Top dressing of cabbage in June in the open field

You can feed cabbage in June by various means. It is best to use complex mineral compositions, since they contain almost all the necessary elements. You can also use organics, for example, mullein infusion and folk remedies. The most effective and simple recipes are described in the article.

Signs of a Nutrient Deficiency

Cabbage, like most other cultivated plants, needs balanced and regular top dressing when grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Before proceeding with fertilizer, it is recommended to carefully examine the bushes and determine which elements the plant lacks.

Nitrogen deficiency can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • bushes grow slowly, noticeably lag behind in development;
  • leaves become pale, turn yellow;
  • foliage may turn blue;
  • a reddish-purple hue appears on the undersides of the leaf blades along the main vein;
  • heads are formed small, the yield drops.

In the presence of such manifestations, cabbage is fertilized in June with nitrogen compounds, for example, urea, azofoska, ammonium nitrate.

However, nitrogen is not the only vital element. Often the plant suffers from a lack of phosphorus, which is noticeable by the following signs:

  • leaves fade, acquire a bluish color;
  • sometimes they can become bronze in appearance;
  • some of the leaf plates acquire a brown tint;
  • they curl around the edges;
  • wrinkling appears on the surface;
  • the veins are “recessed”.
Top dressing of cabbage in June in the open field

Signs of phosphorus deficiency are visible on close visual inspection.

In this case, cabbage needs to be fed in June with potassium sulfate or potassium salt.

If the plant does not have enough phosphorus, this manifests itself in approximately the same signs as nitrogen deficiency. The leaves become smaller and fall off, but at the same time they become not pale, but dark green, bluish or dull. The tissues gradually die off, sometimes black spots form on the surface. First of all, old leaf plates suffer, then young ones.

As a result, flowering occurs with a delay. To avoid problems, cabbage is fertilized in June with superphosphate or a complex fertilizer containing phosphorus, for example, nitrophoska.

Sometimes cabbage lacks calcium – the main symptoms are:

  • foliage is twisted;
  • the edges curl up;
  • color is chlorotic, with pale spots;
  • brown areas appear, as if they were scorched.

For treatment, cabbage is fed in June with calcium nitrate or other means.

Often the plant lacks magnesium. In this case, areas with yellow, reddish and purple color appear along the edges of the leaves and between the veins. Tissues gradually die off, necrotic areas are formed. At the same time, the largest veins remain green. The foliage is bent along the edges, acquires a domed shape. First, the lower leaves suffer, and then the upper ones. For prevention and treatment, cabbage is fertilized in June with magnesium-containing products, for example, magnesium sulfate, potassium magnesia, vermiculite.

How to feed cabbage in June for a good harvest

For proper feeding, plants should be given different fertilizers in a balanced composition. It is necessary to comply with the requirements for both composition and quantity, taking into account the dosages indicated in the instructions.

Mineral feed

Mineral fertilizers are inorganic substances (usually salts) that are highly soluble in water, penetrate the soil and are quickly absorbed by the root system. Their advantage is also that by mixing different components, you can get the optimal composition for a particular case.

In the early stages of development (a few days after transplantation), plants can be given ammonium nitrate or urea (20 g per 10 l) to gain green mass.

Top dressing of cabbage in June in the open field

Superphosphate is the best source of phosphorus for cabbage

Potassium-phosphate mixtures and complex fertilizers are usually used as a second top dressing in June (quantities are given per 10 liters of water)

  • superphosphate – 40 g;
  • potassium salt – 25 g;
  • potassium sulfate – 30 g;
  • azofoska – 30 g.

You can also purchase ready-made formulations for feeding in June, for example, Kemira or Mortar. They are used according to the instructions, without violating the dosage, since an excess of fertilizers is no less dangerous than their deficiency.

Organic Fertilizers

To form large heads of cabbage, increase productivity, it is possible to feed cabbage in June with organic fertilizers. The most popular remedies are an infusion of mullein 1:10 or bird droppings 1:20. Prepare them like this:

  1. They take fresh mullein or litter and fill it with water in a ratio of 1:5.
  2. Insist on the street from 10 to 12 days, stirring occasionally.
  3. The resulting infusion is diluted with water 10 times (for litter 20 times) and watering is started.
  4. For top dressing in June, the liquid is consumed in the amount of 500 ml per 1 bush.

Potassium humate can also be used as liquid organics. It is diluted in an amount of 5-10 ml per 1 liter of water. They give in two ways – watering under the root and spraying the leaves.

Attention! In no case should fresh manure be used for top dressing in June. He needs to be allowed to rot in the pit for at least five months before planting.

Fertilizing cabbage in June with folk remedies

Experienced gardeners also use folk remedies as a fertilizer for cabbage in the open field in June. They are also quite effective, while being very affordable and easy to prepare. Most popular recipes:

  1. Infusion of cut grass (preferably nettle). Grind weeds without seeds (until the end of flowering), pour water 1: 1 and let stand for several days, stirring occasionally. After a week, strain and dilute with water 2-4 times.
  2. In late June or early July, it is recommended to fertilize cabbage with boric acid. It is diluted in an amount of 2 g per 10 liters of warm water and sprayed.
  3. You can also water the plants with a solution of soda – 20 g per 10 liters. This is done so that the heads of cabbage do not crack and are stored longer.
  4. Top dressing of cabbage in June can also be done with a banana peel. It is crushed in a blender, poured with a small amount of water, insisted for a day and watered under the root. You can simply spread the puree like mulch and sprinkle with soil.
Top dressing of cabbage in June in the open field

Infusion of herbs is prepared for 7-10 days

Fertilization Rules

Feeding cabbage in June is quite simple. But at the same time, basic rules should be observed, due to the violation of which plants can suffer greatly. Experienced summer residents recommend paying attention to the following tips:

  1. Preparation of the soil for planting should begin in the fall. The site is cleaned, the earth is dug up and compost or humus is added in a bucket per square meter.
  2. The quantities of preparations are measured using scales or measuring utensils to prevent excessive fertilization.
  3. If in the spring they focus on nitrogen compounds, then in the summer in June you need to add more potassium and phosphorus.
  4. Mineral fertilizers are recommended to alternate with organic ones.
  5. The interval between feeding should be at least 10 days.


It is recommended to feed cabbage in June with complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Thanks to this, the plants will quickly gain green mass and form good heads of cabbage. So that they are dense and do not crack, you can give a single watering with a solution of baking soda.

Cabbage in June: top dressing for rapid growth after planting in open ground.

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