Top beauty tips for pregnant women

Every girl in childhood plays mother-daughter and Barbie, imagines herself as a mother instructing a naughty child. Years pass, we fall in love, we get married, and here it is, the long-awaited moment: you are pregnant. It’s only the beginning. Woman’s Day has compiled top beauty tips for all body parts during pregnancy.

While waiting for the most important person in your life, in addition to the tummy, there are a lot of changes in the body. We accept some with joy, while others disturb us and remain long after the birth of the baby.

Main rules:

  • Try to use natural cosmetics. which will allow the skin to breathe. Focus on homemade recipes.
  • Do a manicure and pedicure in a beauty salon, if you can – give up the coating, if not – choose long-term, such as gel varnishes.
  • For makeup, choose light consistencies that easily and quickly fall on the skin.
  • Relax more often and be less nervous. Spa, massages, warm baths with aromatic oils will help you.

With hair, most often during pregnancy, everything goes from one extreme to another. In the third trimester, the condition of the hair improves, but in most cases it becomes dry and brittle, and some girls face the problem of hair loss.

The best way out is intense hydration. Choose light shampoos, balms and masks, do not overload your hair with styling products. Repairing masks are a quick way to restore and maintain healthy hair during and after pregnancy. Any masks without active ingredients will do. Apply it all over your hair, avoiding the scalp.

Try not to overuse stylers and hair dryers. Better to do the lamination procedure in the salon and enjoy the shine and freshness of your hair.

If you’ve been thinking about a short haircut for a long time, it’s time to experiment. A fashionable haircut will cheer you up and make life easier during pregnancy.

Dry shampoo is also harmless for pregnant women, so in moments when it seems to you that you will not be in time, but you still need to do makeup, wash your hair and figure out what to wear, dry shampoo is what will help you and soothe your nerves for the whole day.

Refuse: from hair coloring and in extreme cases, choose natural dyes: basma, which will help you become a brunette, or henna, which will give a copper tint.

Most expectant mothers have various problems with their facial skin. Spots, pimples, and other rashes are a common story that lasts all 9 months. Very few products are suitable for pregnant women, and any consultant will warn against using it. You do not need to change your care, but it is worth adding a toner, sheet masks, exfoliating agents, especially if the skin is oily, a regenerating moisturizer and, if possible, a moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid.

If you have the time and money, you can visit a beautician once a month for beauty treatments and massages. They will soothe and relax even in the most exciting moments and leave the skin refreshed and rested.

In the first months, pick up some decorative cosmetics. Light fluid tone, highlighter, Nude lipstick and lengthening mascara, better waterproof – everything that suits you for everyday makeup, which you can do in 5-10 minutes.

Refuse: from any injections and tattooing, even if the salon convinces that it is harmless. Any active substances can cause allergies, and painful sensations will create discomfort for the baby.

Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to keep your breasts beautiful after pregnancy, especially without making any effort. After a period of gestation and feeding, a woman is expected to sag and stretch marks on her breasts, getting rid of which requires surgical intervention. But do not be afraid, but start breast care procedures at an early date.

During pregnancy, the process of its increase is uneven. By the end of pregnancy, each breast is on average 200 ml larger.

The first thing to think about is skin tone. If the chest is not prepared in any way, then stretch marks cannot be avoided. Several recipes for breast beauty:

Aromatherapy massage with 30 ml of mineral oil, 15 ml of wheat germ, 15 ml of avocado oil, 4 drops of neroli and 2 drops of oil, geranium, calendula, lavender and carrot. After taking a bath, rub the mixture into wet skin daily. Continue the procedure during and after pregnancy.

A cool shower massage with the final use of anti-cuckoo cream is an excellent daily remedy for all periods of pregnancy and after. Many people prefer JonsonsBaby oil for stretch marks prevention. All products must be applied to the chest with massage movements.

The best way to keep skin firm and youthful is water, so sign up for the pool and walk several times a week throughout your pregnancy, after consulting your doctor.

Skin elasticity also depends on nutrition. Include in your diet foods containing vitamins A, E and C – these are green and orange fruits.

Correctly selected underwear will keep the shape of your breasts and make your everyday life comfortable. This maternity bra is made of natural fabrics with wide, wired straps.

The most effective way to maintain breast elasticity and health of the body is gymnastics and swimming, with the permission of a doctor.

You can do simple exercises at home every day:

  • Stand straight and join your palms in front of your chest. Press palm down on palm, applying force for 6 seconds. Repeat 5-6 times.
  • Lean your arms outstretched against the wall. Bending your elbows, spread them apart and bend as much as possible, trying to reach the wall with your chest. Repeat 10 times.
  • Sit in the lotus position, bend your arms, put your fingers on your shoulders, and bring your shoulder blades together. Raise your shoulders up, back, then down and forward. Repeat 4 times, then do the opposite: down, back, forward, up. Do the same 4 times.

Refuse: from uncomfortable underwear, even very beautiful. Buy a new one when your breasts begin to grow actively. Time will pass when you breastfeed your baby and return to the sometimes very uncomfortable but sexy lingerie. Avoid tanning in the sun and use strong protection even when lounging in the shade.

Stretch marks are one of the main problems of girls after pregnancy. They arise regardless of body composition and skin elasticity. Abdomen, hips, chest – everything is at risk. Preventive remedies for stretch marks are:

  • Contrast shower, but be sure to consult a doctor before that and do the procedure gently on the lower body, otherwise you can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Pinching massage: gently pinching problem areas with your fingers.
  • Peeling with scrubs 2-3 times a week.
  • Body massage with a natural fiber mitten.

After these procedures, apply a special product to prevent stretch marks. Perform a daily massage with such a remedy in all places that are at risk.

During pregnancy, cellulite often appears and you need to fight it daily. Preventive procedures will help you delay its appearance:

  • After taking a shower, apply the scrub to problem areas and rub them well for 5-7 minutes.
  • Do a vacuum massage at home, you will need special pharmacy jars for it. Apply massage oil to problem areas or, if the procedure is done under the shower, gel and press the jar to the body, pressing so that the air comes out and circulate through the body. During pregnancy, it is best to avoid abdominal procedures and work on your legs. If you are afraid of purchased anti-cellulite products, you can use orange oil and fucus oil, which have anti-cellulite effects.
  • Take warm baths with aromatic oils and candles as often as possible. The mood will rise, the skin will be moisturized. Legs can be epilated in consultation with a doctor in the salon, since it will be more difficult to bend down every month.

Refuse: from epilation of the abdominal area, although hair in this place can grow abundantly during pregnancy, leave this procedure for later. It is only possible to cut the hairs or wipe them with hydrogen peroxide to discolor.

Other changes occur with the legs, and not the best ones – varicose veins and swelling. Choose only comfortable shoes, without heels. You will be saved:

  • Cool baths.
  • Massage with menthol cream.
  • Drink more water, the swelling increases when the body is dehydrated.
  • Watch your weight.
  • Limit salt intake.
  • Lying down, lift the knives up and hold for 5-7 minutes.

Give up: from tight shoes, high-heeled shoes and tight-fitting tights.

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