From the article you will learn what track lighting is, where it is used, design features, advantages and disadvantages of track lights, installation and connection.
Track lighting systems for a house or apartment — special designs, characterized by the possibility of mounting and moving fixtures on the busbar for the purpose of a certain positioning and creating an emphasis on lighting in the area of interest. This is their main difference from other types of lamps.
What is track lighting for your home?
Tire track lighting systems are a unique design. It consists of non-flexible busbars, lamps, cable glands, a transformer, track suspensions, as well as connectors with plugs.
One of the main structural elements is the busbar, which is a profile for mounting fixtures. It is in it that the light sources are installed.
The bus duct is made using steel, plastic or aluminum, and tires are mounted in the inner part, which determine the type of product.
The device is often made in the form of a channel, a metal string or a cable.
Track luminaires have special contacts, thanks to which they are connected to the busbar during installation.
The number of light sources can be different and is selected individually depending on the room that needs to be illuminated in an apartment, house, trading floor and office.
The task of any lighting system is to provide full and high-quality lighting of the room.
It is important to consider that in a house or apartment, lamps can play not only the main, but also an additional (decorative) role.
And if in apartments and houses the level of illumination still comes first, which can be adjusted using dimmers, then in entertainment complexes, trading floors and cultural institutions, proper lighting plays a key role. This is where track lights come to the rescue.
In general, such structures are used in the following rooms:
- Exhibition and trade halls;
- Cafeterias, bars, restaurants;
- Offices;
- Rooms in a house or apartment. Here, such devices perform the function of additional illumination. Most often they are used in the arrangement of the interior of a bedroom, living room or kitchen;
- Entertainment establishments (clubs).
Also, track systems have found application in museums, shops, supermarkets and many other premises.
The use of such structures allows you to draw the attention of visitors to certain areas, draw attention to specific offers or products.
That’s why track lights on busbars are increasingly found in salesrooms. Read on the topic – what lighting standards exist in the premises.
What should you know and consider when choosing track lights?
Today, many companies are engaged in the production of such devices. Here are just a few of them.
«Globo Lighting»
Australian brand, which is one of the five most famous manufacturers of lighting equipment. The main motto of the company is to produce products at an affordable price for the consumer.
This is a universal option for consumers who value quality products, but do not want to overpay for interior elements.
The most popular devices of the brand include:
The company, which began its activity in 1994 and during its work has significantly expanded its product range.
Today, under this trademark, all types of lighting equipment used in the interior of residential and office premises are produced.
The advantages of the manufacturer’s devices are the elegance of external solutions, simplicity of design and reliability.
Increased power is guaranteed thanks to the presence of several spotlights providing bright and stable light.
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«Odeon Light»
An Italian company that has become famous in the market, thanks to a wide selection of quality products, a unique style and a huge range.
In the manufacturer’s catalog it is easy to choose devices that are suitable for arranging any interior – both modern and with the effect of antiquity.
The lamps produced by this company are of high quality and modern design, and the installation of suspended structures allows you to transform any room, be it a kitchen, an entrance hall or a living room.
The most popular models are 2075/6 ODL Odeon Light Medeo, as well as 2066/5C ODL Odeon Light Terza.
Other options for track lights.
See also:
When choosing track LED luminaires on the busbar, the following recommendations should be taken into account:
- You should not buy devices that use a group of LED dots. This fact indicates that low quality LEDs are installed in the product, and the lamp itself will quickly break down or give off too dim light.
- If only one bright yellow dot is observed in the track light, this device belongs to a new generation of LEDs, which are characterized by increased power. Such products are the next generation after multi-point counterparts. They perfectly replace the classic store fixtures, made using metal halide lamps with a power of 35-50 watts.
- The disadvantage of many track lights is the lack of tertiary-type optics. But there are more advantages, because the emitted stream allows you to illuminate large rooms, and it is also reliably protected from IR and UV radiation. But be careful – when choosing, you should give preference to lamps with a power of 40 W or more. Otherwise, it will not be possible to provide a high level of illumination.
- A great option is when the track light LED is securely covered with special tertiary optics. The task of the latter is to evenly distribute light through the prismatic glass. It is worse if a cheaper satin material is used for this purpose, which “eats” up to 40% of the light.
In fact, these are new generation light sources that are characterized by high power and the ability to provide good light without significant surface heating.
In addition, the LED module is more durable, which ensures the luminaire’s performance for five years or more.
The main problem is the high price, which often scares off consumers. That is why at the present stage, MGL options are in great demand.
Design features
As noted above, track systems consist of a group of devices, including a busbar, lamps and other elements.
The system works on the principle of combining several light sources on one busbar, which acts as the basis for fastening and provides voltage to the luminaire.
Thanks to this design, it is possible to combine several lighting fixtures of the same type.
Track lights are connected by a common busbar, as well as a special support. Tires are made from a variety of materials, but aluminum is the most commonly used.
These devices have contact groups, thanks to which the connection to track light sources is made.
There are several types of electrical calipers and can be selected taking into account the design of the system.
The most popular shapes are straight, flexible, L- or U-shaped, as well as in the form of a rectangle. At the end of each bus there is a cap that performs a decorative function.
