TOP 28 professions that will be in demand in the next 5 and 10 years

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about what professions in demand we expect in 5 or even 10 years.

Technological progress almost daily calls into question the relevance of the work of some specialists.

Scientists agree that in a short period of time, about 75% of jobs will be occupied by machines.

Yes, the hour has come when robots have taken over the world. Smart homes, autopilots, payment machines… we can go on and on.

Suppose, today, as you yourself understand, there is absolutely no need for telephonists or people-alarm clocks. Any student is able to set a call for a certain time, write a message to a friend and send an e-card to his grandmother for her birthday.

Therefore, in order not to find yourself in an awkward situation when the profession obtained earlier turns out to be completely unnecessary, we offer you a list of vacancies that will gain popularity in the coming years.

You will have time to retrain and gain additional knowledge in order to remain in demand in the labor market.

Actual specialties for 2025 — 2030

Distant work

Most professions, one way or another, will intersect with activities on the Internet. Accordingly, in the future, people who can perform their duties remotely will be in demand.

And for this, you need to be able to plan your working day, as well as form tasks, set priorities and motivate yourself to work, and not succumb to the temptations to relax, since the office is in the house.

  • Internet marketer. Given the fact that most of the population spends time online, for example, reading the news on various social networks and other Internet sites, businesses have to restructure themselves so that a potential consumer still receives valuable information. And in this case, marketers who know how to automate sales and build contact with the client will just help.
  • Targetologists. The activity is a bit similar to the previous one, the only difference is that this specialist is engaged in the formation and configuration of various advertising campaigns.
  • Programmer. It would be surprising if programmers and web developers were not in demand in the future, right? By the way, the ability to work with code and develop applications, games is the most sought-after profession, both at the moment and in 5, 10 years.
  • Cyber ​​security specialist. We leave a fairly large amount of valuable information on the network that cybercriminals can easily use. In addition to social networks, where you need to indicate your age, phone number, place of work, etc., we make online purchases. And this is bank card data, passwords, e-mail and so on.

Social sphere

Despite the fact that the labor market is literally littered with specialists such as psychologists and social workers, this area will be quite relevant in the near future.

  • Moderator of communication with representatives of state bodies. It is not always possible to build a constructive dialogue with government officials, which is why people who act as intermediaries between the inhabitants of a certain region, district and officials are gaining more and more popularity.
  • Mediator of social conflicts. He is also called a conflictologist. As you already understood, it helps to resolve disputes that arise among representatives of various population groups.
  • An eco-leader is a person who is not indifferent to the eco-space around him. He supports and manages community groups that want to improve the ecology of their country and the planet as a whole.

Legal sphere

In America, specialists such as online lawyers are already gaining popularity. They provide legal support to their clients remotely. For example, they suggest how to draw up a particular document without having to come to the office.

Also relevant will be:

  • Network Lawyer. It forms and regulates the legal relations of people on the Internet.
  • Cyberexplorer. As the name implies, he investigates cybercrimes.
  • Media cop. It ensures order and security in the network, if necessary, takes measures that help protect victims of cybercrime. He also searches for violations of the law on media resources.


Teachers who are able to develop individual programs for their students, focusing on their abilities, personal qualities and intelligence level, will be highly valued.

Organizers of group discussions will also become popular, thanks to which it will be easier for students to remember the material, or to consolidate it if it has already been mastered.

  • Game educator. This is a person who builds the learning process through games. What allows you to make it interesting, exciting and simpler compared to the usual education system.
  • Tutor. In simple words — a personal assistant, mentor, curator who accompanies a child or an adult on the path of his development.
  • Startup mentor. Such a person has a positive experience in the implementation of startups, which is why he shares with those who wish the knowledge that he learned in the process of his formation. The mentor also oversees the projects of his wards.
  • Eco-preacher. No, this work is not related to religion. The eco-evangelist provides information on how to lead an environmentally conscious lifestyle in order to at least slightly reduce the harm that humanity causes to nature.

