Total cholesterol – examination, norms, interpretation of results

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Total cholesterol is tested from the blood. Cholesterol is essential for the proper synthesis of steroid hormones and bile acids. However, elevated cholesterol levels lead to a build-up of cholesterol in the blood vessel wall.

Total cholesterol is its total level supplied to the body both through the diet and its production in the liver and intestinal walls. We divide it into two parts: bad (LDL fraction) and good (HDL fraction).

Excess bad cholesterol leads to a progressive narrowing of the vessel lumen, obstructing blood flow and reducing blood and oxygen supply. The higher the cholesterol level, the higher the risk of cardiovascular complications (myocardial infarction, stroke, lower limb atherosclerosis). Additionally, triglycerides are isolated from total cholesterol. All substances: LDL, HDL and triglycerides are an important building component of hormones, cells, bile acids and vitamins. Serum or plasma isolated from a venous blood sample is collected for total cholesterol testing. The determination is made on the basis of the enzymatic method of hydrolysis of cholesterol esters, followed by oxidation of free cholesterol to form H 2 O 2, and the values ​​are given in mmol / l or mg / dl.

We measure total cholesterol in the following circumstances:

  1. Assessment of the risk of cardiac complications in the course of coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity and hyperuricemia.
  2. Basic screening test – if the result is correct, it should be repeated every 5 years.
  3. If you have yellow skin lesions around your eyes.
  4. Damage to the liver parenchyma.
  5. In diabetics.
  6. With an overactive or underactive thyroid gland.
  7. Disturbance of flow in peripheral vessels.
  8. Malabsorption from the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Suspicion of thyroid disorders.

Buy packages of preventive examinations today, in which, among others, you will determine the level of cholesterol in the blood. On Medonet Market you will find a preventive examination package – blood tests.

In addition, the total cholesterol test is also used as a health prophylaxis (each person should perform a total cholesterol test at least once every 5 years).

  1. Do you have high cholesterol? Check the device measuring glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides

Cholesterol HDL

HDL cholesterol is colloquially called good cholesterol extracted from the total cholesterol tested (high-density alpha-lipoprotein). In fact, HDL cholesterol is the cholesterol fraction that is responsible for removing cholesterol from the vascular walls and other lipid fractions, such as chylomicrons. For this reason, it is one of the most important elements that prevents atherosclerosis, and its high concentration has a protective effect in cardiovascular diseases.

After cholesterol is removed from the vessel walls, it is transported to the liver, where it is broken down and then removed from the body in the bile. The most beneficial for the body is a high level of HDL with a simultaneous low concentration of LDL. Another function of HDL cholesterol is to store apoproteins (a store of proteins), which are needed for triglycerides and phospholipids to be transferred to the cholesterol tissues. Low HDL cholesterol is an autogenous risk factor for these diseases.

LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol is produced by the transformation of VLDL lipoproteins produced in the liver and chylomicrons resulting from the absorption of dietary fats. Colloquially it is called bad cholesterol, the fraction of which is distinguished from the total cholesterol found in the serum. Its transport in the human body takes place with the help of proteins combined with fats – lipoproteins.

Cholesterol plays an important building role in the body, as it is used not only to build cell membranes, but also fatty acids. High blood cholesterol is one of the risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Testing the LDL cholesterol level is the basis of preventive and therapeutic activities, but also a method that helps to reduce the level of lipids in the blood. LDL cholesterol analysis helps to assess the patient’s risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

People who experience frequent leg pain and fatigue even during minimal physical activity should be interested in their cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, it is very insidious and often does not give any disturbing symptoms for years. That is why prevention and regular self-examination is very important.

CholeoPRO – the YANGO dietary supplement, which reduces the level of bad cholesterol and stabilizes the level of good cholesterol, will help in regulating the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Total cholesterol – study

Total cholesterol is measured after serum is drawn from the vein in the arm. The test subject should be fasting for at least 16 hours until the measurement. You should refrain from consuming high-fat foods during the last meal before testing. The same is true for alcohol. In addition, 3 weeks before the examination, drugs that may disturb the lipid metabolism, in addition to drugs for the treatment of hyperlipidemia, should be discontinued. Before the examination, you should also avoid excessive physical exertion, and in the case of infection – postpone the examination.

