Traffic jam during pregnancy: how to know when it is gone? Video
During pregnancy, a mucous plug closes the pharynx of the uterus, protecting the baby from harmful environmental influences. Discharge of the mucous plug is one of the signs of the imminent onset of labor.
Traffic jam during pregnancy: how to know when it is gone?
Mucous plug in a pregnant woman
The mucous plug throughout pregnancy protects the entrance of the uterus from the penetration of various infections. This is a thick substance that, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, liquefies by the time of childbirth and leaves the vagina.
Since during pregnancy the amount of discharge in a woman increases significantly, her exit may be invisible.
It is known that when the plug comes out of the vagina, along with mucus, a small amount of blood can be seen on the panties, but it can be so small that this phenomenon is sometimes very difficult to recognize.
The discharge of the mucous plug is a sign of the imminent onset of labor, however, after its appearance, it can take either one day or a couple of weeks.
Regardless of how a pregnant woman feels, when the mucous plug comes off, she should consult her doctor for advice.
How to identify signs of cork discharge during pregnancy
Some women confuse the release of the mucous plug with the outflow of amniotic fluid. In order not to become a hostage of her ignorance, a pregnant woman should learn to recognize and distinguish signs of mucous plug discharge and outpouring of amniotic fluid.
The color of the mucous plug can vary from translucent with small bloody streaks to dark brown. The appearance of blotches of bright blood stains is possible. The waters are completely transparent, light pink, and with prolonged pregnancy and fetal hypoxia, they are slightly greenish.
The consistency of the cork is thick mucus, sometimes quite liquid, but still not watery, unlike amniotic fluid
The mucous plug can gradually move away in parts over several days; it is also considered normal to exit the plug already during childbirth. The amount of mucus is negligible. Amniotic fluid is poured out once in a volume from half a liter to one and a half, although it may slowly leak.
Symptoms of discharge of the mucous plug may be weak stretching in the lumbar region or uterus, with rupture of the fetal bladder and the outpouring of water, there should be no pain (with the exception of labor pains), however, many pregnant women note that before they begin to flow, they feel a click in the abdomen.
You need to understand that when the mucous plug of a pregnant woman leaves, you must carefully monitor your feelings and seek advice from a doctor, in case of rupture of the membranes, you should immediately go to the hospital.
A simple test can be done to make sure that the mucous plug has come off and not the amniotic fluid. If the pregnant woman coughs and the discharge does not recur within a minute, then you should not rush to the maternity ward yet.
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