Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast in the open field 

Recently, many gardeners are trying to switch to natural and environmentally friendly types of plant nutrition. Among crops that require additional nutrition, everyone’s favorite tomatoes.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast in the open field 

 It is problematic to grow a wonderful crop of tomatoes without top dressing. At the same time, I want feeding to take a minimum of effort and bring a guaranteed result. Therefore, feeding a tomato with yeast helps gardeners:

  • the composition is not at all difficult to prepare;
  • components are always available.

Why Yeast

The product is familiar to everyone, but what benefits can it bring to tomatoes? It turns out to be big:

  1. Yeast improves the composition of the soil on the site. When fertilizing, microorganisms enter the soil. They serve as food for worms, the soil is enriched with humus and oxygen.
  2. Seedlings, if fed with yeast, more easily tolerate stress during transplantation and diving.
  3. Due to the intake of useful components and the improvement of soil fertility, the leaf mass and the root system of the tomato grow well.
  4. The growth of new shoots on tomato bushes fed with yeast is intensifying.
  5. The number of ovaries and, accordingly, fruits increases, the yield exceeds the usual rate.
  6. Tomatoes tolerate climatic fluctuations more easily, are more resistant to diseases. The most important advantage of fertilizing with yeast is the “immunity” of a tomato to late blight.
  7. Yeast supplements do not contain synthetic components, the fruits are hypoallergenic for children.
  8. The cost of the main component (yeast) is very budgetary.

In order not to apply chemical fertilizers for tomatoes, gardeners use folk compositions. The advantages of fertilizing a tomato with yeast are obvious, so consider the method of their application.

How to feed tomatoes with yeast compounds

Tomatoes require feeding, regardless of where they are grown. And in the open field, and in the greenhouse, you can not do without additional nutrition. Yeast top dressing makes it possible to provide plants with the main trace elements for growth and development. It is better to apply ordinary fertilizers to the soil before planting tomatoes so that they can dissolve and then enter the root system in a convenient form. Yeast solution works after planting tomatoes.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast in the open field 

The first acquaintance of a tomato with yeast nutrition occurs already at the age of seedlings. There are two types of top dressing of tomatoes with yeast – foliar and root. Both methods are effective, differ in the method of application and composition. In addition, tomatoes are grown in different ways.

root application

Experienced gardeners advise to carry out the first root dressing with yeast when two leaves appear on the seedlings. But this is not the main and optional procedure. Yeast will bring more benefits after the second pick. It is made mandatory for tall varieties, and optional for short ones. A mixture is made from 5 teaspoons of sugar, a glass of wood ash (be sure to sift!) And a bag of dry baker’s yeast. After mixing the components, the mixture is allowed to brew. Readiness is determined by the degree of fermentation (it must end), then the composition is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10. This recipe is suitable for feeding tomato seedlings. But for adult plants, you can prepare another mixture. First, make a dough for feeding – dilute 100 g of fresh yeast with warm water in combination with three tablespoons of sugar and dilute with three liters of water. Put the mixture for fermentation. When the process is over, you can apply the infusion. One glass of sourdough is added to a bucket of water (10 l) and poured over the tomatoes.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast in the open field 

Nettle and hops are excellent additives to such a mixture.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast in the open field 

Nettle infusion is generally used for watering plants, and hops enhance fermentation processes.

Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast in the open field often occurs with the addition of wood ash and chicken manure. To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 10 grams of dry yeast;
  • 0,5 l of infusion of chicken manure;
  • 0,5 l of wood ash;
  • 10 liters of clean water;
  • 5 st. spoons of sugar.

Infuse for a week and water the tomatoes. The dosage that must be strictly adhered to is as follows: adult tomatoes are watered with two liters of infusion, seedlings rooted in a new place 0,5 liters. Some gardeners successfully replace bird droppings with mullein infusion.

foliar nutrition

A very useful type of top dressing for tomatoes. Helps gardeners in especially important periods of plant life. After transplanting seedlings to a permanent place of residence (in a greenhouse or under the open sky), root feeding is undesirable. The roots have not yet gained their strength and strength, so spraying is carried out.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast in the open field 

Why is it beneficial?

  1. Foliar top dressing of tomatoes with yeast can be carried out at the earliest stages of seedling life.
  2. Capillaries of stems and leaves deliver nutrients in full. This process is much faster than when root feeding a tomato with yeast.
  3. Tomatoes receive useful components much faster than with root nutrition.
  4. Saving constituent substances for dressings.
Important! The concentration of infusion for foliar dressings should be weaker so as not to burn the leaves of tomatoes.

Conditions for feeding

Any activities in the cultivation of garden crops require knowledge and strict adherence to certain rules. What you need to know when feeding a tomato with yeast?

  1. Timing options. Root top dressing is carried out only when the soil is warm. The first time you should not rush, it is better to wait until the end of May or the beginning of June. At this time, the soil is warm enough and the nutrients will be fully absorbed. The second aspect is the timing. It is optimal to feed tomatoes in the morning or in the evening without active sun. In greenhouses – in the morning, so that the plants dry before evening.
  2. Soil condition. Top dressing is not carried out on dry land, but it is not worth flooding the plants either. Therefore, before watering with a yeast composition, the earth is slightly moistened.
  3. dosage. Yeast supplements should not be considered a completely harmless action. An overdose will lead to a deterioration in the condition of plants and a decrease in yield.
  4. Periodicity. Yeast top dressing of tomatoes is carried out no more than 3-4 times for the entire season. They saturate the earth with nitrogen, but contribute to the excretion of potassium and calcium. Therefore, it is necessary to add wood ash to the infusion. The second option is to scatter it between the rows.
  5. Caution. This is important when chicken manure is added to the top dressing. You can not pour the infusion directly under the root of the tomatoes. It is better to apply yeast nutrition in the near-stem grooves.

Properly feeding tomatoes with yeast, you will undoubtedly see the benefits. If you still have doubts, make an experimental garden.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast in the open field 

Then it will be possible to compare the development of tomatoes with and without yeast nutrition.

In any case, you will be able to:

  • save on drugs;
  • get tastier and larger fruits;
  • improve soil composition.

Most importantly, you will feed the tomatoes with an environmentally friendly, harmless composition. Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast is a proven and safe remedy. The fruits will be tasty, the plants will be healthy, the household will be happy.

Fertilizer for tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Fertilizer based on yeast.

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