Toxicosis during pregnancy: how to get rid of? Video

Toxicosis during pregnancy: how to get rid of? Video

Nausea during early pregnancy is normal. However, if it is accompanied by vomiting, even more so multiple, the expectant mother may experience serious inconvenience. You can cope with toxicosis by reviewing the diet, as well as using traditional medicine.

Toxicosis during pregnancy

Signs of early toxicosis during pregnancy

The first signs of early toxicosis usually appear at 5-6 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. A woman can feel not only nausea, but also a breakdown, decreased performance, drowsiness and dizziness. Also signs of toxicosis are unusual taste preferences, sensitivity to odors, decreased appetite or no appetite at all.

As a rule, toxicosis passes by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, by 12-14 weeks. In rare cases, it can drag on until the middle of pregnancy, and in exceptional cases, it can continue until the very birth.

With mild toxicosis, a woman’s vomiting is either absent, or occurs no more than twice a day. With toxicosis of moderate severity, vomiting can be up to 10 times a day. Severe toxicosis is accompanied not only by repeated vomiting, but also by sudden weight loss and dehydration. Severe toxicosis threatens the health and life of the expectant mother, and therefore its treatment should be carried out in a hospital. In rare cases, when treatment does not help, the only solution to the problem is to terminate the pregnancy.

How to get rid of early toxicosis

You can get rid of mild toxicosis at home. First of all, you should revise your diet and lifestyle. Food should be taken in small portions, but often – up to 5-6 times a day. Since nausea is often triggered by a feeling of hunger, it is better to have breakfast immediately after waking up. You should not gorge yourself to the full, it is better to have a light snack, for example, a crouton with tea or yogurt that does not contain flavors and dyes. In addition, it is important to be outdoors more often. The flow of oxygen improves blood circulation and appetite, as a result of which the woman’s well-being is also normalized.

During pregnancy, you need to listen to your body and stop eating foods that cause nausea.

You can relieve nausea by sucking on a peppermint or taking a few sips of herbal tea. Honey also has a good effect. You can eat it in a teaspoon or dissolve it in a glass of warm water. Citrus fruits and juice from them also help to cope with toxicosis, however, it is not recommended to consume them in large quantities due to the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

A well-known folk remedy for toxicosis is ginger. It does not have a negative effect on the fetus, and therefore can be used at any stage of pregnancy. Ginger tea is especially effective, but ginger root can also be consumed fresh.

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