Tourette syndrome, what is it?

Tourette syndrome, what is it?

Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by uncontrolled, involuntary and brief motor and / or sound tics.

Definition of Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome (also called Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (SGT)) is a neurological pathology of genetic origin. The associated clinical signs are manifested by motor tics and / or sound. These neurological responses are involuntary, sudden, and brief. Behavioral, attention, sleep, learning disorders or even panic attacks can also be the consequence of such a syndrome.

It is a rare disease, the prevalence of which (number of patient cases identified at a given time, in the general population) is estimated at 1 case in 2 people.

Causes and risk factors associated with Tourette syndrome

The exact cause of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is still unknown. However, a genetic origin has been widely emitted. Many genes are thought to be involved in the development of the disease, but their identification is not yet clear.

In addition, environmental factors would not be trivial in the context of such a syndrome. Indeed, the exposure of the fetus or infant to toxic factors, stress, or even immune reactions (recurrent Streptococcus infections, for example) can be an additional risk factor for the syndrome.

Who is affected by Tourette syndrome?

Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological condition that affects children. Boys are more prone to the development of such a pathology.

Evolution et complications possible

The tics, motor and sound, generally develop during the first years when the child goes to school. The severity of symptoms and their frequency generally increase in adolescence, and then decrease in adulthood.

During puberty, however, a decrease in clinical signs may be observed.

Symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome

The characteristic symptoms of Tourette syndrome are:

  • the appearance of motor and / or sound tics suddenly, briefly and involuntarily. Motor tics particularly affect the face, head and shoulders. The sound tics, on the other hand, appear later.
  • behavioral problems
  • learning disabilities
  • attention disorders
  • compulsive disorders.

These clinical manifestations vary greatly from one patient to another. Their onset is often linked to childhood, with peaks sometimes not visible. Stressful situations, a state of fatigue, anxiety or the consumption of stimulants can be at the origin of a deterioration of clinical signs.

Children with Tourette syndrome also have learning disabilities (difficulty writing or reading). But also “visio-motor” disorders (slowness in the execution of tasks for example).

How to treat Tourette syndrome?

No treatment for the syndrome is currently available. However, the clinical manifestations can be attenuated with therapeutic management. This treatment is carried out for the most extreme cases of the disease, when the symptoms disturb the daily life of the patients. Among the most widely used drug treatments, we can cite: dopaminergic agonists, GABAergic agonists, or alpha2 agonists.

Children with mild motor and / or sonic tics usually do not need treatment.

Family and educational support is necessary in the context of such a disease.

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