The triceps is the triceps muscle, which is located on the back of hands and is responsible for their extension. Visual appearance and smartness of the hands is largely determined by the triceps, so without exercise this muscle can not do. Offer you 6 best exercises with dumbbells for triceps for girls that you can perform at home and in the gym.
Strong triceps are needed for push-UPS, pull-UPS, various stands and exercises for the chest. In addition, sagging with the inside of the arm where the triceps, is unlikely to go down even from an aesthetic point of view. Triceps girls can be trained at home and in the gym, and for the quality of his load, it is sufficient to have only dumbbell.
The training rules of the triceps for girls
Many girls avoid doing exercises on triceps, afraid to shake hands or to increase in volume. I hasten to reassure you, if you perform arms exercises with low weight (5 kg), no “buildup” of the muscles is not going to happen. And with more weight about any appreciable increase in muscle mass it is not – high you will cause the muscles in the small tone and will make the hands more visible. But why is the girl doing exercises on the triceps?
Why do girls always need to pump the triceps:
- Shaking triceps, you tone the muscles on the back of the hands and get rid of ugly sagging and sagging.
- Triceps involved in most exercises for the chest, so without strong muscles of the triceps you will not be able to progress in the exercises on his chest.
- Strong triceps are needed to perform push-UPS, pull-UPS, pillars, and for most of static exercises in the strap.
- Strong triceps are also needed for quality performance of many asanas in yoga, if you plan to develop in this direction.
So, what are the basic rules you need to know girls to workout for triceps was efficiently, effectively and useful?
What weight of dumbbells to take to train triceps:
- For muscle growth: the maximum weight of dumbbells so you can do 10-12 reps to failure with proper technique (for girls usually up to 8-10 kg)
- For easy tone muscles and burn fat: enough weight to make you feel the load, but it could do 15-20 reps (for girls usually up to 4-5 kg)
- For beginners: dumbbells 1-2 kg, with a gradual increase weight
Than one day to train exercises for triceps:
- Classic version: combine exercises for the triceps with the exercises for pectoral muscles. Exercises for the chest involve squeezing the weight, but for this function in the muscles of the arms is the triceps. Therefore, he is directly involved in training the chest muscles. Start your workout with exercises for pectoral muscles, then go on to exercises for the triceps.
- Alternative option: combine exercises triceps exercises biceps. Biceps and triceps are muscles-antagonists, so many people consider their joint training is the most effective way to strengthen the muscles. Some girls choose this option because it is convenient to train two groups of muscles (biceps and triceps) in one day. For those who do interval training 3-4 times a week, on the same day, and you can add exercises on the Delta.
Ready strength training with dumbbells:
8 of the rules of triceps exercises for girls:
- Usually the girls enough to train triceps once a week. But if you do strength training 5-6 times a week and would like to work on your arm muscles, you can train triceps twice a week.
- If you don’t want to get injured and postpone training for a long time, then before you do the exercises for the triceps, perform warm-up warm-up. After finishing exercises for the triceps, do not forget to stretch the muscles, it will make training more effective. For additional warm-up directly prior to performing specific exercises, you can do one approach this exercise without dumbbells (or with very little weight). View our selection of warm-up exercises and a selection of exercises for stretching.
- We offer six exercises for triceps, but not necessarily to implement them all in one day. For a complete workout of the triceps is enough to do 3-4 exercises in several ways (for example, two isolating exercises and one or two mnogosloinykh). You can alternate these exercises or periodically change a set of exercises in your lesson. However, remember that different locations of the body, the triceps beams loaded in different ways, so it’s best not to focus on the same exercises.
- If you want to lose weight, remember to eat a deficit of calories. If you want to build muscle, then eat with a calorie surplus and eat enough protein (2-2. 5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight). Also read about nutrition.
- If you want to lose weight, perform at least two times in a week cardio workout for extra calorie burning and boosting metabolism.
- Remember that to achieve effective results, it is important to train the entire body, not just individual problem areas. If you need a more detailed plan for strength training, look at our article: strength training for women: exercise + plan.
- The following exercises are suitable for implementation at home and in the gym. The convenience of training in the gym is the variety of dumbbells, so you can easily find the optimal weight and increasing load in the future. But to train the triceps at home without sacrificing results. First time to train the triceps at home you can even use plastic bottles instead of dumbbells.
- It is important to understand that gradually, your muscles will get used to the load, so it is desirable over time to increase the weight of dumbbells. For home practice it is convenient to buy a collapsible dumbbell that allows you to adjust the weight.
Isolation exercises for triceps with dumbbells
Most exercises for triceps with dumbbells – isolated, they do not participate other muscle groups. Therefore, when you exercise you should feel the burden is on the triceps. If not, you may be using too little weight or there are errors in technique. Please note that during exercises for triceps with dumbbells your shoulder (upper arm to elbow) remains stationary. Moving only the forearm. Control this point throughout the class. Do the exercises smoothly, without jerks.
