Traleg Kyabgon, a native of Eastern Tibet and head of the Buddhist Institute in Melbourne, acquaints readers with the basics of classical Tibetan Buddhism: talks about noble truths and karma, about ways to liberate consciousness and paths to enlightenment.
Traleg Kyabgon, a native of Eastern Tibet and head of the Buddhist Institute in Melbourne, acquaints readers with the basics of classical Tibetan Buddhism: talks about noble truths and karma, about ways to liberate consciousness and paths to enlightenment. His book gives an idea of how Buddhists understand the nature of personality, mind, emotions, and compares these ideas with the traditions of European philosophy and psychology. He refutes the view that fatalism and passivity are inseparable from the Buddhist picture of the world. «The Essence of Buddhism» will be of interest to both the neophyte and the connoisseur of the teachings.