes — a person cannot open his eyes. It means darkness before the eyes. And the person does not see a flashing clue — an inscription with his name. But then, nevertheless, he suddenly remembers his name: “My name is Igor!”.
«How do you know?» — «And the voice prompted.» The voice is the ears. Let’s cut off his ears! We can do this. Now all channels are blocked. And the man, finally, cannot remember his name.
Author: Stop! But in order to inspire a person with all this, he must first be led into a trance! And then he will sit and smile.
Kucherenko: Of course. I have already described how this is done — gradual test tasks plus catalepsy … One of the most common ways to go into a trance is to give a person illogical, impossible tasks. They gradually bring consciousness to immersion in trance logic. The result of these tasks is trance. We usually use this instruction: «Please don’t think about anything.»
Author: And he immediately fails! Because he immediately starts thinking about it!
Kucherenko: This is the iron logic in you. But a person is not a robot, he is asked to do the impossible — he does it. And somehow he succeeds! Then you start to figure out exactly how. With a simple question: “What were you thinking about when you weren’t thinking about anything?”
One subject said: “A picture of nature appeared in my head, which I was considering, and then a cow entered the frame and ruined everything … That is, the person did not feel like a subject of his own visual activity! After all, he made this picture for himself! But since he was ordered not to think, then no matter how he was, the picture arose by itself, everything is here!
One had a picture, and while he looked at it, he did not think about anything. Another had a melody playing in his head, while he listened, he did not think. The first one is visual, the second one is auditory… What does the order “not to think” even mean? This means that a person switches from verbal, conceptual thinking to visual-figurative thinking. He thinks without an internal dialogue, and therefore it seems that he does not think about anything. One has a visual modality, another has an auditory modality, and a third has a kinesthetic modality. And the fourth keeps repeating to himself: “I don’t think about anything, I don’t think about anything, I don’t think about anything …”. Lost — the period of «non-thinking» is over. For such a person, the best way to go into hypnosis is through mantras or prayer. For the visual — visual images, for the auditory — auditory images. Each person has his own key, his own ways of managing. This is used by «psychics». One «psychic» will say: «Now we will work with the color of your chakra.» And to another: “Oh, you have a hole in your biofield here, energy is leaking. Now we are your biofield, we will make it more elastic, tense … «.
Author: Okay, God bless her, with theory, let’s move on to practice. We take the first person we meet from the street. In how many minutes or seconds can you put him into a trance?
Kucherenko: It depends on the task — what this trance is for. And from the motivation of the person himself. If a person is motivated, there will be no problem with his hypnotizability. It is difficult with a person who has no motivation — for example, a witness in the prosecutor’s office. If a person is nervous, afraid, it is very difficult to plunge him into a trance.
Author: Excellent. One thing is not clear — what to do with wordless suggestion? With suggestion without words?.. Isn’t wordless suggestion a direct confirmation of the phenomenon of telepathy?
Kucherenko: Many hypnotists say that during a trance, people experience the phenomenon of telepathy. That is, at a certain depth of hypnosis, the subjects say that some images arose in them before the hypnotist told them about it. A man in space, enjoys the flight, the view of the starry sky. Meanwhile, the hypnotist says: “You are in space!”
Or — a person bathes in the sea, he feels good, and at this time the hypnotist says: «Around the sea!». This can even irritate the subjects: wow, I’m already swimming, and he’s just talking about it!..
The fact is that we are faced here with certain features of trance states. Which are akin to the effects that occur during dreams. When they studied dreams, they discovered an interesting phenomenon — the effect of time inversion. Not in the literal sense, of course … The person is sleeping, he began to dream, which is noted by the rapid movements of the eyeballs. At this point, the experimenter drops the book on the floor. The subject wakes up and is immediately asked to tell what dream he had. The subject tells a whole long story that he saw in a dream, and which ended with a gunshot. After which he woke up. But in reality, it was like this: first the sound (shot) — then the dream associated with it. That is, the whole long story is born and flashes in the human brain almost instantly, while he wakes up after a loud bang. Time reversal illusion.
So it is in the case of trance: first, the hypnotist says words about the sea, then visions of the sea appear, but it seems to the subject that everything was the other way around. Words reach consciousness late, having first generated images …