How many repetitions to perform:
- For muscle growth: 10-12 reps in 4-5 sets on each hand with the maximum weight
- For easy tone muscles and burn fat: 15-20 reps, 3-4 approach each hand with a medium weight
Each of these exercises can be implemented first with one hand and then the other, and two hands at the same time. The first option allows you to perform the exercise more skillfully, as you will need to control only one hand (the free hand can hold the upper part of the other hand to keep it stationary). The second option is more complicated, but more economical from the point of view of time.
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1. Bench press dumbbell because of the head
Dumbbell bench press because of the head – one of the most effective exercises for triceps with dumbbells. Stand straight with hands at shoulder width, back straight. Take the dumbbells behind your head, elbows staring at the ceiling. On the exhale, lift the dumbbells straight up, the part of the arm above the elbow remains stationary. Hold for a few seconds and lower the dumbbells back behind your head.
This exercise can also be performed in a sitting position, this will help to avoid transfer of load from the triceps to the back. Dumbbell bench press because of the head in the sitting position more insulating, and dumbbell bench press in a standing position to partially engage the back muscles.
2. Extend arms back in the slope
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, slightly bend your knees and tilt your back so do not slouch and not rounding the spine. Take a dumbbell in hand, bend your elbows below the dumbbells were at chest level. On the exhale straighten the arms at the elbow, leaving the upper arm stationary. Arms are parallel to the body. Hold for a few seconds and return to starting position.
3. French press with dumbbells
Lie on bench, fitball or floor. Take the dumbbells straight grip, hands extend vertically upward at shoulder width. On the exhale, lower your arms down to shoulder and forearm formed a straight angle. Hold for a few seconds and return arms to starting position. The shoulders remain stationary throughout the exercise.
Mnogocwetnye exercises for triceps
In addition to isolation exercises for triceps recommend mnogocwetnye exercises on the triceps. First, they include the work of a larger number of muscles and force your body to work more effectively. Second, they provide a functional load.
How many repetitions to perform:
- For muscle growth: 10-12 reps, 3-4 approach
- For easy tone muscles and burn fat: 15-20 reps 2-3 sets
1. Push-UPS with a narrow formulation of the hands
If you train chest and triceps one day, then the push-UPS usually are already part of the workout on the chest. In this case, you can alternate: one approach classic push-UPS, one approach push-UPS with a narrow formulation of the hands on the triceps.
Feature of push-UPS with a focus on triceps is the following. First, this assumes a narrow formulation of the hands, and the closer to put the palm of your hand to each other, the stronger will load the triceps. Secondly, if you push UPS for the triceps, the elbows are as close to the body and go back, not to the side. Such push-UPS usually are harder so you can practice running them on his knees.
All about push UPS and how to perform
Or here such variant, the so-called triangle push UPS:
2. Reverse push-UPS from bench
Reverse push-UPS though are more simple exercise than push-UPS, but they also require to perform strong muscles of the triceps. Reverse push-UPS often are performed from the bench, but if you want you can run them from the floor. To complicate this exercise, you can stretch your legs and not bend them at the knees.
All about reverse push-UPS from bench
3. The extension of the hand in the strap
This exercise can be performed instead of isolation exercises, “the Extension of the hands in the slope”. What is the advantage of the exercise “Extension of the hand in the strap”? First, this exercise further works the muscles of the abdomen and back. Secondly, the unstable situation in the strap helps to use more muscles of the upper and lower body, so the body workout will be much more effective. Thirdly, such a good exercise increases the heart rate, which is useful for burning calories.
Stand in the plank position, with hands resting on the floor not the palms and dumbbells. Slightly wider legs for a more stable position. Bending your elbow, pull the dumbbell to your chest, hold for a split second and move the dumbbell back until arm is fully straightened. With extension of the arm shoulder (the part of the hand above the elbow) remains fixed. Hold this position for a couple seconds and then bend your arm at the elbow. Then return to the plank position. Please note that during exercise the back remains straight, the body is static, the pelvis is smooth (does not go neither up nor down).
Versions of the workouts for the triceps
We offer you several options of exercises for the triceps. You can choose one of the options to alternate between all three options or create your own plan of exercises for the triceps. If you are working on fat loss with light weights (or just don’t have to keep heavy dumbbells), you can perform 15-20 reps on each hand.
Option 1
- Push-UPS with a narrow formulation of the hands: 8-10 reps x 2-3 sets
- Bench press dumbbell because of the head: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
- Extend hands back in tilt: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
- Reverse push-UPS on bench: 10-12 reps x 3-4 approach
Option 2
- Push-UPS with a narrow formulation of the hands: 8-10 reps x 2-3 sets
- French bench press with dumbbells: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
- Bench press dumbbell because of the head: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
- The extension of the hand in the strap: 10-12 reps x 3 sets
Option 3
- Reverse push-UPS on bench: 10-12 reps x 3-4 approach
- French bench press with dumbbells: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
- Bench press dumbbell because of the head: 10-12 reps x 4 sets
- The extension of the hand in the strap: 10-12 reps x 3 sets
The article lists the most basic exercises for triceps for girls that you can perform at home or in the gym. Don’t forget this small but important from the point of view of aesthetics and strength muscle.
See also: Best exercises with dumbbells at home.
For tone and muscle growth, Arms and chest With dumbbells, weight training