Training plan for the gym. How to plan exercises well?

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A training plan tailored to our needs and abilities turns out to be an extremely important element of work on physical condition and muscle sculpting. An appropriate exercise plan makes it easier for us to consistently and effectively pursue the goal defined at the beginning of training. How to create a training plan for the gym? How is the weight training plan different from the sculpture plan? What do you need to remember?

Training plan – why is it important?

Your first visit to the gym can be a confusing experience. There are a lot of devices, many of them you don’t even know how or for what purpose … The gym pass itself will not do much if we do not take care of a properly arranged training plan. It is best to create it together with a personal trainer, but if you are not currently able to do so, you can try to do it yourself.

Why is the gym training plan so important? First of all, it helps us to properly focus our efforts on exercises appropriate to our needs and goals. A different set of exercises will be suitable for a person who wants to lose unnecessary kilograms, another – for someone who wants to increase their muscle mass, and another for exercisers to improve their condition and efficiency.

A specific exercise plan at the gym also has a positive effect on our motivation to exercise. General and vague provisions such as “I will exercise more” are often abandoned after a few days – usually due to lack of an idea and the feeling that we are standing still. If we know exactly what to do, it is easier for us to mobilize ourselves for training, take it up and complete it.

See also: What to eat before training to make it more effective?

Training plan – what questions should you ask yourself?

Before we move on to writing out the next exercises, repetitions and the frequency of their performance, it is worth considering what exactly we want to achieve by visiting the gym. What goal is our training plan to the gym to lead us to? The answers to the following questions may be helpful in working out such a path:

  1. Which muscle groups do I want to build up? This is very important – the training plan must be largely based on exercises that will develop specific muscle groups that are our main goal.
  2. What effect do I want to get? Different training plans have very different effects. The “mass” training plan is something else, and another thing aimed at strengthening and developing muscles, that is, the popular “sculpture”. So we need to know exactly what we care about the most and where we are going.
  3. What is my internship at the gym? Beginners should choose completely different exercises than those they have been practicing for a long time. Their bodies are not used to greater loads. Although a ready-made training plan taken over from a more experienced colleague may seem tempting, it is not worth making such a mistake. It can result in severe injuries.

Properly selected compression bands support the muscles and joints during and after training. It is worth considering, for example, the purchase of the OS1st AS6 compression armband in black or white. This band supports the work of the arms and elbows during increased effort, and even protects against sunburn.

Training plan – what should it include?

In order for a training plan for the gym to fulfill its function, it must first of all contain clearly and precisely formulated the following information:

  1. type of exercise;
  2. the number of repetitions performed;
  3. the intensity of their performance;
  4. rest time between sets;
  5. duration of a single training session.

The frequency of training is also important – preferably when the training plan is written for individual days of the week.

It is also worth remembering about post-workout regeneration. Order Aqua Kick Pear Power today for quick regeneration after OstroVit training.

Also read: Interval exercises – how to perform to bring results?

Training plan – how to arrange it reasonably?

There are many methods and assumptions associated with creating training plans. Nevertheless, a training plan for a gym that is rational, consistent with scientific knowledge and safe for the health of the trainee should – regardless of the training school and type of training – take into account some basic issues.

Find out more: Thigh muscles. How to strengthen and shape your thighs?

Training plan – warm-up

Skipping the warm-up is a sure path to serious injuries. The purpose of warming up is preparing the body for exercise by increasing body temperature and stretching the muscles. How much warm-up can a training plan include?

You can start your training session, for example, from around 10 minutes on a treadmill, exercise bike or cross trainer. Then we move on to a few simple exercises for stretching the whole body (swinging, jumping, stretching) to perform 1-2 warm-up series before training specific muscles.

Warming up, you can also use the FASCIQ ROLLERCOASTER Massage Roller Set, which will stretch your muscles and prepare them for physical exertion.