Thanks to the use of different connecting elements, it is possible to place the system at different heights. At the same time, track lights can be switched on and off separately.
The advantage of the design lies in the fact that light sources of different power and design can be easily placed on one busbar, and the number of track lights can be changed depending on the tasks.
The presence of the bus allows, if necessary, to adjust the location of the light sources along the entire length of the system.
In this way, a change in the level of illumination in a certain part of the room, as well as the direction of the light beam, is achieved.
How are products classified?
Track lights on the track can be classified according to the following criteria.
By voltage they are:
- Low voltage;
- High voltage.
By light source:
Type of busbar.
Based on this criterion, track systems can be divided into:
- Single-phase;
- 2-phase;
- 3-phase;
- Minitrack designs are gaining popularity, designed for a small voltage of 12 volts.
Depending on the number of phases provided on the track, it is possible to connect a different number of bulbs – up to several groups, each of which is switched on individually.
By installation method:
- Surface;
- Embedded.
As can be seen from the considered classification, track lights on the busbar can be selected for any type of room and for solving problems of varying complexity.
Advantages and disadvantages
Track lights, located on the busbar, open up endless possibilities when creating an interior.
Over the past few years, such a system has become truly in demand, and the lighting market is saturated with new options for such products.
Installing track lights on the track in any room has many advantages:
- Ability to create directional lighting. Having picked up a suitable design, it is possible to direct a beam of light to the interior point of interest, making the maximum emphasis on it. This is achieved by moving light sources along the busbar, taking into account the tasks set for lighting the room.
- Simplicity and versatility. The use of LED and other track lights is an opportunity to provide the main lighting in a room or trading floor, as well as organize additional lighting.
- The ability to reduce or increase the area. Thanks to a different combination of lamps and the possibility of changing their location, you can achieve any effect – give the room volume or, conversely, make it visually smaller.
- Ease of use. Track systems are well thought out, and their main features include the ability to move fixtures, as well as the independence of different groups from each other.
- Possibility of mounting luminaires with different shapes, dimensions and design on one track. According to manufacturers, technical specifications may also vary, which in no way affects the capabilities and functionality of the design. If necessary, the system can be easily dismantled.
- You can install track lights on any surface. No special skills are required to fix the busbar trunking, so even a beginner can handle the job. So it is not surprising that such designs are gaining popularity. The ability to change the direction of the glow of the device in any direction, which allows you to change the lighting accents after the installation is completed.
- High installation speed. According to experts, the fastening of all parts takes a minimum of time. To further simplify the task, it is worth using fasteners of the same brand. In this case, the stability and strength of the structure is ensured, and the track lights themselves cope with the task perfectly.
- Low power consumption. This is especially true if LED lamps are used as light sources, which also differ in durability and reliability.
- Original design. Many designers use such designs to solve various problems in the design of premises. A feature of track systems on the busbar is versatility, so they fit perfectly into various types of interiors.
The track lights on the track remain cool even during long operation (in the case of LEDs).
In addition, they do not create additional noise and give minimal electromagnetic radiation, which eliminates the slightest harm to health.
In view of the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself about the relevance of using such a design for a home, office or any other room where basic or additional lighting is required.
Despite a number of advantages, track lights on a busbar also have a drawback – a high price, which today many cannot afford. But here everyone determines for himself what is more important for him – quality and convenience or economy.
Features of installation and connection
A lot of questions are caused by the installation of LED track lights, as well as fixing the busbar.
The peculiarity of the designs is that they are sold as a kit, which includes a power supply and everything necessary for mounting.
If you bought a structure without such a block, installation and connection is carried out according to the following algorithm:
- Turn off the power supply in the house or apartment where work is being done. Verify with a multimeter or other device that there is no voltage;
- Put light sources on the track body, and then connect the contacts of the lamps to the contact connections intended for this;
- Bring out the ends of the cables on different sides of the busbar. Remember that each wire has its own color, which makes it easy to determine the phase, neutral wire and ground.
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The installation algorithm is simple. The task is also simplified by the fact that there is no need to cut and call the cable.
The next stage is the installation of LED lamps directly on the busbar.
Here the principle is the same as in the case of spotlights:
- Set up the frame. It can be fixed with brackets or suspension type chains. It is allowed to hang the system using special cables;
- Connect electrical wiring. Route the wires to the places where the track is planned to be installed;
- Combine wires of the same color;
- Insulate all bare conductors at the connection points to avoid a short circuit in the network;
- Put the previously assembled track light. To solve the problem, insert the electrical adapter into a special groove (provided by the design of the device). When installing, listen and stop pressure when a click appears – it indicates that the device is securely fixed;
- Adjust the incidence of the light beam, focusing on interior elements of interest.
It should be noted that during the installation and connection of LED track lights on the busbar, you need to pay attention to the presence of adapters for connecting power on the left and right sides.
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Track lights on the track are a real modern design. They are easy to install, functional, provide high-quality lighting and open up a lot of possibilities when arranging the interior.
As for the high price, it is not a hindrance for people who value comfort and safety over money.
Remember that with track lights you can improve the quality of lighting and make it more practical. At the same time, the original design of the systems will give the room such an important “zest”.