- Strong We;
- A clear distribution of roles: a man is the main one (provides financially and is responsible for security, makes decisions); a woman entrusts herself to a man, provides comfort, is responsible for emotional relationships;
- Minimum conflicts (what to argue about — everyone knows who should be responsible for what);
- With such relationships, children easily come to the family, everything is there for them.
Traditional marriage is very vulnerable these days. It is difficult for him to maintain unity. A couple feels great if they have enough common “field” (for example, a wife works with her husband, helps him). In the modern world, the conditions for such joint work are much less than before, and so it turns out: the husband is in the office, the wife is languishing at home. The gap in common time and space leads both spouses to disappointment in life and a feeling of loneliness. A man has a feeling that he is being used; in women, loneliness leads to a painful replacement of needs (psychological with material ones), for example, obsessive shopping. Either under the pressure of society (such relationships are considered “outdated”, the environment and sometimes the husband say go to work), she goes to assert herself in work, which is given to her with great effort. In any case, there is a distance, a loss of contact. And further. If a man loses his job, it is a disaster for him that he cannot provide a couple. And if the wife rushes to save the situation, it can only get worse. As it happened with many couples during the perestroika crisis.
Certain forms of social existence are acceptable: family business, crafts and arts, farming, secretary wife, boss husband’s assistant. Work in large corporations is contraindicated. For this couple, rituals that give the feeling of “we are together” are especially important: joint breakfasts, lunches, dinners (if the husband has the opportunity, it’s good to come home for dinner), walks, and most importantly, heart-to-heart conversations. Perhaps even more important than sex.