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With the onset of warmth, the desire of every woman to be beautiful is exacerbated. Many ladies begin to intensively lose weight and update their wardrobe. And only the most far-sighted understand that the basis of beauty is not a new dress, but skin that shines with youth and health.
If the reflection in the mirror does not please not only because of traces of the so-called spring fatigue, but also because of numerous skin flaws (pimples, acne, vascular mesh, etc.) – it’s time to go to an appointment with a specialist. It is unlikely that it will be possible to solve these problems on your own: the treatment of facial skin requires certain qualifications and professional knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to choose experienced specialists so as not to waste either time or money. For example, the regional polyclinic “Medical cosmetology” is visited by patients who choose medical institutions with a reliable stable history and quality, equal to world standards.
The track record of the OP “Medical Cosmetology” is truly impressive. This is the first specialized medical institution in the Nizhny Novgorod region, working in the field of beauty, aesthetics and health since February 1, 1963. Since 2009, it has been included in the national register of the leading healthcare institutions in Russia; in 2012, the polyclinic was awarded the main all-Russian economic award “Leaders of the Russian Economy” in the category “Leader of Quality”; in 2014, “Medical cosmetology” was awarded the All-Russian prize “National quality mark” with the award of the honorary title “Guarantee of quality and reliability”.
The list of services provided in this institution is very extensive and is only updated every year: from removal of neoplasms to procedures that compete with plastic surgery. Polyclinic specialists successfully fight with such problems as various neoplasms (moles, papillomas, warts), acne, mimic wrinkles, age-related skin changes, increased sweating, overweight and cellulite, hair loss, hair structure disorder, etc.
One of the most widespread cosmetic problems requiring mandatory treatment by a beautician is acne. According to statistics, 60–80% of the young population aged 12 to 23 suffer from acne to one degree or another. However, acne is not only a problem for young people, very mature people also suffer from this scourge. Attempts to cope with it without the help of a professional are completely untenable. The fact is that the skin is one of the most important indicators of the internal state of the body. And if you have acne, then the body is sending a distress signal, which only a doctor can decipher.
What is acne and where does it come from?
Acne is a chronic inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands, mainly in the face, back and chest, that are clogged and produce increased sebum. Why does acne appear? Experts point out a number of possible reasons:
• genetic predisposition;
• hormonal changes;
• stress;
• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, problems in the field of gynecology: often a rash indicates only the presence of some kind of chronic disease (for example, acne located in women on the chin and around the mouth indicates ovarian pathology);
• with excessive use of cosmetics (fatty creams, oils, tonal means, blush);
• with prolonged pressure on the skin (telephone receiver, cloth, headdress);
• the use of certain drugs, such as anabolic steroids, used by athletes and bodybuilders.
The severity of the disease
Inflammation can develop at any stage of acne, and it can be superficial and deep. There are three forms of the disease:
Mild – when there are closed or open acne without signs of inflammation. Less than 10 elements are observed on the skin of the face.
Medium – when from 10 to 40 acne elements are observed on the skin of the face.
Severe – more than 40 acne elements, usually purulent or inflamed.
With a mild severity of the disease, external drugs are used. In moderate and severe phases, both external and internal treatment are used, as well as all kinds of professional cosmetic procedures. Only a competent specialist or cosmetologist will help to cope with acne of varying severity.
Prevention of acne
So that the problem of ugly skin never touches you, it is important to follow the basic rules of prevention to help prevent acne:
• daily cleanse the skin – at home you can use special antibacterial soaps, foams, scrubs;
• those who are prone to the appearance of these imperfections are not recommended to use fatty creams, ointments, oils containing vasilin and lanolin;
• from cosmetic and decorative cosmetics, you should choose products marked non-comedogenic, that is, they do not contain components that contribute to the appearance of acne;
• monitor the quality of the gastrointestinal tract, exclude fatty foods, honey, sweets, coffee, canned food, alcohol, chocolate from the diet;
• walk more in the fresh air;
• Do not smoke;
• do not be nervous and do not overstrain;
• avoid various contacts with the skin of the face;
• when acne elements appear, do not try to squeeze them out – this will only aggravate the situation.
Acne treatment
The duration of acne treatment depends on the timely access to a medical institution for help and the patient’s adherence to the treatment schedule prescribed by a dermato-cosmetologist (medical procedures and home care). Usually, patients go to a polyclinic with a large degree of skin damage, so the treatment process can reach from 6 months to 1 year, but the result brings a person healthy, radiant skin, good mood, relieves from complexes. The first stage of treatment is to minimize the amount of elements poured out. At the second stage, residual manifestations are eliminated: stagnant spots and scars. In the treatment of acne, cleansing (ultrasonic and mechanical), cryomassage, masks, peelings, therapeutic massage, ozone therapy, etc. are prescribed. otherwise, a clumsy cleaning will only add to the problem. In the regional polyclinic “Medical cosmetology” acne has been treated for a long time and successfully.
Free yourself from emotional distress and discomfort! Let your skin shine with beauty and health!
Working hours of the regional polyclinic “Medical cosmetology”:
Monday-Friday: 8.00–20.00
Saturday: 10.00-16.00
You can get expert advice by calling:
(831) 419-24-00, 419-85-54,
Address: st. M. Gorky, 186 (next to Svoboda square)
You can ask your questions:
Detailed information on the website:
There are contraindications, consult a specialist.
License to carry out medical activities No. LO 52-01 001939 dated 09.02.2012