Concerned about problem areas? Tired of the fat on the belly and breeches on the thighs? Want tight buttocks? Test training with Janet Jenkins for problem areas and improve your body.
Total Body Circuit: description of training Janet Jenkins
Jeanette Jenkins, founder and Director of The Hollywood Trainer has helped thousands of men and women transform their bodies. It uses the most effective and proven exercises that help to lose fat, increase metabolism and strengthen muscles. Start changing your body along with the Hollywood trainer and Total Body Circuit.
This is a classic fitness training that combines aerobic and strength exercises for the entire body. The program consists of two parts:
- The first exercise is working the muscles of the chest, shoulders, triceps, buttocks and quadriceps.
- Second — the muscles of the shoulders, biceps, back, abs and hips on both sides.
Both workouts last 35 minutes and are held at a high pace due to the small cardio throughout the class. The program lasts for 21 days, during which you will alternate between these 2 trainings together. Of course, you can complete this fitness course and the longer the time until you reach desired results. You need to deal with 5-6 times a week, if you want to lose weight in 3 weeks.
For exercises you need dumbbells, preferably of different weights, since different muscles require different loads. You will also need ankle weights that create usedona much greater resistance to the muscles. But if you have no weights, it’s nothing that you can do without them. Overall, this program Janet Jenkins in content reminiscent of the “No problem areas” with Jillian Michaels: a lot of functional exercises on different muscles of the body.
The pros and cons of the program
1. Thanks to the Total Body Circuit you will be working on all the problem areas of the body: arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
2. Strength exercises are successfully combined with aerobic fitness, so the exercise in a vigorous pace. Your heart rate will be constantly in gyrosigma area, which means you will burn down calories and fat.
3. Together with Janet Jenkins exercises demonstrate not only fit fitness girls (as is usually the case), but also chubby. Thus, Janet reveals that her workout for everyone!
4. The big advantage is the division of a program into two half-hour workout. First, classes are not as long. And secondly, one muscle group has time to rest and recover, while you work on another.
5. Janet uses traditionally available and familiar exercises, so no questions on their implementation you have should arise.
6. However, there are exercises and on the balance, doing that you will have to try very hard to keep the balance.
7. Well, as always, Janet Jenkins is a very cheerful, happy and playful. It not only demotiviruet you to class, but also lift your spirits.
1. The program uses the weights for legs, not commonly found in the Arsenal of home equipment.
2. In this complete 21-day program is not enough purely aerobic exercisesto maintain an active metabolism and fat burning. So we recommend alternating these exercises with the “Kickboxing” or with cardio from Jillian Michaels.
Do not have to strictly follow the given time of 21 days, you can do Total Body Circuit and longer time. You can also dilute these classic exercises with dumbbells other programs Janet Jenkins.