Toxicosis during pregnancy: nutrition. Video Tips
Toxicosis during pregnancy is a fairly common and rather exhausting phenomenon, and in severe forms, even dangerous for the mother and fetus. It is possible to alleviate your condition during this period, you just need to know what to include in your diet and what to refuse.
Toxicosis during pregnancy: nutrition
Causes of toxicosis and its symptoms
Distinguish between early and late toxicosis, but it is the first of them that bothers women most of all, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, and sometimes sweating. The reasons for the onset of toxicosis have not been thoroughly established, therefore, as the main versions, a temporary conflict between the body of the expectant mother with new fetal cells and her increased nervous excitability, which can stop closer to the second trimester, are voiced.
All these sensations can be directly related to food consumption, but sometimes it is enough to do nothing to start nausea, just think about food or smell it.
How to eat with toxicosis of pregnancy
To prevent toxicosis and to alleviate its course, you can eat food in small quantities, without leaning on large portions. The temperature of the dishes should not be too cold or hot, as such contrasts can provoke vomiting. There should be at least 5 meals per day, the most dense of which should be in the daytime, since toxicosis is often felt especially acutely in the mornings and evenings. In the event that even thoughts about food cause irritation, you can try to deceive the nausea by drinking a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk. After all, the body must necessarily receive food, otherwise, as a result of forced starvation, the fetus will begin to look for the substances it needs for development in the mother’s body. In the morning, you can try breakfast without getting up in bed and lying down after eating for some time. But this method only helps if the nausea is not felt while lying down.
Within reasonable limits, toxicosis is not dangerous, and as such a universal treatment for it does not exist
What to eat with toxicosis
According to the composition, it is necessary to select easily digestible and vitamin food, since an overly dense, fatty or spicy dish can cause digestive problems even in an absolutely healthy person. As for the diet itself, it should be as useful as possible, but at the same time give a pregnant woman pleasure. Because if you absolutely do not want to eat much-needed cottage cheese or liver, you should not listen to advice and try to swallow them through force. This can achieve neither the relief of toxicosis, nor the benefit for the mother and baby.
There are no universal remedies to alleviate the condition, and therefore you can find your own only by trial.
How else to help with toxicosis
An attack of sudden onset toxicosis can be relieved by ingesting:
- several slices of any fruit or berries with sourness (lemon, currant, cranberry)
- sip of mineral water
- a few salted croutons
- mint candy