Top Immunity Strengthening Yoga Exercises
We explain the rules for performing three asanas that will improve your nervous and immune systems.
Non-standard situations require non-standard solutions. How to strengthen the immune system under quarantine conditions, when you are not advised to leave the house, and the assortment in pharmacies is limited? The answer is simple: with yoga! This universal remedy is also suitable for relieving stress, which helps to reduce the protective properties of the body, and for activating vital processes in our body, and for raising mood, which is also important now. We present to you three asanas (yoga postures) that help to strengthen the nervous and immune systems, which even a beginner can do at home.
1. Circular body movements – sufi grind
The gut contains 70% of the cells of the immune system that protect us from infections. Due to the circular movements of the body from yoga-kundalini, there is a positive effect on the internal organs of the abdomen and digestion processes.
To perform the Sufi Grind movements, one should:
Sit in a convenient version of the lotus position, straighten your back, relax your shoulders and put your hands on your knees;
On inhalation, it is necessary to make a circular movement with the body forward, and on exhalation, backward;
It’s importantso that the rotations come from the thoracic region of the body, and the head and pelvis remain, as it were, in the middle;
Every two minutes, you need to change the direction of the circular movements, and the rhythm of the rotations should coincide with the frequency of relaxed breathing.
2. Adho mukha svanasana or downward facing dog pose
One of the most famous and useful asanas in many areas of yoga. To perform this asana correctly, it is important:
To begin with, kneel down, lower your palms to the floor and place them under your shoulder joints.
Straightening your arms and spreading your fingers wide (the index fingers should be directed forward and parallel to each other), you should press your palms to the floor, tighten your stomach and, without changing the position of the pelvis, push it up. In this case, the emphasis should fall on the points of support of the palm, and not on the wrists.
Being in a downward-facing dog position, the shoulders should be taken away from the ears, and the head should be relaxed and slowly moved, as if saying: “yes, yes, yes, no, no, no …”.
You should reach with your heels to the floor, but the main thing is to keep your back straight. To do this, you can slightly bend your knees and alternately straighten one or the other leg, breathing in and out calmly.
10 breaths and breaths will allow you to enjoy this pose, simultaneously engaging different muscle groups and calming the nervous system. After all, a permanent state of stress and tension forces the body to expend energy non-stop and weakens the immune system.
3. Badha Konasana – Butterfly Pose
The lymph nodes cleanse the lymph and thereby protect the body from pathogens. The largest number of lymph nodes are found in the axillary and groin areas, so postures that stimulate these areas of the body help the body to prevent disease.
To perform the butterfly pose, you should:
Sit on the floor and straighten your back;
Bending your knees, bring your feet together, clasping them with your hands;
Gently pushing your knees with your elbows, as you exhale, you need to tilt the body forward;
For 10 inhalations and exhalations, try to keep your back straight and your head relaxed.
It has been proven that those who regularly practice yoga are less likely to get colds. However, it’s important to remember that doing these postures or other physical exercises should only be done as a preventive measure when you are healthy. And you certainly shouldn’t treat asanas as the only means of fighting viruses.
Doing yoga?
Yes! My favorite type of physical activity.
Yoga is a great way to start the day. I do it in the morning.
I prefer to go to group yoga classes. It’s more fun in the company!
No, I like doing sports with more physical activity.