Hello dear blog readers! It doesn’t matter if you’re on stage, debating, wanting to win over a girl, or just telling a joke in a pleasant company — it’s important to keep your interest in yourself and your story. And today I will share information on how to speak beautifully and competently, so that you want to listen, so that you are understood and recognized.
Before moving on to the speech improvement exercises themselves, let’s look at the mistakes that are usually made in conversation, which make it boring and stressful:
- In the first place, of course, are parasitic words. They poison speech so much that the interlocutor may simply stop listening to you, and not only at the moment, but also in the future, believing that you won’t say anything worthwhile anyway. This includes the repeated repetition of the same phrase, idea, which only increases the duration of the monologue, taking time and patience from the listeners. If you have noticed vocabulary parasitism in yourself, or, worse, others have pointed it out to you, do not despair. It’s just that at first you will have to control yourself, and then you will get used to it and stop “pulling” a bunch of unnecessary words into a conversation.
- Fast speech. Very quickly, they usually begin to speak under the influence of feelings, or with a strong desire to be heard. If earlier a person got into situations when he was ignored, then he will subconsciously “speed up” in order to have time to speak out and not take up much space.
- Long pauses. A culture of speech can take place, but long transitions from thought to thought are very tiring for others. Therefore, try to speak without pauses, otherwise even strong and worthwhile ideas will be left without attention.
- Part of not. It complicates perception, as the subconscious mind ignores it. Therefore, it is better to say to a loved one «be healthy» than «do not get sick.» And a completely opposite effect, if you use this particle to disagree with the statement of the interlocutor, in this case it will be perceived aggressively, leading to a conflict.
Top 5 technicians
In order to learn how to correctly express your thoughts, you should start a diary. While writing, there is an opportunity to pause and think about the wording, choosing the most appropriate terms and adjectives. Gradually, having learned to write correctly, you will transfer this skill to the oral form of expressing ideas. You can also use a blog instead of a notepad, where you can get feedback in the comments about the style and form of presenting the material, how interesting and understandable you present it.
Be sure to replenish and expand your vocabulary, being interested in unfamiliar terms and expressions. For example, every time you hear something for the first time, google it to find out the meaning. Or set yourself the task of opening the dictionary every day and finding at least five previously unknown words there. But it is important not only to study them, but also to use them in everyday conversations so that they become fixed in your memory and become useful to you.
Books will help to broaden horizons, influence the style of thinking, develop memory, teach you to express yourself beautifully and build sentences correctly. What does it have to do with both classical literature and banal blogs of politicians, psychologists, models and cosmetologists, no matter who, the main thing is that you like the style of presenting the material. It describes all the techniques that Jobs used. After all, he was considered a great orator and communicator, for the sake of which listeners used to travel thousands of kilometers just to be at a speech. I don’t think it’s worth saying that it’s a bestseller.
Whenever possible, unfold a monologue inside yourself, answer questions, describe various situations, nature and your feelings. The more you practice, the faster you will get used to building sentences beautifully, detailed, interesting and correct. You can even play a game with your family by putting various small items in a bag or bag. Then you should close your eyes, pull out the first object that comes across and describe it, or tell a fascinating story about its occurrence and application. The winner receives a prize, the loser experience in public speaking.
5.Mimicry and gestures
Be sure to include them, otherwise even the most beautiful complex sentences will be ignored. The dry presentation of information is also tiring, a person is not able to stay in suspense for a long time, therefore, in any case, he will be distracted from your stories. And liveliness, emotionality and rich facial expressions can captivate so much that even the wrong pronunciation can be forgiven by others, turning it into a feature and a chip. See the article on non-verbal communication to be aware of all the nuances. Then rehearse in front of a mirror, so you will know how you look, learn about your mistakes and gain confidence in your abilities.
With vocabulary parasitism
You need to sit down and write an answer to any question, you will have the opportunity to think about what beautiful and competent phrases to replace the words that are constantly repeated and without meaning. Also use a voice recorder to understand when you insert them and how often you use them.
If you speak too fast and slur
Again, a voice recorder will help. And you will also need to think about the reason for the acceleration of the pace of speech, how long ago it happened and what exactly affected it. Then write 10 points about what it is that hinders you in life, disadvantages, and 10 points about advantages.
Perhaps it is beneficial for you to express your thoughts in a way that others do not understand you? There are also such cases, then we are not responsible for our words, or we do not care about the opinions and thoughts of others. The main task is to speak out, to “merge”, as they say, information.
Practice proper breathing
It is especially useful for people whose professions are associated with publicity, for example, teachers. Since the vocal cords do not withstand, and the voice disappears. Therefore, to strengthen them and clear the throat, say the mantra “Om” more often, or use the recommendations from the article on breathing techniques.
To deepen the voice
It is necessary to lie on the floor and put something heavy on your diaphragm, starting to declare poems, or read something aloud.
Build Your Confidence
Fight fears, because indecision is “read” instantly, and then you will have to put in a lot of effort to win the recognition of others. Check out this article, there are exercises that help you cope with tense and stressful situations. After all, we need to maintain clarity of mind during excitement, otherwise everything will be confused in the head. And we run the risk of returning to our original position, starting to use parasitic words again, or chattering too quickly.
Set up publicity checks
And as often as possible, to track the dynamics of your progress, gain experience and skills. Any methods will do, tell a joke in a company you don’t know very well or in general, sign up for acting classes, where you will have to play and perform, feeling insecure or ashamed at first.
Learn to prioritize
What exactly do you want to convey to the interlocutor? It is actually very important to be clear and understandable, because for this we learn oratory. And also pay attention to the interests of your listener, otherwise there is a risk of thinking that you are making mistakes again, since you are being inattentively treated, but in fact it turns out that he is simply bored with your monologue about laying off employees or ways to save your family.
Remember, there must be energy in the dialogue, and as soon as you notice that eyes are looking away from you, make attempts to regain interest in the conversation by changing the subject, joking and adding a little non-verbal.
If you need to speak to the public, and even just voice some proposal even at the parent meeting, and you feel fear and excitement to draw everyone’s attention to yourself, there is one technique, even I would say, a trick that will help cope with excitement and anxiety. For starters, of course, you should take a chance, and take the first step — to speak. After that, choose the person sitting farthest, this will help you calm down without focusing on the fact that a lot of pairs of eyes are looking at you. You choose one that will support you. This technique is usually used by all artists, and it really works.
And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, I would like to recommend that you look at an article about methods for developing communication skills, so that you can not only correctly convey your ideas to others, but also understand the interlocutor, establishing contact and pleasant mutual pastime. Good luck and best results!