Top 5 Simple Asanas for Immunity and Wellness: Step by Step with Photos

Top 5 Simple Asanas for Immunity and Wellness: Step by Step with Photos

Fish, cobra, butterfly and other yoga poses that will make your life better.

Founder of the international corporation Enhel Group, which popularizes the best technologies for health and youth from Japan in Russia, a beauty expert.

Have you noticed a boost of energy after exercising? This is no coincidence. Through physical activity, our body produces hormones of joy and increases the protective functions against viruses. Calm down, you won’t have to go for an hour-long cardio workout. The founder of the international corporation ENHEL GROUP Julia Angel recommends making a few simple yoga asanas. They will help strengthen the immune system, reduce stress levels, and also improve your mood. 

Adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog pose)

Even if you’ve never attended a yoga class, you’ve probably heard of this pose. Classic! By doing the downward facing dog exercise, you can relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation, as the pelvis will be higher than the head. At first glance, the asana seems simple, but do not forget about the technique in order to receive exclusively benefits for the body.

Technique of execution

  • Get on your knees, rest your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart, point your fingers forward.

  • Slowly lift your pelvis up, straightening your legs completely.

  • Make sure that your feet do not come off the floor.

  • Lower your head down.

  • Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds, return to the starting position and do 4 more approaches.

Matsiasana (fish pose)

“The intestine is the second brain” – this statement has been scientifically proven. His condition affects not only the health of the body, but also our mood. In the fish pose, you stretch the abdominal cavity, training and improving the functioning of the digestive organ. This exercise should be done after inverted asanas in order to normalize blood pressure.

Technique of execution

  • Lie on your back, put your legs together and rest your elbows on the floor.

  • As you inhale, make a deflection in the chest: bring your shoulder blades together, lift your shoulders from the support, and leave the crown of your head on the floor.

  • Keep your neck relaxed and in line with your spine.

  • Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds, return to the starting position without sudden movements and repeat the asana 2 more times.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

The health of our body directly depends on the spine. In the cobra pose, special attention is paid to him. The asana stimulates the work of the spinal column, replaces the displaced vertebrae and improves posture. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the cobra pose is a real salvation for the body. In addition, daily practice will help activate the nerve endings. As a result, strength will appear and drowsiness will disappear.

Technique of execution

  • Lie on your stomach with your feet together and place your palms on the floor at chest level.

  • Tighten your thighs and glutes.

  • As you inhale, slowly raise your chest, straighten your arms, and pull your shoulders back and down.

  • Look up.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds, gently lower yourself to the starting position and repeat the asana 3 more times.

Baddha Konasana (butterfly pose)

Another pose for those who are not used to moving a lot. During the performance of the asana, the hip joints are relaxed, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs, lower back and abdomen improves. By the way, the butterfly pose is especially useful for women: with regular practice, you can get rid of pain during menstruation.

Technique of execution

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees and bring your feet together.

  • Grab your feet with your hands and move them closer to your groin (while keeping your back straight).

  • Lock your position and try to gently push your knees with your hands, stretching your pelvic muscles.

  • Hold the pose for a minute, and each day increase the duration by 10 seconds.

Balasana (child pose)

It is best to complete the set of exercises in the child’s pose. The asana will help to relax the muscles of the body, relieve fatigue and calm the nervous system. It can also be performed as a separate element, for example, before going to bed. The child’s pose is very comfortable for a person: the spine smoothly stretches, the tension in the lower back and neck goes away. In addition, in this position, due to breathing, the organs of the abdominal cavity are healed.

Technique of execution

  • Kneel down with your legs together.

  • Slowly lower your pelvis to your heels and place your forehead on the floor.

  • Stretch your arms forward, palms down, or along your body, palms up.

  • Make sure your shoulders are completely relaxed.

  • Concentrate on your breathing: it should be even and calm.

  • Remain in the child’s pose for about two minutes, then return to the starting position and repeat the asana 2 more times.

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