TOP 4 life-shortening products

Drugs that extend life have not yet been invented, but you can do it yourself by changing the quality of your life and reducing the amount of foods in your diet that shorten your life span. These are products that provoke early aging of cells, causing changes in the sections of chromosomes that protect DNA from damage. Such disorders accelerate aging and the appearance of diseases that lead to a deterioration in your general condition, and sometimes even death.

Red meat

Scientists have long confirmed that an excessive passion for red meat threatens heart disease and the development of cancer. Various studies confirm that red meat also shortens life by destroying essential chromosomes. White meat, by the way, although to a lesser extent, has the same effect. To neutralize this effect from meat dishes, it is enough to add starch-rich foods to the diet – bananas, lentils.

Processed meat


All convenience foods that include processed meat are potentially dangerous. American research confirms that people who are addicted to eating sausages, sausages, grilled chicken, bacon have significantly damaged DNA, compared to those who eat regular cooked meat.

Carbonated drinks

Sugary sodas also accelerate cell aging. Scientists have calculated that the daily use of such soda threatens to reduce life by 4-5 years. Soda causes diseases that are typical for the elderly – heart disease, diabetes, cancer.


Of course, what the anti-rating of products without alcohol is – its harmful effect is not a revelation. Alcohol itself helps any disease to pass into chronic stages, and any lingering disease significantly shortens life, depleting the strength of the body. In people who often drink alcoholic beverages, chromosomal abnormalities are much larger and more distinct, in contrast to those who prefer to abstain from alcohol or consume it in moderation.

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