Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

You need to feed the spruce contrary to the opinion that this is not necessary, since the tree is evergreen and does not shed its leaves. There is some truth in this – a coniferous plant really needs less fertilizer. A tree will do better with a deficiency of certain substances than with an excess of nutrition.

Signs of malnutrition

Unlike deciduous plants, spruce and other conifers do not express nutritional deficiencies with external signs so clearly. You can reliably find out about it by performing a soil analysis.

The lack of some nutrients can be traced in the appearance of spruce:

  • dull reddish needles – not enough phosphorus or iron;
  • yellowing of the needles – magnesium deficiency;
  • shedding of needles – not enough nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.
Comment! A change in the color of the needles and other unpleasant signs can indicate not only a lack of nutrition, but also some diseases, pest damage.

The lack of necessary elements is more often manifested in the first ten years, as the tree is actively growing and developing. There are common signs of nutritional deficiencies:

  • slow growth in height and width;
  • resin is abundantly released;
  • branches are rare.

Do not solve the problem with increased fertilization. Their excess also adversely affects the condition of plants.

Mature trees need less fertilizing. The condition of the spruce should be monitored. If it is strong and completely healthy in appearance, then fertilizers are practically not required for it.

Types of fertilizers for spruces

Minerals are usually used to feed spruce, less organic matter. Optimal use of complex compositions.


Organics attracts with its natural origin. One of the options for ready-made fertilizer is biohumus. It activates growth, makes the needles more saturated in color, prevents them from rusting in winter and improves immunity in general.

Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

Biohumus is used for root top dressing, you can make it when planting

A good fertilizer option for spruce at home is compost. Prepare it yourself on the basis of organic waste, tops, weeds. During fermentation, vermicompost can be added to populate beneficial microflora.

Compost is more attractive than humus due to its lower nitrogen content. But in its composition there are all the necessary minerals and trace elements.

You can not use fresh manure for feeding Christmas trees. It has a high nitrogen content, which is detrimental to the root system. In young plants, it can simply be burned.

Instead of manure for Christmas trees, a three-year humus is allowed. Apply it dry, lightly sprinkling the earth around the trunk. If the branches begin to turn brown or turn yellow, the top layer of soil with humus is removed, replacing it with new soil with sand.


Mineral fertilizers are the best option for spruces. Magnesium is especially important to them. Its structure resembles chlorophyll, which is important for the photosynthesis of needles. As a source of magnesium, it is optimal to use dolomite flour.

Coniferous trees are grown on acidic soils, the composition of which is extremely poor in free potassium. Its presence is especially important in fertilizers for spruces in the spring when young shoots grow.

Coniferous trees also need iron, sulfur, and phosphorus. An excellent source of the latter is superphosphate. Its effect is enhanced if phosphate rock, chalk, limestone are added at the same time.

Comment! Spruces do not need nitrogen in the same way as deciduous plants. From mid-summer, this element should be completely excluded.

Complex additives

The best option is to use a complex fertilizer for blue or common spruce. The composition of such products is optimally balanced for coniferous trees, contains all the elements they need in the right dosage. You can use the following tools:

  1. Potassium humate is a universal fertilizer that improves soil microflora.
    Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

    Potassium humate strengthens the root system, improves the condition of the needles, increases the survival rate of seedlings

  2. Fertika Spring for evergreens is a granular product that lowers the pH level. It can be used for top dressing from May to August 1-2 times per season. The granules are applied in a dry form, embedding loosening into the ground.
    Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

    Fertik Vesna contains a lot of sulfur, iron, magnesium

  3. Hello for conifers. The composition is represented by a complex of essential trace elements and minerals. You can use fertilizer to spray the tree or water the tree circle.
    Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

    Health for conifers is suitable not only for street, but also for indoor Christmas trees

  4. Agricola for conifers. The fertilizer is suitable for root and foliar dressings, prevents yellowing of needles. The product is available in granular and liquid form (Agricola Aqua).
    Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

    As part of the fertilizer, microelements are in a chelate form, which facilitates the absorption of necessary substances

  5. Aquarin “Coniferous”. The complex is designed for root dressing and spraying of needles. Processing is carried out up to three times per season with a break of 2-3 weeks, but no later than the beginning of September.
    Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

    As part of the Aquarin complex, the emphasis is on calcium, phosphorus and sulfur, magnesium and nitrogen are also included.

