Top 5 foods that harm beauty and health

Some of them can cause excess weight, while others can cause cardiovascular failure.

We all want to be beautiful and healthy, but we rarely think that our appearance directly depends on what we eat. Alas, not everyone has yet learned how to eat right, and it’s very difficult to give up burgers, but if you want to stay young both externally and internally, you will have to limit yourself a little from the most harmful foods that you probably have in your diet.

– A person needs energy for life. The easiest and most logical way to get energy from food. The human body is conceived by nature as an accurate and perfect mechanism that completely recycles all incoming energy. But in the event that this energy comes from healthy food. There are several food groups that are unhealthy to eat, and it’s best if you cut them off.

The first thing that is recommended is to eliminate from your diet. alcohol… In addition to the well-known harmful effect on the liver and cardiovascular system, alcohol dehydrates the body, which leads to premature aging of the skin and, accordingly, the early appearance of wrinkles.

Soda and juice from packs… Such drinks, as a rule, contain a lot of sugar, and hence “empty” carbohydrates, such, after consuming which a person quickly feels full, which passes just as quickly, without giving the body enough time to convert the calories received into energy. The unused calories, in turn, are transferred to adipose tissue, and over time, the person becomes overweight. Sugary soda is also a mortal enemy for the teeth. Due to the large amount of sugar, tooth decay affects the teeth, and the bubbles of carbon dioxide accelerate the process of destruction of tooth enamel. It is better to replace these drinks with plain water.

Sweets. Such as cakes and pastries work in much the same way as lemonades and packaged juices. They contain a large amount of “empty” carbohydrates, due to which extra pounds appear. And the sweet butter cream, which is often added abundantly to confectionery masterpieces, clogs the pores of the skin, causing blackheads and pimples to appear. You can replace all unhealthy sweets with dried fruits or choose the vegan version of your favorite dessert.

Fast food and junk food Is definitely evil. Chips, burgers, fries and similar foods also contain a huge amount of “empty” carbohydrates, stressing the liver during digestion, as they are cooked in a large amount of oil. In addition, small portions of this food contain, on average, a third of the daily amount of calories needed by the human body, and at the same time, chips or fries are often perceived as a light snack, and not as a complete meal.

Canned food and all foods to which preservatives have been added… Mayonnaise, ketchup, canned fish and meat, and the like. Preservatives have a negative effect on the condition of the skin, and carcinogens that are formed during the production of canned products can lead to the development of cancer. And, of course, all the “naturalness” of such food is pure marketing. Even if we imagine that ketchup, for example, would be made by simply grinding tomatoes and putting them in a jar, it would be unprofitable to produce such ketchup, since its final cost will be quite high due to the high cost compared to products from chemical laboratories. And the shelf life of really natural canned food is very short, if, again, we compare it with the chemically recovered components of canned food. Therefore, the inscription “natural ingredients” on the canned food is marketing and nothing more.

Dairy. This list item may seem unexpected. But recently, scientists are increasingly talking about the fact that the benefits of milk and products made from it are greatly exaggerated. It is customary to consider the unambiguous plus of milk that it contains calcium, which is good for bones and teeth, as it strengthens them. But the fact is that milk is oversaturated with calcium. By consuming milk, we, in turn, oversaturate the body with calcium and animal protein.

It should be noted that man is the only mammal on Earth that drinks milk in adulthood, while for all other animals on the planet this is uncharacteristic.

The body strives to remove excess calcium and process large amounts of milk protein, which requires a significant amount of acid to break down. As a result, in the process of breaking down protein by acid, the body’s pH level shifts to the acidic side, and in order to return the pH to its previous level, the body takes calcium from human bones. It turns out that drinking milk can even reduce the level of calcium in the body. And, probably, one can not once again say that a sufficiently large number of people do not tolerate lactose, its use causes strong allergic reactions in them. Today’s realities, alas, are such that milk often contains antibiotics, the presence of which increases the body’s tolerance to drugs that also contain antibiotics and, as a result, drugs simply cannot cope with any disease if a person is prescribed antibiotic spectrum drugs.

Of course, it is not easy to give up all of these products at once. And, of course, it is more comfortable to switch to another type of food gradually. Or at least try to reduce the proportion of unhealthy foods by increasing the number of vegetables and fruits in the diet, which it is advisable not to heat-treat.

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