TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

The prim English call it “panch”, following the traditions of the oppressors of Indian Buddhists and all sorts of Sikhs. Panch from Hindi literally translates as “five”, according to the number of ingredients of the classic punch according to the old recipe: rum, sugar, lemon juice, tea and spices. Today it is the collective name for all mixed drinks, usually containing fruit juice and pieces of fruit.

In Russia of the 18th century, there was even such a verb in everyday life – “punch”, which could be interpreted as drinking in a cheerful company. Our ancestors liked to gather around a large punch bowl, which probably symbolized a bonfire, and put on an impromptu fire show by setting fire to sugar soaked in rum or cognac. Reminds me of a gooseberry, doesn’t it? In a sense, she, zhzhenka, is just a kind of our “punch”, a kind of hussar punch.

But this is all the ingenuity of the secular public. It is hard to imagine the British sailors of the East India Company of the early XNUMXth century, who, in a hot, humid climate, among tigers and mosquitoes, drank a hot alcoholic mixture. But it was they who brought this drink to England, thereby popularizing it throughout Europe. Probably the first punch, the classic one, was prepared exceptionally cold. But remembering the saying of Oscar Wilde: “I would not want to change anything in England except the weather,” it becomes clear why punches began to be served hot.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

Punch Ingredients and Formulas

Meanwhile, the tradition of “punching” evolved very quickly. The classic recipe has long been forgotten. Now it is interpreted as a mixture of fruit juice, spices and sugar, fortified with wine and rum. It is not shameful to put honey instead of sugar, and bourbon or brandy instead of rum. In the circle of all kinds of teetotalers there, ordinary compote is called a punch at all – this is a non-alcoholic punch. But if you want to understand alcoholic beverages and follow the traditions, do not forget about the “five-part” basis of the first punches. In Europe, they look at it like this:

“European” punch formulas

Punch classic = (hot wine + sugar + spices) + fruit juice/fruits/berries + rum

Punch burning / fiery = ((sugar + rum/cognac)*set fire) + (hot wine + spices + sugar) + fruit juice/fruits/berries

cold punch = classic punch + ice

Non-alcoholic punch = fruit juice/compote + fresh and/or canned berries/fruits

Punch recipes for all winter occasions

Cold and non-alcoholic punches are fine, but what’s the use of them in winter? You wouldn’t drink cold mulled wine or glög in 20-degree frost, would you? I would not. For a home party, of course, you can cook cold punches and not necessarily classic ones. Here you can use everything that comes to hand: wines, champagnes, liqueurs, etc. But hot punches are more responsive to the ingredients. We offer you recipes for 7 such punches.

Classic European punch with wine

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

  • Xnumx l red dry wine
  • 100 g sugar or more to taste
  • 100 ml rum or more to taste
  • 0,75 ml lemon and orange juice
  • fruit to taste
  • spices to taste

An hour and a half before making the punch, you need to add spices to the wine to taste. It can be cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, dried ginger, etc. Choose their number for yourself, for starters, you can take the proportions from our classic mulled wine. Now let’s make punch. We heat the wine with spices to 65-70 degrees, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Squeeze out the right amount of juice from lemons and oranges to get 0,75 liters. Together with the peel, additionally cut the fruit into beautiful slices.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasionsNext, mix all the ingredients in a large punch bowl. First, pour freshly squeezed juice into it, then wine heated to 70 degrees (it should be poured through a sieve to filter out the precipitate from spices), 100 ml or more of rum, fruit slices in any amount. On this punch is ready. The bowl should be covered with a lid and immediately served to the table, pouring it into heat-resistant glasses.

Fire Punch by Charles Dickens

The recipe for this punch was taken from Dickens’ 1847 letters. It has been changed quite a bit and adapted to the current realities. This is a fairly strong punch, so it should be served in small quantities. Together with lemon zest, a few cinnamon sticks fit very well.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

  • 500 ml dark rum
  • 300 ml brandy
  • 3 large lemons
  • 250 g cane sugar
  • 1 liter boiling water or black tea

