Tornado from weeds: composition, purpose, mechanism of action, pros and cons + instructions for use and consumption rates

Weeds often cause slow ripening of crops and poor-quality crops. To prevent these unpleasant phenomena, gardeners resort to the help of herbicides. “Tornado” from weeds managed to establish itself as an effective and safe drug.

Description and characteristics of the herbicide

The weed killer “Tornado” is actively used both in private gardens and in agricultural fields. It is so effective that even one drop of it can destroy a weed stalk.

Purpose and mechanism of action

Weed poison is used everywhere: in vineyards, vegetable gardens, orchards and fields. The principle of action of the drug is that the active components penetrate into the tissues of the plant. As a result, the synthesis of amino acids stops and the culture dies.

Tornado from weeds: composition, purpose, mechanism of action, pros and cons + instructions for use and consumption rates
“Tornado” actively fights weed plants

It should be noted that all parts of the plant die, except for the seeds. That is why, for the complete destruction of the weed, it makes sense to re-treat the site.

Weed grass is completely impregnated with herbicide 3-4 hours after treatment. However, the visible effect occurs at least on the 6th day, when the stem and leaves begin to turn yellow and wither. Complete destruction of the weed occurs after 14 days.

The herbicide kills about 150 weed species. The most effective “Tornado” in the fight against such plants:

  • thistle;
  • pork;
  • wheatgrass;
  • sedge;
  • bindweed;
  • cane;
  • cane.

Composition and forms of release

The active ingredient of the product is isopropylamine salt. The concentration of the substance depends on the purpose and mechanism of action of a particular product from the Tornado line. The herbicide is available in ampoules as a liquid. The volume of each ampoule is 5 ml. In addition, the drug can be purchased in containers of 50, 100 and 1000 ml.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug


  • democratic value;
  • rapid penetration into the tissue of weeds;
  • wide range of influence;
  • safety for humans and domestic animals;
  • relatively fast removal from the soil;
  • long storage period.


  • does not affect weed seeds;
  • at low concentrations may be ineffective.

Video “Herbicide “Tornado” from weeds”

This video shows how to properly treat the beds with the drug.

We process paths from weeds with a tool – Tornado

Instructions for use

In order for the use of the herbicide to be as effective and safe as possible, it is necessary to study the instructions for use in detail.

Dosage and consumption rates

When treating a site where annual weeds grow, it is recommended to use the product at a dosage of 25 ml per 3 liters of water. In the case of cereals, 50 ml should be used for the same volume of liquid. To eradicate more resistant types of weeds, such as ragweed, bindweed or purslane, you should increase the concentration of the substance to 75 ml.

Starting to prepare the solution, you should take into account the rate of its consumption:

  • bush weeds – up to 8 l;
  • perennial and dicotyledonous – 6 l;
  • cereals and annuals – 4 l.

The consumption of the drug also depends on the degree of infestation of the site and the type of weed.

Tornado from weeds: composition, purpose, mechanism of action, pros and cons + instructions for use and consumption rates
Drug consumption rates

Preparation of the solution

To prepare the solution, it is necessary to prepare a container, clean water and an ampoule with the substance. Shake the herbicide before adding the contents of the vial to a bucket of water.

It is not recommended to dilute the drug with the entire volume of water at once. The liquid should be divided into two parts and after introducing the contents of the ampoule, add the rest of the water. Constant stirring of the solution is required.

Author’s advice

Terms and frequency of processing

The prepared composition must be used immediately, because its properties are lost quite quickly. Processing is best done in the evening or on cloudy days. A fundamentally important condition is the absence of wind, otherwise the herbicide may spread to other crops.

The frequency of processing directly depends on the type of weed and the goals pursued:

  • in the case of bush weed, one procedure per year will suffice;
  • perennials should be re-sprayed after flowering;
  • annual crops die after the first spraying, but their seeds, as a rule, germinate again, so it is recommended to re-treat after 2-3 months.
Tornado from weeds: composition, purpose, mechanism of action, pros and cons + instructions for use and consumption rates
Symptoms of the effect of the drug on weeds

Compatibility with other drugs

To get the maximum result from the treatment, it is recommended to combine the herbicide with other drugs in this group. “Tornado” has the best compatibility with “Magnum”, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, nitrogen supplements.

In the event that a more serious approach is needed to destroy weeds, it is recommended to combine Tornado with the BI-58 insecticide.

To increase the effectiveness of treatments, it makes sense to use means aimed at destroying weed seeds.

Personal Safety Measures

Despite the relative safety of the herbicide, it is still a chemical, and therefore requires compliance with elementary safety rules:

  1. Processing should be carried out only in dry and calm weather. Otherwise, there is a high risk of the spread of toxic substances throughout the summer cottage.
  2. Before spraying, it is necessary to change into clothes that would cover the maximum number of body parts. In addition, it is important to use rubber gloves and goggles.
  3. Near the area where the treatment is carried out, there should not be children, people suffering from respiratory diseases, the elderly, pets.
  4. It is important to ensure that there is no food or drinking water near the treated area.
  5. If the drug still gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of running water. If itching, inflammation or an allergic reaction is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Tornado from weeds: composition, purpose, mechanism of action, pros and cons + instructions for use and consumption rates
Working with herbicides requires personal safety equipment

User Reviews

Means for the destruction of weeds “Tornado” has already managed to establish itself on the positive side. It is considered one of the most popular herbicides on the market. Numerous reviews testify to this.

“We live in a private house, there is a small vegetable garden and a garden. Weeds, especially individual species, have always been a headache for both me and my husband. We fought them mainly by weeding. But you yourself understand how troublesome it is. Recently acquired “Tornado”. One treatment was enough to clear all the beds from ambrosia and bindweed. Great tool!”

“I am an avid gardener. I like to indulge in different flowers, ornamental shrubs. A year ago, I planted lawn grass all over the site. She would not require special care if it were not for the weeds. In addition to spoiling the aesthetic appearance, they also inhibit the growth of grass. A neighbor advised herbicide “Tornado”. To be honest, I did not expect the effect, I am skeptical about such means. But a week after spraying, I noticed that the weed began to wither and completely disappeared. Satisfied with the tool.

Obviously, the Tornado tool deserves the attention and trust of summer residents. The herbicide will allow you not to bother with weeding the beds, because the active components of the drug will do all the work.

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