If moonshine is made with high quality, then it can be used in any cocktails instead of vodka. Here we will talk about an insufficiently refined distillate with flaws in smell and taste that need to be masked. Almost all the proposed recipes for moonshine cocktails are variations of well-known and popular cocktails in Russia, but modified for the task at hand.
“Bloody Masha”
Russian variation of Bloody Mary without Worcestershire sauce and Tobasco, but with parsley.
- moonshine – 50 ml;
- tomato juice – 100 ml;
- lemon juice – 15 ml (1 tablespoon);
- fresh parsley – 1 sprig;
- salt, black pepper – to taste;
- ice.
It is advisable to use homemade tomato juice, but store-bought is also suitable.
1. Fill a glass with ice.
2. Pour moonshine with tomato juice, add a tablespoon of lemon juice.
3. Salt and pepper to taste.
4. Stir, then place a sprig of parsley and a thin circle of lemon in a glass. Aesthetes can serve this cocktail with a straw.

“Sweet Prince”
Women’s cocktail with moonshine based on jam. Any jam or pitted jam will do.
- moonshine – 50 ml;
- jam – 50 ml;
- carbonated water – 100 ml;
- ice.
1. Mix jam and soda in a mug. Stir until a liquid consistency is obtained, if necessary, add a little more water.
2. Fill a serving glass with ice. Pour in moonshine, then add jam diluted in water (you can pre-strain through a kitchen strainer to remove the pulp).

“Drunk Russian”
The original version of the Black Russian cocktail, famous in the West, but regular coffee is used instead of coffee liqueur.
- moonshine – 100 ml;
- strong coffee – 25-30 ml;
- cream (11%) – 10-15 ml (optional).
- ice.
We need brewed strong coffee, prepared in a Turk or a coffee machine, always without grounds. A shot of espresso is perfect. An instant coffee-based cocktail will be too bitter. If you add cream, you get a Drunken White Russian cocktail.
1. Fill a glass with ice.
2. Add moonshine with coffee and cream (optional). Mix.

“Mohitovka (Wild Mojito)”
A remix of the Mojito cocktail, which uses lemon instead of lime, because it muffles the smell of moonshine better, and the proportions are slightly changed.
- moonshine – 30 ml;
- lemon – 1 piece (medium);
- carbonated mineral water or Sprite (Sprite) – 70 ml;
- sugar – 1 tablespoon;
- fresh mint – 4-5 leaves;
- ice.
If you need a sweet cocktail, then it is preferable to take the Sprite drink, in all other cases it is better to use carbonated mineral water.
1. Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half into a serving glass.
2. Add sugar and mint leaves. Crush the mint with a spoon, the sugar should dissolve in the lemon juice.
3. Fill the glass to the top with ice. Pour moonshine and mineral water (or Sprite). Garnish with lemon slices, if desired.

“Clockwork Cucumber”
Usually moonshine is eaten with cucumbers, but in this cocktail they are mixed together.
- moonshine – 50 ml;
- pickled or pickled cucumbers – 2-3 pieces (medium);
- cucumber pickle or marinade – 25-30 ml.
1. Cool all ingredients well.
2. Cucumbers cut into slices, then chop with a blender along with cucumber pickle (marinade).
3. Pour moonshine and cucumber smoothie into a serving glass. Mix.