Tourist Food Code

A long-awaited vacation in overseas countries is a time when you want to indulge in idleness, contemplate the surrounding beauty and, of course, study the local culinary delights. The price for gastronomic permissiveness is the hated extra pounds and the need to sit down on a strict diet upon returning to their native penates. How to keep your perfect shape on vacation and at the same time avoid strict restrictions?

Acclimatization for the stomach

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Do not rush to the nearest restaurant for outlandish dishes immediately after handing over the keys to the hotel room. In the first days, it is better to refrain from tasting unknown dishes and exotic products altogether. This can be a severe test for the stomach and ruin the whole vacation. There will be plenty of time to catch up. And you should start with more familiar fruits and vegetables. Choose exclusively local products grown by the caring hands of local farmers. You will surely rediscover the natural taste of seemingly familiar food. In addition, protect the body from chemicals that are often flavored with imported vegetables and fruits.

Getting ready for the road

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The main trouble that lies in wait for vacationers across the seas-oceans – food poisoning. Sometimes the domestic stomach is not ready to meet with foreign food. Therefore, doctors recommend that you start taking food enzymes a week before you arrive at the place of rest. It is worth taking care of a personal first-aid kit, including essential medicines. So that the body does not suffer from constipation, do not get carried away with rice, and as a dressing for dishes, it is better to choose olive or vegetable oil. The simplest preventive measure is to drink a glass of boiled water on an empty stomach. On vacation, you should generally drink as much liquid as possible, because in the summer the body needs it especially acutely. Lack of water can lead to severe headaches, weakness, cardiovascular system failures, and in older people can even provoke a heart attack.  

Mode above all else

Coming to another country and parting with everyday work is not a reason to give up the right diet. Ideally, it should include three main meals and two or three snacks in between. At the same time, the volume of each meal should not exceed 350 grams, and as the night approaches, its caloric content should decrease. Tasting the local cuisine in every restaurant along the way or helping yourself to the company of newly minted resort acquaintances is a sure way to gain extra pounds in record time. Sit down at the table when the body really requires it and get up from it with a feeling of slight hunger.

Let there always be breakfast

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Breakfast should be rich and thorough, even if a little more calorific than lunch. Fill up with fiber, carbohydrates and proteins in the morning, and the feeling of hunger will not bother you for a long time. If you plan to get acquainted with local pastries and other colorful dishes, you can’t find a better time for this. Although the most preferred menu will consist of fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir with oat flakes or muesli to choose from. However, it is worth considering that finding fermented milk products in Asian countries is a rare success. But they can be replaced with eggs, whole-grain bread, cereals or low-fat meats.

Lunch without fanaticism

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Lunch should also be dense, but moderately high in calories. Three courses and compote-not the best choice, fraught with heaviness in the stomach and other not the most pleasant sensations. Try some soup or broth from the local cuisine. Liquid food must be present in the diet, even on rest days. Add to it a light salad of vegetables or seafood, as well as a piece of lean fish or meat. Can’t live without a sweet day? Treat yourself to a fruit salad, a fresh berry smoothie or an exotic sorbet.

Dinner in the edges of reason

By the evening, appetites should be tempered. And this does not require giving dinner to the enemy at all. Let the final meal be light and not too voluminous. Overeating at bedtime is the worst punishment for the stomach and stress for the whole body as a whole. The salvation will be all the same fruits, vegetables or fresh juices. The main thing is to protect yourself from the temptations that beckon especially invitingly in the sunset hours. With alcohol, too, it is better to be on the alert. A couple of glasses of wine at dinner is the optimal norm, which is not so difficult to observe. 

Goodbye, fast food!

Snacking is the foundation of a healthy diet, unless it’s the proverbial fast food. Alas, it often becomes an inseparable companion of almost any tourist during long excursions around the city or running through souvenir shops. But it is the insidious snacks that are the main culprits for the fact that Libra shows us disappointing results at the end of the vacation. Avoid buns, hot dogs, and chips in favor of fruits, light salads, juices, dairy products, or nuts. Just do not overdo it with the latter – nuts are also very high in calories, although they are useful for the body.  

Forever with sports

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The desire to spend the entire vacation in a horizontal position is quite understandable, but you should not implement it with enviable constancy. Moreover, an active pastime will help to burn extra calories and keep the body in good shape. To do this, you do not have to sign up for the gym and torture yourself with exercises on the simulators. More often, go on walking tours or walk around the city after lunch, arrange long-distance swims or learn new sports. Beach volleyball or badminton will bring much more benefit than an idle reclining on a chaise longue.   

When you go on vacation, do not forget to take with you prudence, moderation and willpower. And then the rest will give a lot of pleasant impressions, will be really useful and unforgettable. 

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