Top 5 easy-to-learn methods for getting out of your comfort zone

For a long time it seemed to me that all these books, articles and statements about how to learn to leave the comfort zone do not carry value as such. I confess, I thought that the fact that I am constantly in an environment familiar to me for a long time is a sign of stability. But this stability is fatal. The more we are among all that we are so used to. The more likely it is that we will be dragged down. It will not allow us to move forward, to grow internally, to improve. And so I realized that it was time to change my habits, daily routine, and thinking in general.

As a result, through trial and error, I managed to find the best methods and ways that can help each of you. This is what I want to share with you, dear readers.

1.Mode of the day

A person, sometimes intuitively every day, seeks to find the right way out for him from his world, in which, like in any other, there are certain boundaries. And the very first step to start with is to start a new notebook called «My daily routine.» So, if you are used to getting up on weekdays 15 minutes before going to work. It’s time to rise in an hour, or even an hour and a half. Not only that, open the window, breathe in a breath of fresh air. Do some physical exercise, or if that’s more your thing, practice a few asanas.

In total, you need to reconsider your daily routine. Make reasonable changes to it, diversify it. Definitely, change will bring with it inner unrest and a feeling that something is not going according to plan. Don’t worry, this is the first sign that you’ve started to step out of your comfort zone.

If you, well, you just can’t get up in the morning cheerful and without problems. Read the article on the blog, here is the link: “How to learn to wake up without an alarm clock in the morning at the right time by following 4 simple rules”

2. Where to start getting out of comfort

Top 5 easy-to-learn methods for getting out of your comfort zone

It is useful to remind yourself periodically: «Get out of your comfort zone and change your life.» Moreover, in spite of everything, promise yourself that in the near future you will do something that you have long wanted, but could not decide on. Sounds kinda scary? I’m not talking about skydiving or taking pictures on the spire of the tallest building in your city.

Everything is much simpler — smile at a stranger, thus fill his day with a ray of optimism, change the style of clothing, hairstyle, repaint the walls in the hallway. On the one hand, this way of getting out of the comfort zone resembles a kind of game in which you are its main character. Become an actor, try on someone else’s role for you, which will make you go beyond your own world.

I know for myself that this thought is scary, but as soon as you bring it to life, you will feel how the latter will sparkle with new colors.

Here are some great tools to help you: a previously written article deals with very interesting methods of communicating with people. They are very simple and effective. “Kill” 2 birds with one stone, so to speak. And get out of your comfort zone and learn techniques that are interesting to you. Read the article: «Is it possible to control people with the help of NLP and what techniques of influence exist for this.»

3. Forget about «I don’t have time for this»

The psychology of successful people lies in the fact that they know how to correctly plan their day, week, and life in general. This does not mean that someone may not be able to do this.

In addition, it is time to admit to ourselves that we always have time for everything. It’s just that sometimes we, albeit unconsciously, but for some reason do not want to perform this or that task, go somewhere, communicate with someone.

Sometimes it seems to us that this can lead to a lot of negative consequences, memories, emotions and other things. But really, it’s worth trying. How do you understand that leaving the comfort zone was worth it to feel a surge of new energy, new experiences, a sense of personal growth.

So, remember what activities helped you to reveal your inner potential, what exactly gave you a lot of pleasure. This may be a visit to a foreign language course, a fitness club, a culinary circle.

It is possible that you constantly did not have enough time to do a morning run or re-read books on successful business management that have long been put aside.

It’s time to learn how to get out of your comfort zone and take on what you have been putting off for so long or what you completely forgot about due to an imaginary lack of time.

4. New impressions

Top 5 easy-to-learn methods for getting out of your comfort zone

Leaving your comfort zone means being on your way to success in life. When you realize that you cannot remember what was so bright and unusual that happened yesterday, it’s time to look for new experiences. And this point is closely related to the previous one: after all, these impressions can be given by an activity for which there was not enough time for so long. Moreover, they can be obtained by simply leaving the city for one or two days in an unfamiliar town.

But in this case, before packing your bags, it is important to weigh the pros and cons, to understand whether this is really the most effective way to find new experiences. Sometimes a regular morning walk to work can give them, or, returning home from the office, you just need to change the boring route. It is possible that new landscapes and faces will become a source of vivid memories.

Don’t forget that stepping out of your comfort zone helps you expand your horizons. That is how, stepping over yourself, going beyond your world, you can find out that the Universe provides many opportunities that contribute to your success. The best things don’t always happen within your comfort zone.

5. Throw out old habits

Top 5 easy-to-learn methods for getting out of your comfort zone

In the life of every person there comes a period when you get tired of yourself, but this is exactly what the reason is and how to help yourself, it is not always possible to understand. Sometimes the root of this problem is old habits, which, as soon as you try to step over the border of the comfort zone, pull the person back, while not allowing you to go forward.

It is important to look at your life from the outside, objectively. Try to understand what is taking away your time, which you could use to learn something new, to meet interesting people. Do self-analysis, and after a while you will be able to understand what habits are pulling you to the bottom, dragging you into the abyss of eternal comfort and unwillingness to grow.

So, maybe you are still that sleepyhead and can wallow in bed until dinner. Then get angry at yourself, saying that you do not have time to do anything from what you planned. Maybe your life is filled with empty talk with toxic people who, with their “Yes, this will not lead to anything good. I tried once — it’s useless» poison your life? In addition, if your habit has long been the absence of a diary in which you plan your coming day, then it’s time to forget about it.


There is no need to wait for the right time of day, day or date when you are ready to step out of your comfort zone. It’s time to do it now, at this moment, while you haven’t finished reading the article yet. After all, by doing this, you will change your life for the better.

By the way, continuing this conversation, take a look at my article “Why leaving the comfort zone is the only way to develop a successful person”, which will help you find answers to many questions.

That’s all for today, dear friends. Visit the blog and share links to your favorite articles. Social buttons networks at the very bottom and top right. Bye Bye.

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