Tracheitis and laryngitis – causes, symptoms, treatment

Tracheitis most often accompanies the inflammation above the larynx. Neglected diagnosis and treatment can also lead to inflammation in the underlying bronchi. Tracheitis may be accompanied by severe breathing difficulties.

Tracheitis is divided into acute and chronic.

Tracheitis is considered to be inflammation of the middle part of the airways, beginning with the larynx and ending with bronchial bifurcations. Due to the specific location of the trachea, its inflammation is most often accompanied by inflammation of other parts of the respiratory tract.

Tracheitis and laryngitis – causes

Both tracheitis and laryngitis are the result of viral infections. Other reasons include:

in the case of laryngitis:

  1. irritants (cigarette smoke, air pollution);
  2. overexploitation of the voice (often found in singers and teachers);

in case of tracheitis:

  1. bacteria;
  2. a complication after the flu or laryngitis.

Tracheitis – symptoms

In acute tracheitis, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. cough, most often dry, bothersome, barking or rumbling, moist later in the disease;
  2. sore throat with a scratchy feeling;
  3. wheezing;
  4. breathing difficulties;
  5. pain behind the breastbone and in the neck area;
  6. feeling tired and weak;
  7. low-grade fever or fever.

Symptoms such as cough, runny nose or fever may not appear until 3-5 days.

The symptoms of chronic tracheitis are similar, but occur with slightly less intensity. Dry cough predominates.

Tracheitis – diagnosis and treatment

There are several different methods for diagnosing tracheitis and its condition. Belong to them:

  1. Chest x-ray;
  2. blood saturation measurement;
  3. pharyngeal swab.

Due to the fact that viruses are the most common cause of tracheitis, doctors usually order symptomatic treatment. For this purpose, drugs are used to relieve pain, reduce fever, as well as drugs that thin the secretion and facilitate its expectoration.

If bacteria are the cause of the disease, treatment with antibiotics is prescribed.

Regardless of the treatment method used, it is important to guarantee the patient’s appropriate conditions. It is mainly about ensuring high air humidity. The patient should also regularly moisturize the respiratory tract, which is why inhalation is often recommended.

In extreme cases, the doctor may recommend the administration of glucocorticosteroids and even adrenaline. In severely ill patients, intubation is also used, i.e. inserting a special tube into the respiratory tract to facilitate breathing.

Tracheitis in a child

Tracheitis in a child can be the result of various infectious factors. In particular, these agents are viruses (RS virus, influenza viruses, parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses), bacteria and fungi.

In the treatment of tracheitis, it is very important to keep the airway open, which is an indication for immediate treatment. Additionally, after securing the respiratory tract, other methods of treatment can be introduced, such as:

  1. enteral antibiotics;
  2. other antimicrobial drugs;
  3. bronchoskopia;
  4. anti-inflammatory drugs.

Remember to contact your doctor immediately if you develop symptoms of laryngitis or tracheitis – whether it affects a child or an adult.

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