Toys for a child at 6 months: what are needed up to a year, development
At the age of 6 months, the child develops the ability to hold and grab objects in his hands. His focus shifts from people’s faces to objects that can be touched. At this age, it is not enough just to talk to him, it is important to use toys for a child at 6 months, which will help him learn about this world.
At the age of 6 months, the baby learns to squeeze his palm and grab objects. Until this skill is fully developed, and the child may miss when he wants to take something. He also often drops toys, and the task of the parents is to help the baby develop this skill.
Toys for a 6 month old baby should help him learn to hold and grip them.
To improve this skill, you can play the following games:
- While playing with the baby, the position of the toy changes. So, you can move her to the right or left, or move her away from the child.
- Place toys of different sizes and shapes in your child’s palm. Thanks to this, the child will learn to understand how to hold objects in his hands, and what position of the fingers should be in order to hold objects of different sizes and shapes.
- Then help your child to work with both hands. Rattles, pyramids and molds will help here. The parent needs to be shown how they can be used. It is important to know what kind of toys are needed to carry out such games. So, the rings of the pyramid can be put on the rod. The child repeats the steps behind the parent and develops both hands.
Thanks to such simple assistance that you provide to your baby, you will significantly accelerate the development of the skill of grasping and holding objects in your hands.
Toys from 6 months to one year
The best toys for this period are:
- The best toy during this period is a rattle. This helps the child not only to develop the grasping skill, but also to realize that he is making noise by moving her. So he realizes that his actions lead to some kind of result.
- Tumbler. Such a toy promotes the development of gross motor skills and crawling skills.
- Soft ball. It is too early to use a regular rubber ball, but you can already roll and throw a textile ball. If there is a fine filler in it, then such a toy will develop fine motor skills.
- Cubes made from soft material. Thanks to them, the child learns to distinguish colors, shapes and other things.
- Clockwork toys. Moving around the apartment, they provoke the child to move. So, they develop the skill of crawling and then walking.
- Toys you can knock on. Nowadays you can find toys that simulate hammering nails and other objects.
- Interactive books. Such toys have several functions at once: they help the baby to recognize this world, assimilate new information, develop fine motor skills and give parents a rest.
The selection of toys in stores is now huge and you can find any toy that will develop your child.
At this age, it is necessary to choose the right toys that will stimulate the child to master skills and learn about the world.