You can feed cabbage in August with various fertilizers. Emphasis is placed on compounds of potassium, phosphorus and boron, since they contribute to the formation of heads. Along with mineral compounds, organic preparations and folk remedies are used. The main fertilizers and methods for their application, dosage and schedule are described in the article.
Why do you need fertilizing
Even on fertile soils, cabbage must be fed. Fertilizers are given several times a season – from May to August. The last time they make 2-3 weeks before harvest.
Thanks to regular top dressing, it is possible to solve several important problems:
- increase in productivity;
- growth acceleration;
- ensuring resistance to weather conditions;
- strengthening immunity;
- taste improvement;
- restoration of the composition and structure of the soil.
Fertilization Rules
In August, it is especially important to feed the cabbage to form a head. At the same time, fertilizers are applied according to certain rules. In order not to harm the plants and not spoil the composition of the soil, it is recommended to follow these tips:
- Carefully observe the dosage – it is necessary to feed in August exactly in the quantities indicated in the instructions. If you apply more, the soil will become saline, its pH will increase, and as a result, the plants will begin to receive less nutrients than they need.
- The dosage for cauliflower, kohlrabi and broccoli should be 2 times less than for red and white cabbage. If the soil is fertile, the amount of substances for all plants is also reduced by 1,5-2 times.
- Before feeding the cabbage in August for tying heads, it is necessary to loosen the soil. The same procedure is repeated after watering, as well as after heavy rains. If necessary, you can weed at the same time.
- It is better to feed in the late evening or early morning. Moreover, they are watered strictly under the root, trying not to fall on the leaves. If drops fall on heads or foliage, they must be thoroughly washed off with water from a hose to prevent chemical burns.
- As a rule, plants are given complex mineral fertilizers, alternating with liquid organic matter, including according to folk recipes. But if cabbage in August experiences a clear deficiency of a particular trace element, foliar top dressing should be done out of turn. For example, if the leaves have become bluish, with a bronze tint, potassium compounds must be added.

For the formation of large heads of cabbage, it is recommended to feed with complex fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus.
How to feed cabbage in August so that the heads are large
In August, cabbage should be given mainly phosphorus and potassium compounds. They are responsible for the formation of heads. You can feed with mineral and organic compounds. Also use the folk remedies described below. It is recommended to adhere to the following application schedule:
- Two weeks after planting seedlings seedlings (May-June).
- On the eve of the formation of heads (July).
- Three weeks after the second feeding (August).
Mineral feed
Among the mineral fertilizers for cabbage in August, for tying heads, compositions with phosphorus and potassium can be distinguished. These are vital elements that contribute to both fruiting and strengthening of the root system. It is equally important to feed with boron.
The main recipes are as follows (amount per 10 l):
- Mix 30 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate, dissolve and water the plantings, spending 1 liter per plant. Watered under the root.
- Mix 25 g of potassium salt and 40 g of superphosphate, also feed the cabbage in August, 1 liter each. Water under the root.
- Dissolve 3-4 g of boric acid in a small volume of hot water, mix thoroughly, then bring to 10 liters and pour (1 liter per plant). Carry out foliar processing on the sheet.
You need to feed these compounds both in July, when the heads of cabbage are just starting to form, and in August (an interval of 2-3 weeks). Moreover, it is enough to add boron once, and water it with superphosphate with potassium twice. The last time you can feed in August is 3 weeks before harvest. After that, fertilizer should not be given.
If there is no time to make mixtures on your own, you can purchase ready-made complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira Universal, Agricola or Mortar. They are used exactly as directed. It is worth remembering that in August cabbage cannot be fed with purely nitrogen compounds, for example, urea or saltpeter. This element ensures rapid growth, and not the formation of the heads themselves. If nitrogen is abused, yields may decrease.

In order not to prepare the compositions on your own, you can purchase complex fertilizer
Organic Fertilizers
In August, plants can be fed with organic matter. It is mainly used at the beginning of the season, but it can be applied for the last time in early August. The main option is an infusion of mullein or bird droppings. To prepare them, proceed as follows:
- Lay raw materials (bird droppings or mullein) in a container and pour five times more water.
- Leave outdoors or indoors, stir occasionally.
- After 10-12 days, the resulting liquid is diluted with water (litter 15-20 times, mullein 10 times).
- You can feed the cabbage with organic matter in August, spending 0,5 liters of the finished solution for each bush.
- If any of the liquid remains, it must be used for other plants. The solution cannot be stored for a long time.
You can also feed the plantings in August with potassium humate. This is a ready-made preparation that dissolves well in water. It is used according to the instructions, diluting 10 ml in 1 liter of water or 100 ml per standard bucket. Water under the root, then loosen the soil.
Folk remedies
For the growth of large heads of cabbage, it is recommended to feed the cabbage in August with folk remedies. Experienced summer residents offer the following recipes:
- Nettles or other green grass are mowed, chopped with a shovel, placed in a barrel (half the volume) and filled to the top with water. Stir occasionally, strain and dilute five times. Watered under the root.
- In August, you can also feed dry yeast – 1 sachet (10 g) per bucket of warm water. Half a glass of sugar is also added there and insisted in a warm place for several days. After the end of fermentation, cabbage is watered (0,5 liters per bush).
- Feeding in August is also recommended with onion peel. It is put in a saucepan (500-600 g), poured with boiling water and insisted for four days. Then filter and dilute with water 10 times.
- Another option is to take a loaf of bread (you can also use stale), put in 10 liters of water, hold for a day, stir. Then add 30 drops of iodine and dilute with water 1:3. Water under the root (1 time in August).
- If there is wood ash, it is recommended to insist 200 g in 1 bucket of water for 3-4 days. Then mix and pour under the root. This infusion can be used both for feeding and as a means of preventing diseases and pests.

Folk remedies for fertilizer are used 1-2 times per season.
You can feed cabbage in August by various means. It is advisable to apply fertilizer twice, for example, mineral and organic. In most cases, the root method is applied. But if the leaves turn yellow, quickly wither, it is necessary to carry out an extraordinary spraying.