TOP 28 professions that will be in demand in the next 5 and 10 years

Biotechnology and medicine

  • GMO agronomists. In simple words, this is a specialist in the use of genetically modified products. For example, he is engaged in the cultivation of plants in which the genes of a completely different living organism have been added.
  • Gerontologists. Given the fact that we can create artificial organs with a 3D printer, life expectancy will increase. Accordingly, consultants on healthy aging will be needed. They will tell you what lifestyle is worth leading, what loads they can do and which are dangerous, what is recommended to eat, and so on.
  • Developers of cyberprostheses and implants. It is necessary to create directly such a prosthesis or implant that will not be rejected by the body, will be able to qualitatively perform the function of a remote organ, and so on. Therefore, scientists who can make almost half robots out of people by implanting various vital technological devices into their bodies will become relevant in the medical field.
  • A molecular nutritionist is a person who draws up a nutrition plan, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body and the genetic analysis of his client, as well as the molecular composition of the products themselves.
  • Medical robot operator. Yes, operations and various procedures will be performed using robots, so vacancies such as an operator will appear on the labor market. After all, someone must program them, exercise control, and so on.

Top new professions of the future

  • Virtual Reality Designer. The population of the planet, which has access to computers and various gadgets, will spend both free and working time in virtual reality. Accordingly, people who know how to create it will be urgently needed. And it’s not just about games, we’ll start visiting non-existent (physically) offices, museums, social services, and so on.
  • Robot lawyers. Yes, given the fact that soon a robot assistant will settle in almost every family, personalities will be required who will act as an intermediary between man and machine. After all, a lot of films have been created about the rise of technological products that cannot feel, therefore they are able to harm all living things.
  • Analysts of the Internet of Things. Their task is to provide «smart homes» with new devices to create even more comfort and convenience. In principle, there are already a lot of kettles and multicookers on the market that can be controlled using your phone. That is, turn it on or off while, for example, on the road. And then, getting home, a warm dinner and tea will be waiting for you.
  • Space guide. Scientists believe that around the 2030s, any wealthy inhabitant of our planet will be able to afford to go to the stars. And if the first flights of tourists will be accompanied by cosmonauts, then over time a new specialty will open at universities in order to relieve the burden on those who initially did not plan to become a guide, but solved other valuable tasks.
  • Ecosystem restorer. People mercilessly destroy the resources of the planet, practically not caring about the damage they cause to nature. Accordingly, many animals and plants disappear from the face of the earth, and forever. Therefore, in 5 or even 10 years, specialists will be relevant who will collect the genetic material of what has died out in order to bring it back to life and give it a second chance to exist.
  • Uninterruptible power supply developer. You may have noticed how solar panels are gradually replacing external power grids. This is really beneficial and allows you to achieve independence. Only one difficulty — if the main source of food is the sun and wind, then what to do when the weather changes and it rains, for example? That is why the profession of an uninterruptible power supply engineer will become quite relevant.
  • City farmer. In this position, the person will be engaged in urban landscaping. In order not to depend on agriculture, vegetables and fruits will grow on the roof of almost every new building.
  • Reenactors. Many buildings that are of historical value are in disrepair and pose a threat to the lives of those who are close to them. Accordingly, there will soon be a need for people who know how to rebuild the site to remove the danger, while maintaining architectural integrity.
  • Mind fitness personal trainer. At the moment, every social network is replete with announcements of personal growth trainings and similar courses for pumping one’s personality. In the future, the vector of attention will shift slightly to intellectual abilities. For example, speed reading, the development of phenomenal memory, imaginative thinking, and so on will become popular.

TOP 28 professions that will be in demand in the next 5 and 10 years

Jobs that will disappear before 2030

Automation of processes leads to the uselessness of a number of professions. If a person can be replaced by a program, a robot, then why not do it? After all, «soulless» machines do not need rest, they do not make mistakes and do not act under the influence of emotions, endangering entire companies and enterprises.

Now we want to share a list of those positions that are the first to be in danger of disappearing, since the need for the services of these specialists will really disappear.

  • Accountant and estimator
  • Copywriter
  • Librarian, archivist
  • Watchman, elevator
  • Courier, driver
  • Postman
  • Museum guard, curator
  • Waiter

What to do now?

In order to stay afloat and calmly look into the future, not being afraid to be out of work due to changes, we recommend starting self-development today. New skills, like well-developed old ones, never hurt, and in any profession.

The Wikium website has online simulators, thanks to which you will increase your personal productivity, attentiveness, strengthen your memory, reduce the number of mistakes made, and simply keep your brain in good shape.

Which, of course, is one of the most effective methods of preventing age-related mental diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Training will take a little time, about 15 minutes a day, but it will allow you to increase the number of neural connections, which is the key and a sign of high intelligence.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Stay with us by subscribing to site updates.

Take care of yourself, look for that niche that will allow you to receive not only financial reward, but also satisfaction, the realization of your own ambitions! And, of course, be happy!

The material was prepared by Zhuravina Alina

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