Traditional Chinese medicine specialists compete with plastic surgeons and cosmetologists. In recent years, more and more women have opted for acupuncture sessions over surgical facelifts.
Shali Rassouli, a Toronto-based acupuncturist, claims that this is the only way that can be as effective as botox and has no side effects. On the contrary, one-hour sessions of acupuncture benefit not only the appearance of the patients, but also improve the condition of the body as a whole.
The needles placed at the active points of the face improve blood circulation, energy circulation and stimulate the production of collagen, which smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin and refreshes the complexion. In addition, Rassouli argues, acupuncture also helps in the treatment of cellulite.
However, despite its popularity among patients, acupuncture cosmetology has not received the recognition of mainstream medicine. Plastic surgeon Michael McGuire, vice president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, believes that acupuncture beauty simply allows the patient to relax, which results in wrinkle reduction and a better overall appearance.
Dr. McGuire disagrees that acupuncture sessions produce collagen, which has anti-aging effects. In addition, he says, the procedure gives the desired result only for a short period of time. The last statement seems especially strange if we take into account that both
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