In a heat-resistant bowl or stainless steel saucepan, grind the sugar with the zest of 3 lemons. Leave for 30 minutes. Add rum and cognac, and then set fire using a heat-resistant spoon with any strong alcohol, you can use alcohol. Let the mixture burn for about 3 minutes, after which the flame can be extinguished by covering the container with a lid. Remove the lemon zest (if it is left for a long time, bitterness may appear in the punch), add the juice of 3 lemons and hot black tea or just boiling water. Garnish with citrus slices and grated nutmeg. Before serving, the drink can be infused for about 3 hours in the refrigerator, and then heated again, but it can be drunk immediately.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

Cranberry Punch with Pepper

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

  • 2 hours. L. black peppercorns
  • 2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
  • 1 bottle dry white wine
  • 60 g dried sage leaves
  • 250 ml Benedictine liqueur
  • 60 g of any fragrant honey

Pour pepper into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir it for about 2 minutes until the aroma comes out. Add cranberries, 1 glass of wine, honey and simmer over medium heat for about 7 minutes until the honey is completely dissolved. Gently crush the cranberries with a fork, add the remaining wine and sage. Boil over low heat for another five minutes. Strain through a sieve, mashing the cranberries well. Let the punch cool and refrigerate for a day or two. Before serving, heat to steam and add Benedictine, which can be replaced, for example, with homemade Drambuie. Serve cranberry punch in warm bowls.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

Strong punch with gin and Madeira

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

  • 700 ml gin (eg Hendrick’s)
  • 700 ml madeira
  • 6 slices lemon zest
  • 1 slice orange zest
  • 3 pieces of pineapple
  • 90 g of honey
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • 3 button Gvozdik
  • 1 pinch grated nutmeg
  • 1 hours. L. ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp cane sugar

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain through a sieve or several layers of gauze. Pour into a punch bowl or large pitcher. Garnish with orange slices and cloves. Drink in a big company and wait for the summer.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

Hot punch with tequila

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

  • 500 ml tequila
  • 100 ml orange juice
  • 200 ml grapefruit juice
  • 75 ml lemon juice
  • 2 cups strong tea
  • ½ cinnamon sticks
  • sugar to taste

In a saucepan, combine tequila, orange, grapefruit and lemon juice. Add cinnamon and bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Before this, you need to brew two glasses of strong black tea. Remove the mixture from heat, remove the cinnamon and add the tea. Sweeten to taste, mix well and pour into a punch bowl. Serve immediately and pour into glasses.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

Cognac coffee punch

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

  • 50 ml of cognac
  • 200 ml dry red wine
  • 300 ml freshly brewed coffee
  • 1 апельсин
  • 4-6 sugar cubes

It is advisable to use natural medium roast coffee without aromatic additives. Grind it into dust and brew, for example, in a Turk. Strain through a sieve with a paper towel or through a special coffee filter. On medium heat, heat the wine to 70 degrees, and then add it to the coffee along with the cognac. Wash the orange well with a brush and dry, and then rub sugar cubes on it, which will absorb essential oils. Pour coffee punch into cups and add sugar to taste.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

Egg punch or german eggnog

I would like to finish the selection of these amazing warming goodies with a classic punch, which is prepared in Germany. At home, it is called “Eierpunsch”. In composition, it is very similar to eggnog, which we already know, but the German alcoholic eggnog is always served hot, since it is customary to drink it at Christmas markets.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasions

  • 1 bottle of white wine (750 ml)
  • 4 eggs or 8 yolks
  • 5 Art. l. Sahara
  • 1 standard sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 250 ml strong black tea
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 4 button Gvozdik
  • lemon or lemon juice to taste

Prepare 250 ml of strong black tea. Whisk 5 tablespoons of sugar and 4 eggs/8 egg yolks in a bowl. Add some cold wine to it and whisk more vigorously. Now it’s time to add vanilla sugar to the mixture, which can be replaced with 2 tsp. regular sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla extract, remaining wine, cloves and cinnamon, iced tea and lemon juice to taste. You can also add 50 ml of dark rum or cognac to the mixture, but this is not necessary.

TOP 7 recipes for hot alcoholic punches for all winter occasionsPut the mixture on a slow fire and heat until a white foam appears on the surface. The main thing is not to let the punch boil. The heated drink must be filtered through a sieve or simply remove the cloves. Egg punch should be served hot in beautiful cups. If desired, you can add a little whipped cream and grated ginger on top. Eierpunsch tastes great with gingerbread cookies. Egg punch can also be made with red wine, but you don’t need to add tea.

Bon appetit and warm winter!

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