Waiting Time for Total Cholesterol Score: 1 Day.

Total cholesterol – the norm: in people without ischemic heart disease – below 190 mg / dl, in people with ischemic heart disease – below 175 mg / dl.

Comments: The level of total cholesterol is significantly influenced by the share of animal fats in the diet and disturbances in cholesterol metabolism in the body. That is why we distinguish between primary and secondary causes of hypercholesterolaemia.

You can also test cholesterol, glucose and uric acid at home. All you need to do is get the right device. We recommend Multifunction meter – glucose, cholesterol, uric acid – NOVAMA MultiCheck Pro +.

Total cholesterol – study analysis

When analyzing the total cholesterol test result, we must take into account the following factors:

  1. whether there are similar diseases in the family,
  2. smoking,
  3. age,
  4. płec,
  5. hypertension,
  6. diabetes
  7. additional laboratory tests.

When is total cholesterol elevated?

  1. in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy,
  2. in people with damaged liners,
  3. in patients with liver disease,
  4. in people suffering from diseases of the biliary tract,
  5. in patients with genetically determined primary hypercholesterolaemia,
  6. in people who lack regular physical activity,
  7. in people who use a bad diet,
  8. in nephrotic syndrome,
  9. in diabetics,
  10. in the case of hypothyroidism,
  11. taking steroids,
  12. the use of drugs against HIV.

Note: Vitamin C overdose can cause false-low total cholesterol.

Congenital hypercholesterolaemia

When the value of total cholesterol reaches very high parameters (over 300 mg / dl), the cause of the genetic tendency to hypercholesterolaemia should be determined. In young people, high cholesterol levels (700-1200 mg / dl) can cause atherosclerosis (even in children), while lower values ​​lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases. It usually occurs polygenic hypercholesterolaemia, the formation of which is also influenced by a high-fat diet.

If the cholesterol level is too high, it is worth reaching for Cholesten cholesterol Pharmovit – a natural dietary supplement available at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

First of all, you should change your diet, reduce the consumption of animal fats and improve your lifestyle. You should then go for a checkup after 4 weeks of the diet. If the patient’s results remain unchanged by period of 3 monthspharmacological treatment should be implemented. It is worth drinking herbs to improve cholesterol, e.g. ready-made Pankrofix – herbal tea available at Medonet Market.

Nevertheless, the treatment of excessive total cholesterol should begin with the implementation of an appropriate diet. As part of the diet, it is recommended to eat the following products:

  1. lean meat and cold cuts,
  2. fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel containing omega-3 fatty acids),
  3. rapeseed oil is recommended for frying, as it does not oxidize under the influence of high temperature. Generally, in people with high cholesterol or suffering from arteriosclerosis, it is recommended to give up fried foods. Instead, they should eat steamed or stewed and cooked foods with as little fat as possible.
  4. vegetables and fruits: contain a large amount of vitamins E and C, which have protective properties and prevent cholesterol oxidation,
  5. grain products,
  6. water (preferably about 8 glasses a day),
  7. dark bread,
  8. low-fat milk, yoghurt, lean white cheese,
  9. products with a high fiber content (e.g. groats, rice, oatmeal, bran),
  10. nuts (in small amounts),
  11. red wine (in small amounts).

Give up sweets.

In addition to the diet, it is worth introducing regular physical activity into your daily activities, which has a positive effect on cholesterol levels and also helps to maintain the balance between LDL and HDL. In addition, exercise improves circulation and helps to get rid of extra pounds. In order to normalize the cholesterol level, it is worth starting an appropriate supplementation with vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. At Medonet Market you can now buy a set of dietary supplements for cholesterol. Also try the mistletoe elixir or the artichoke elixir, which support the proper functioning of the circulatory system and the liver. The artichoke elixir is one of the elements of the CHOLESTEROL Set, which is worth having at home to take care of the proper level of cholesterol in the body.

Medicinal preparations lowering cholesterol are implemented as a last resort when all other activities do not bring the expected benefits.

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