  6. Pokon for conifers. This fertilizer is intended for single use, contains a complex of minerals.
    Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

    Pokon in the middle lane is used in the spring, in the south it is permissible to use it in the summer

  7. Florovit for conifers. The composition focuses on potassium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen.
    Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

    Florovit for conifers is available in liquid and dry granular form

Feeding schemes

The first top dressing of spruce is carried out during planting. Usually, peat and nitroammophos along with other components are added to the seedling hole. In the future, top dressing begins in early spring, as soon as the snow melts.

The easiest way is to use ready-made complex fertilizers for common spruce. It is enough to dilute the concentrate in the right proportions and use according to the instructions. It also indicates the frequency of processing.

One of the options for complex fertilizer for spruce is potassium humate. It is applied every 1,5-2 weeks, alternating root and foliar top dressing. In both cases, they spend 4-10 liters per 1 m², and to prepare the solution, dilute 50-60 ml of the concentrate in a 10-liter bucket of water.

You can use the following scheme for feeding blue spruce or common spruce:

  • April after the departure of night frosts – vermicompost, minerals;
  • end of May – Agricola or Fertika Summer for evergreens twice a month, continuing all summer;
  • June or early July – biohumus, minerals;
  • autumn – superphosphate or Florovit granulated.

Fertilizers for spruce in autumn are optimally applied in a dry form – for digging or scatter around the trunk circle and water. In this case, the root system does not receive phosphorus immediately, but already in the spring.

Comment! Spruces need less fertilizer in autumn than in spring and summer. Between the last dressing and the first frost should be at least a month.

You can fertilize spruce in the spring with compost. It is laid out in a trunk circle (3 cm thick) and mixed with the top layer of the earth using a rake.

Dolomite flour is often used to feed spruce with magnesium. 0,5-1 kg of the product is enough for a tree. It should be remembered that dolomite flour reduces the level of soil acidity, which is important for coniferous plants.

Fertilization methods

Fertilizers can be applied root and foliar. The first method is carried out in two ways:

  • surface application – dry fertilizer is scattered around the trunk circle;
  • intrasoil – the agent is embedded in the soil so that the necessary substances are in the access zone of the root system.

Foliar feeding involves the use of fertilizers in liquid form – the necessary substances are dissolved in water. The resulting composition is used for spraying. Nutrients are absorbed through the absorption of needles.

Another option for fertilizing is fertigation. This method combines the root and non-root methods, since the assimilation of nutrients is provided simultaneously by both the needles and the root system. The compositions are applied in liquid form, combining top dressing with watering.

Comment! Compositions containing micro- and macroelements are more effective if they are applied in liquid form. Dry fertilizers are relevant when you do not need the plant to receive nutrients immediately.
Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

When choosing a complex fertilizer for feeding spruce, you should look for a composition specifically for coniferous crops

Gardeners’ recommendations

Incorrect use of fertilizers can only destroy the spruce. Experienced gardeners give the following recommendations for the proper feeding of coniferous trees:

  1. It is convenient to simply distribute granular compositions over moistened soil and loosen it. The necessary elements will come to the roots gradually.
  2. If you choose liquid formulations for feeding, then the concentration should be less than for deciduous plants.
  3. Liquid top dressing should not be applied under the root, but in the grooves. They are made about 10 cm from the trunk, then sprinkled with earth and leveled.
  4. Organic fertilizers are quite heavy, so it is better to apply them in two steps. Mandatory preparation for their use in the form of loosening the trunk circle.
  5. Do not allow a high concentration of nitrogen in the soil. It stimulates the growth of new shoots, which may not survive the winter or be very sick for the next year, negatively affecting the entire plant.
Top dressing spruce in spring and autumn

In addition to fertilizing, mulching is important for spruce – it not only retains moisture and inhibits the growth of weeds, but also improves soil composition.


You can feed spruce with minerals, organics, or a complex composition. Coniferous trees do not shed their leaves, in spring they do not need to restore the crown, and in summer they do not need to form a crop. Such features reduce the need for nutrients, but do not completely eliminate it.

How and what to feed coniferous plants? Fertilizers for conifers.

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