toy terrier dog
People are increasingly opting for miniature dog breeds, among which one of the most popular is the Toy, or Toy Terrier.
Name of the breedToy Terrier, Toy
The time of the birth of the breed2006 (official recognition of the breed)
Origin countryOur Country
A typeDecorative, companion dog
The weightBefore 3 kg
Height (at the withers)Up to 28 cm
Lifespan12 – 15 years
Price of puppies5 — 10 thousand rubles.
Most popular nicknamesBonya, Funtik, Kid, Asya, Mouse, Yula

History of origin

Toy is a very young breed, officially recognized only in 2006. Their ancestors are the English toy terrier, a miniature dog very popular with the nobles of the times of the Empire, but after the October Revolution, this breed suffered the same fate as the greyhound – it was recognized as a “remnant of tsarism” and was practically destroyed. Only a few miniature dogs have survived, which in the 50s of the twentieth century became the ancestor of a new breed – the toy (from the English word “toy” – “toy”).

The ancestors of toy terriers are small English greyhound whippets, Italian greyhounds and Manchester terriers. Such hybrids were successfully used for hunting medium-sized game, such as badgers, but the smallest puppies were valued precisely as decorative dogs. As a result, breeding selection and crossing with continental toy spaniels and Prague rats led to the appearance of a small graceful dog that won the hearts of first European, and then nobility.

Today, the word “terrier” is increasingly leaving the name of the breed, since these dogs have not been used for hunting for a long time, and toys have become one of the most popular indoor breeds in the entire post-Soviet space.

Breed description

The Toy, or Toy Terrier, is a miniature harmoniously built dog of elegant appearance. She has tall, thin limbs, large expressive eyes, and a bony muzzle with tight lips. The ears are large, erect, the stomach is tucked up, the muscles are strong. The dog should never give the impression of friability, on the contrary, the toy terrier always looks athletic and ready for vigorous action.

The height at the withers, both in males and females, does not exceed 28 cm, weight – 3 kg. There are two varieties in the standard: short-haired and long-haired toy terriers. The former are characterized by a smooth, close-lying and satiny lustrous coat, while the latter are beautifully feathered on their hind legs and fringed on their ears. The tail is long, carried high, slightly curved.

Colors: black and tan, brown and tan, chocolate, red, lilac.



The Toy is a true friend of the family. This incredibly intelligent, outgoing and friendly dog ​​has the courageous heart of a working shepherd and will protect his family despite his tiny size. Toy is very active, so it is unlikely that you will see them lounging on the couch doing nothing. They take part in all family affairs, are always in the spotlight and, if possible, even direct the actions of the owners. After all, despite their modest size, Toy consider themselves big dogs and behave with appropriate dignity.

But their nervous system is very labile, so these dogs are sensitive to any stress. And since they are smart and literally let all family events go through themselves, from scandals, some serious changes in the house or noisy guests, toys can even get sick. You can often see them shivering even though the room is warm enough. It comes from a strong nervous excitement.

Care and maintenance

Perhaps a toy terrier, especially a short-haired one, is an ideal dog for life in a city apartment. They do not need long walks, and if for some reason the owner cannot take his pet out for a walk, the dog safely goes to the tray, and the space of the apartment is enough for her to physically warm up.

Toy terriers also do not need frequent bathing, just wipe them with a special mitt or comb them out with a brush with frequent pile (in the case of a long-haired variety of the breed).

In food, these dogs are unpretentious, but they have one feature – toy terriers are practically devoid of a sense of satiety, so the owner should limit their diet by an effort of will and in no case succumb to the affectionate looks and begging postures of four-legged pets – overeating them not only beneficial, but may cause premature death.

Education and training

This is precisely the stumbling block for many “toy owners”. The fact is that most owners who have got a tiny puppy do not understand that a small, but real dog with all its inherent instincts and behaviors has settled in their house. Moreover, they themselves perceive themselves not as sofa toys, but as full-fledged dogs, and behave accordingly. Therefore, you need to educate them as if you had a shepherd or Doberman puppy in front of you. No favors or pampering. Otherwise, you risk getting a capricious and evil creature. Any dog ​​needs a sense of the pack and the consciousness of his place in this pack. If a self-confident toy terrier feels like a leader, he will never listen to you and take into account your desires. Even worse, if he still does not determine for himself his own position in the family hierarchy. Then a nervous, fearful dog will grow out of the puppy, which will attack and bark at everyone.

