trading company in Moscow: reviews, description, address, telephone

The Diadar company is the largest network for the production and sale of natural dietary food products. The main task of the company is to popularize healthy food and promote organic products to the market that are available for every inhabitant of our country.

In the store you can buy products of famous brands from Switzerland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland and other countries, as well as products of your own brand DiYes.

The main product line of the Diadar trading company is made up of really tasty products for a healthy diet, the systematic use of which allows maintaining the balance of micro- and macroelements in the body and ensures a high metabolic rate.

Diadar Company strives to make proper nutrition not only healthy, but also varied. Therefore, you can always order in our store various herbal teas, jelly, bars and other products for gourmets who monitor their health and weight!

The products of our store are complete healthy food for beautiful and energetic people!

Address: Moscow, Staropetrovsky proezd 7a st. 23

Phone: (495) 785-55-23 single reference


E-mail: [email protected]

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