Top dressing of apple trees in autumn

Top dressing of apple trees in autumn

Top dressing of apple trees after the summer period gives a good start for a rich harvest next year. Fertilization in the fall is a mandatory procedure, after which the tree goes to winter rest.

Suitable fertilizers for feeding apple trees in autumn

The benefits of fertilizers are that they instantly help the apple tree recover after a productive summer, increase its resistance to winter cold and pest infestation in early spring. In addition, after feeding the apple tree gains strength for the next harvest year.

Top dressing of apple trees in autumn is a good start for the next harvest year.

There are 2 types of fertilizers applied in the fall:

  • Mineral: preparations containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen.
  • Organic: humus, humus, manure.

Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be applied after the harvest has been harvested and the growing season has come to an end. In gardening stores, a wide selection of specialized tools is presented, using which you need to follow the information specified in the instructions. They are introduced directly into the soil, from 20 to 50 g for each square meter of the trunk circle.

Nitrogen-based fertilizers should not be used in the fall. They are used exclusively in spring, as they have the ability to reduce the frost resistance of the plant.

Organic matter is applied to the entire area of ​​growth of the root system of the tree. To find out its approximate radius, you should pay attention to the shadow of the crown at noon. She will be an indicator of the boundaries of the root system.

To prevent scalding of the plant roots, all organic fertilizers must be completely decomposed and infused.

When and how apple trees are fed in autumn

The right time for autumn feeding is an important condition not only for future yield, but also for the stability of the apple tree in winter. If the fertilizing is applied too late, then the plant will not have time to absorb it and will remain defenseless against frost.

The optimal moment for fertilizing the soil is the period when one to one and a half months remains before the first frost. During this time, the apple tree will fully absorb all the nutrients and become more viable.

With the onset of the first autumn month, it is necessary to completely stop watering the tree. This makes it possible to increase its cold resistance.

There are several ways to apply top dressing:

  • Root. When drugs and mixtures are poured directly into the soil, within a radius of up to 60 cm from the trunk.
  • Foliar. With it, drugs are applied to the trunk and crown using sprayers.

Each fertilizer contains detailed instructions for use. You should clearly follow the information indicated there on dosage, timing and methods of application.

All of these drugs are freely available and easy to find and purchase. Using these fertilizers, you can significantly help the apple tree to restore the lost strength and stock up on new ones for the next year.

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