Therefore, do not look at the fact that the baby fits in the palm of your hand, start training from a very young age. Teach him all the dog commands, behave like a leader and remember: a dog is not a toy and not your child. This is a pack predator that needs a strong and confident leader. Become one for your toy and you will get the most devoted friend for many years!

Health and disease

With proper care, the toy terrier is a very healthy breed, and they simply do not have any typical diseases. However, as mentioned above, often the behavior of the owners becomes the cause of the diseases of these dogs, in particular, their desire to “treat tasty treats”. As a result, the dog gets obesity and related diseases: problems with the heart, digestion and joints. It is also worth protecting the dog from stress, since this breed is characterized by excessive sensitivity. So, if you have noisy and hyperactive children, you should not buy them a live toy.

Also, do not forget that the dog needs timely vaccinations, anti-parasitic measures and nail clipping. Otherwise, with proper care, the toy terrier will not have health problems and will live a long and happy life.

Word to the breeder

Irina Samsonova, breeder of the kennel “Talisman of Love”, Vologda shares his impressions about this breed: “In my youth, I had larger dogs: Airedale, Rottweiler, Shepherd Dog. But there was no more cheerful creature than the toy. This is a bundle of energy that imagines itself to be a huge dog, ambitions are just going wild. There are only a few cowards among the toys. Ready to lay down their lives for the owner. A fighting spirit lives in this small body. The content of the toy is unpretentious. Convenient for all people: the elderly, young, families with children. Very communicative. If we talk about health, then the main problem is teeth, but all small breeds have problems with this.

А breeder of the Volga-sharm kennel from Volgograd Elena Kratko admires: “This is a dog with which you don’t need to go for a walk in the early morning before work, regardless of the weather and health. She will wait for you from work, if necessary, go to the tray, play with toys and sleep on her warm couch. And in the evening, He-Who-Forever-Happy will be waiting for you at home to go to the park together, play and communicate with other dogs. And the owners of other large dogs will envy you, because your friend does not destroy the apartment, does not gnaw on furniture and faithfully loves you, no matter what.

Breeder of Toy Alevtina Erchenkova (kennel “Solnyshko Aleksi”) also shared with us her impressions about this breed: “ Toy is the pride of cynology. And for me, as a breeder with experience with other breeds, this is the only convenient breed for keeping in a city apartment. Our breed is small enough to fit comfortably on the road in a small bag. Does not require regular haircuts, combing and trips to the groomer. The molt is not expressed. Coming from a walk, you just need to wipe your paws – and it’s clean! They have excellent health. And what I would like to convey to the future owners of such a beautiful breed: do not strive to own a super-small dog! They are very fragile. Very often I hear calls from buyers: “We would like a dog weighing less than 1 kilogram …” Extreme minimization in a decorative breed leads to the appearance of various pathologies. Believe me, a healthy, active, easy-to-use dog is a toy weighing about 2,5 kg! Still, it’s a dog smaller than a cat. I affectionately call our breed ” marmosets”. Yes, they are just like that – affectionate, positive, who stole our hearts. And those who bought a healthy, pedigree dog with the right mentality from a conscientious breeder always come for a second one.”

Popular questions and answers

We talked about the care and maintenance of toy terriers with cynologist Lyudmila Zakharova.

How long does it take to walk with a toy terrier?

The toy terrier, or toy, is a very mobile and active dog that will gladly accompany its owner everywhere – whether it’s going to the park, to the store or even to work. So, when leaving the house, feel free to take a small pet with you. In extreme cases, if he gets tired, the dog can always be picked up. The main thing is that you are together.

Can a toy terrier get along with a cat?

It all depends on the cat, which often exceeds the size of the dog. If she does not offend the baby, everything will be all right. True, sometimes pets can be jealous of the owner to each other.

How do toy terriers react to other dogs?

Everything depends on education. If the toychik was brought up correctly, then he will be friendly to his fellows.

Why are toy terriers aggressive?

The owners are solely to blame for this, who turned the dog (albeit a small one, but still a dog!) into a toy. Spoiled, not seeing a reliable leader and protector in people, the Toychiks feel extremely insecure, and their aggression is just fear of a huge and hostile world. Remember that your pet, however tiny, is a complete dog, not a child or a toy.

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