Total Condition Workouts

Total condition workouts are intense, so people who have only recently started playing sports should not overload their body. You need to start classes with something light and simple, and then gradually increase the load.

Difficulty level: For experienced

Total condition is a complex exercise that includes strength exercises, step aerobics, as well as training using simulators and additional equipment. Group workouts are designed to build stamina, strengthen the muscles of the entire body, and deliver a powerful calorie punch.

Training is needed to:

  • work out the press, buttocks and leg muscles – these parts of the body are given the most intense load;
  • burn excess fat in a short time and put the body in order;
  • create a visible muscle relief;
  • develop the speed of movement;
  • straighten your back, give your posture a proud look;
  • improve the strength of the body;
  • strengthen the body as a whole, get rid of a number of diseases, bring the body into excellent physical shape.

In the shortest possible time, you can create the figure of your dreams. After all, classes help the muscles to tighten, and the skin – to become more elastic, elastic and smooth. The developed respiratory program, along with intense physical activity, will improve blood circulation and increase the supply of oxygen to the cells of soft tissues and muscles.

How to start training Total Condition

  • Total condition workouts are intense, so people who have only recently started playing sports should not overload their body.
  • You need to start classes with something light and simple, and then gradually increase the load. That is why it is not recommended to practice on your own: in a group, the coach will help and tell everyone what loads are best to apply, and what you need to refrain from.
  • Before training, a warm-up is mandatory, aimed at warming up all the working muscles of the body in order to avoid injuries.

For Total condition, you need to choose clothes that will not be noticeable on the body and will not hinder movement. A cotton T-shirt or T-shirt is best, as well as leggings made of natural fabric with the addition of elastane. Shoes should be with a tight top for perfect fixation of the feet. During training, you will need various devices: dumbbells and barbells, a step platform, and harnesses.

Top Reasons to Start Total Condition Training

If you attend Total condition classes regularly, you will be able to:

  1. Lose Weight – Exercise will allow you to lose weight, get rid of excess fat, which not only spoils the appearance, but also worsens your well-being.
  2. Make your body look beautiful – With a clearly defined muscle relief. You will be able to form a figure without pumped muscles, dry and tighten problem areas.
  3. Oxygenate the muscles – Due to increased blood circulation, oxygen enters the cells more intensively. Muscles will be in good shape, begin to grow and acquire the desired shape. Also, you will feel cheerful all the time and forget about chronic fatigue.
  4. Normalize the nervous system – Training will help you become more calm, steadfastly respond to stressful situations.
  5. Strengthen the heart system — A healthy heart is the key to your excellent health and great opportunities. So they need to be taken seriously. The Total condition includes exercises aimed at training endurance, during which the heart actively works and strengthens.

Basic exercises Total Condition

  1. Stretching the neck muscles – Stand in the “feet shoulder-width” position. Tilt your head to the sides, as well as back and forth. Repeat 30 times, do 2 sets.
  2. Pushups – Take a prone position, lift the body on your hands. The body should be straight, without sagging. Lower the body to the floor, while bending your arms. The chest should almost touch the floor. Repeat 10 times, do 4 sets.
  3. Planck – Take a prone position, lift the body on the forearms and fix the body in this position for 30 seconds. The back should be parallel to the floor, legs should be straight. Do 3 sets.
  4. Lying leg raise – You need to lie on the floor, put your feet together, put your hands calmly along the body. Raise your legs up, pull your socks towards you. Hold your legs in this position for 2 seconds and lower down 5 cm from the floor, do not touch it. Repeat 8 times, do 5 sets.

Total condition is suitable for those who want to spend little time and at the same time achieve a colossal result.

Recommendations for training Total Condition

Training is necessary for those who are preparing for competitions and want to put their muscles in order in a short period of time, give them the necessary tone, and prepare the body for heavy loads.

  • Total condition classes will help: – get a flat tummy with a pronounced relief – “cubes”; strengthen the back and the entire muscular corset of the body; to prevent heart disease; restore the nervous system; increase the saturation of cells with oxygen; burn excess fat; improve metabolism; make the spine more flexible; make your body slim.
  • Total condition training is undesirable:  – heart disease; high blood pressure; pregnancy; recent trauma; arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Training is suitable for all people, even those who have not previously played sports. Physical fitness doesn’t play a big role. But you should listen to contraindications.

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