Training plan – choosing the right type of effort

The type of training depends primarily on the effects we want to achieve. If you want to lose weight, your training plan for the gym should involve the equal involvement of all muscle groups. It works well here combined training, which is a combination of aerobic exercise (jogging, cycling, swimming) and strength training that will develop and strengthen muscles.

If you want to build a good muscle mass training plan, it’s best to bet on exercises using the so-called free weights. These are all those sports devices that limit muscle movement – i.e. weights, barbells or a broken bar.

Also read: Training to increase muscle mass – three-day, four-day or FBW?

Training plan – number of series and repetitions

The number of series and repetitions should depend on the intended effect. Strength training involves a large number of short sets with heavy loads, for example 5-6 sets of 3-4 repetitions. Conversely, mass training involves performing smaller amounts, but longer series, e.g. 8 repetitions in 3 to 4 series. Muscle endurance training requires long series, even 10-12 repetitions, but there will be no more than 3 sets.

It is also believed that training plan for muscle carving should be based on exercises up to 15 repetitions in 2 sets. Of course, you should also take into account your experience and capabilities when making these calculations. Straining your muscles may not be the intended effect.

See also: Fat reduction. Find out which exercises will bring the best results?

Training plan – speed of exercise

The speed of exercise has a huge impact on the intensity of training, so it’s important that your training plan takes it into account. It is believed that the most effective exercise is in the range of 60-70% of maximum capacity. Intensity below this value may not give satisfactory results, and exercising faster may also cause injuries as well as a complex of symptoms of excessive strain on the body called overtraining.

Training plan – frequency of training

Contrary to popular belief, muscles do not grow during exercise – on the contrary, the increase in their mass or strength takes place during the rest period after training, when the body compensates for the effort! For this reason, it is not true that we will achieve the best results by spending all days at the gym.

A good workout should last from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the intensity of the exercise, and take place every other day, about 3 times a week. If we decide to train more often, let’s exercise different parts of the body alternatelyto allow them to regenerate properly.


When arranging your exercise plan, it is worth paying attention to the so-called multi-joint exercises, that is, exercises that involve more than one muscle group at the same time. All parts of the muscular system are interrelated and the isolated development of one pair of muscles can lead to injury if adjacent muscles are not trained evenly. The exception here are people who are in contact with the gym for the first time – multi-joint exercises are more stressful, so it may be necessary to prepare for their performance by strengthening individual muscle groups separately.

Training plan – stretching after training

After completing the main part of the training, it is worth spending several minutes on exercises to stretch and relax the muscles involved in a given training session. It is a good practice to provide them with more nutrients and oxygen, which is extremely important for proper muscle regeneration.

It also prevents the formation of leaven. So it’s worth remembering about stretching when creating your training plan.

A ready training plan – is it a good idea?

A properly designed exercise plan should take into account not only the goals of the exerciser, but also his individual predispositions, physical condition and abilities. Ideally, when arranging it, we can consult an experienced personal trainer – he will be able to suggest the optimal plan for the gym with the right assumptions.

Can a ready-made training plan found on the internet or in a journal be related directly to yourself and used in your exercises? It is certainly not a good idea to copy it at a 1: 1 scale without any modifications. However, such a ready-made training plan can be an inspiration, especially for those who are just starting their adventure with the gym.

Where is the best place to find a sample training plan from which you can get ideas for exercises and their layout? The websites of trusted, proven and enjoying good opinions of personal trainers seem to be a good source. Many of them from time to time provide an exemplary training plan for specific training goals. You can safely use them – as long as you think carefully! Remember to adapt such an exercise plan to your needs and abilities.

It is also worth remembering about a proper diet in your training plan. It is worth increasing the supply of protein, so special nutrients are recommended for athletes. Check out the offer available on Medonet Market. To easily prepare them and take them to training, try Shaker OstroVit 700ml, which can be ordered in the color of your choice.

Also read: Workout at home – a safe alternative to the gym

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