Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Today I want to introduce you to interesting books that are worth reading, moreover, from different genres, so that you can choose what you like. In my opinion, almost all books can be attributed to the topic of self-development. After all, even reading itself is already a development of a person. You can read about it in this article.
Top 8
Aina Rand «Atlas Shrugged»
It is considered one of the best books in the field of business, some even call it a brilliant creation. And the genius lies in the fact that Aina managed to organically weave the basics of economics and the secrets of financial literacy into a fictional novel. «Atlas Shrugged» is read in one breath, and at the same time it is able to influence a person’s worldview, leaving a pleasant aftertaste and a lot of questions for reasoning.
Paula Hawkins «The Girl on the Train»
It is considered the best work of our time in the genre of psychological detective-thriller. Maybe because it tells about reality without embellishing it, where the main characters are multifaceted versatile personalities with both positive and negative qualities. Together with Rachel, who daily watched from the train window for the family happiness of Jesse and Jason, you will try to unravel the mystery, or rather the reason for the disappearance of Jason’s beautiful wife.
John Green «The Fault in Our Stars»
A story about a life in which there is a terrible diagnosis of cancer, and how to continue it without limiting yourself and without expecting compassion from others. The main characters, despite their young age, which is 16 and 17 years old, were able to show everyone that they should follow their hearts, despite the difficulties and obstacles. And that in moments when it is too painful and unbearable even to just breathe, there is a place for humor and romance. John Green has created a life-affirming masterpiece, after reading which you will want to appreciate every day and thank you for the opportunity to live it, even if some events were not the best.
Yanagihara Hanya «Little Life»
This novel was one of the finalists for the Booker Prize in 2015, receiving the status of a new, modern classic. It tells about four friends who support each other in difficult times and are able to express their feelings in a way unusual for society, instead of declaring that nothing scares them or hurts them, they actively show the whole range of emotions, vividly and vividly, showing vulnerability and vulnerability. It reads very quickly, leaving no questions, if only because each character is very clearly represented. Thanks to this, the actions of others become clear and understandable, which makes it possible to learn to accept them as they are.
Ernest Hengway «The Old Man and the Sea»
Anyone who has relationship difficulties due to generational differences should read this masterpiece. It is about strength of mind, faith, endurance and loneliness. About how old Santiago, relying only on himself, courageously resists not only the elements, but bloodthirsty sharks. About how, having lost everything, he did not despair, but continued to try, if only to prove to everyone that I can still do it. About how a very young boy has wisdom in some matters that even adults can learn from him. After reading this story, you will think about your life, because many things in it are sometimes not worthy of attention and expenditure of energy.
Paulo Coelho «Alchemist»
Coelho has won the recognition of millions of people, and for good reason, because he is able to write in an accessible and understandable way about very complex, sometimes existential problems and difficulties. The Alchemist helps us understand that sometimes what we are looking for all our lives, overcoming thousands of kilometers, is very close, as they say, “under our noses”, and sometimes you just need to look around to notice it, pay attention to the signs sent by the Universe and also listen to your heart.
Bernard Shaw «Pygmalion»
To relax a bit from serious literature, I bring to your attention a light comedy play in which even sarcasm seems kind and sweet. The center of attention is an uneducated flower girl who struck Professor Higgens and Colonel Pickering with her incorrect speech. So much so that they made a bet on whether the professor could teach her the manners of worthy noble maidens. Whether it will turn out for a poor girl to become like a duchess, and how it all ends, you can find out literally in one evening, since the work is very small in volume.
Ray Bradbury «April Witchcraft»
A short story that will not take much time, but will leave a pleasant aftertaste for a long time. It is about first love, about unhappy love, but with such an approach that you begin to understand that even those relationships that brought a lot of pain, in fact, are the most beautiful thing that can happen to a person, because the sincerity of feelings sometimes turns out to be too rich a gift of fate. .
That’s all for us today, dear readers! Finally, I recommend looking at another list of literature worthy of attention about the meaning of life. Happy reading!
The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina