TOP 24 simple family budget saving tips

Hello dear blog readers! Today we will talk about such an important topic as saving the family budget. Unfortunately, this is not taught at school and not every parent is able to pass on their knowledge of how to properly handle money. How to plan your income and expenses so that unforeseen circumstances do not drag you into a «debt hole». This article contains the most effective and quite applicable tips in the life of every person. So, are you ready to find out?

Top 24

1.Home bookkeeping

Usually people have a lot of resistance to the proposal to start keeping track of their expenses and income. Arguments are being used that they do not want to spend extra time on calculations and records. Think for yourself, how can you properly distribute your financial flows if you don’t really know what exactly you need to spend money on this month? In addition, vaguely understanding what is the profit and balance in the account?

It is clear that all this can be controlled without records, periodically looking into the wallet or checking the bank card. But the human factor can work, and some moment will be lost sight of.

In general, start a notepad or download the program to your gadget and try it. At the very least, it will become clear to you what exactly your salary is going to. By the way, this is not the first time we have been talking about the family budget. In the last article, we already recommended programs for accounting finance.

2. Savings

Regardless of your income level, set aside a monthly amount that will not affect you much. It will act as insurance. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes it is impossible to predict any events. And so you will always be sure that no matter what, you will remain financially independent for a certain time. And besides, the understanding that you are saving up for something helps to refrain from useless and irrelevant purchases in a given period of time.

By saving 10% of your income, your standard of living will not decrease. But then you can save your first capital.

3. Slowness

Learn to hold on and not lower your salary on the first day you receive it. Payment of loans and utilities is not included in this rule. There is a late fee. Set aside the necessary amount for the accounts, allocate the rest to the needs of the family. And go shopping the next day, because in a state of carelessness, having a round sum in your wallet, you risk losing it. A list of essentials will help coordinate your actions and return a sense of reality.

4. Not seasonal

I think you are aware that at the end of the season, clothing and footwear stores have sales. Discounts sometimes reach 70%, and this is just the way for those who decide to manage their finances economically. There are at least two people in the family, and if everyone constantly buys things from new collections, then you need to have a rather large budget. Or deny yourself everything else.

And with the advent of the new season in stores, most often there are a lot of people seeking to update their wardrobe according to the weather. Take care of this in advance, as in the saying «Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the cart in the winter.» Then, in addition to saving, you will also not be taken by surprise, regardless of whether it is raining outside, snowing, or the heat has come on suddenly.

5. Bulk purchases

TOP 24 simple family budget saving tips

There are products that we use all the time. Therefore, it will be beneficial if you make a bulk purchase of products with a long shelf life. For example, salt, sunflower oil, sugar, stew and more. Sooner or later you will still have to purchase them, and this way you can save at least a little. And by the way, never go to the supermarket on an empty stomach. Otherwise, your shopping cart will contain a lot of unnecessary goods that you did not plan to purchase at all.

6.Unknown Services

Sometimes mobile operators, without informing the client, charge a symbolic monthly fee for using any of their services. Completely unnecessary. And if you calculate the amount for the year, then it no longer seems symbolic and insignificant.

7. Life

The secret to the success of many famous and rich people is simple — they use their resources rationally. Don’t waste them. Why not use this rule in everyday life? For example, turn off the water while brushing your teeth, or when you lather in the shower. You are still busy at this moment and there is no need for her to just run. Instead of ordinary light bulbs, put energy-saving ones, insulate windows, if possible, walls.


If a solemn event awaits you ahead, it is not necessary to buy a dress or a business suit. Especially if you rarely wear such clothes. Rent what you need. There you can also find the appropriate accessories. And at each holiday you will be in different outfits, without worrying about having to wear the same one.

9. Creativity

Do not throw away old things, but try to “breathe a second life” into them. There are many different tutorials on the Internet on how to sew, for example, a handbag from unwanted jeans. Or how to restore and decorate an unusable nightstand. Even from plastic bottles you can make a lot of useful things. Instead of buying new ones.


The more you pay attention to him, the less money you will spend on treatment. It is better to pay for diagnostics, steadily monitoring your body. Then you will be able to detect some process in time, if it starts, and stop it in a timely manner. Cases with advanced diseases require not only a lot of money, but also time and effort. And sometimes they cost lives.

11. Fighting Addictions

If you smoke, drink, gamble, etc., then calculate how much you have to invest in your addiction each month. What will be the amount per year? Not only is it harmful, dangerous to health, it is also expensive. If you decide to declare a fight against bad habits, then on the blog you will find all the necessary information that will help you. For example, here are the most effective ways to quit smoking, and in this article you will learn how to cope with the desire to drink.


Plan it in advance so that you have time to book seats at a bargain price. Usually during the season you have to stay where there are empty places, or overpay. Due to the influx of tourists, the price usually rises. And try to cook on your own as much as possible. Three meals a day in a restaurant or cafe will be expensive.

13. Rationalization

TOP 24 simple family budget saving tips

When there is an irresistible desire to purchase, for example, the tenth skirt or watch, then use this method. Divide your monthly wage by calculating how much you earn per hour. Then it will be clearer how much work you have to do in order for a new thing to appear in the closet just because there is a discount on it or you just want to spend money.

14. Pleasure

It is not worth it to control oneself rigidly in desires. Denying yourself pleasure and joy for a certain time, you will lose the motivation to save. And work also. Usually during strict diets, a person has a breakdown. For a week he eats only healthy foods, and then he gets tired of this lifestyle and gorges himself to satiety. It’s the same with savings. At one point, you run the risk of «squandering» the accumulated money. Therefore, distribute the budget so that there are deferred finances for yourself, your loved one or your beloved.


Even if you have been waiting for a year for the desired film to appear at the box office, do not run to the premiere. In a couple of weeks tickets will be much cheaper. And sessions at night or early in general cannot but rejoice, most often they have a significant discount. Sometimes even 50%.

16. Credit

If you understand that, say, your refrigerator is old and will not last long, start saving up for it in advance. To eliminate unforeseen large waste. In any case, look for a way out without applying for a loan. A very large percentage of the population falls into this trap. Moreover, with medium and low income.

17. Awareness

Are you aware of all your rights? Maybe you have the right to apply for a subsidy, get benefits for travel, utility bills, and so on? Keep receipts and warranty cards, they take up little space, but allow you to exchange the product or repair it completely free of charge. Even make a refund in case of poor quality services. Don’t neglect your rights.


When choosing a product on the Internet, we do not overpay for it. In stores, the price is higher due to rent, payment for the work of employees, delivery, and so on. Joint purchases are also cheaper. They are obtained at a wholesale, not a retail price. You will find such groups of like-minded people in social networks.

19. Word of mouth

Ask your friends where they get their hair cut, manicures and more. Or maybe even one of your friends provides similar services. There are specialists working at home, not in a beauty salon. In terms of professionalism, they are in no way inferior to salons. Just paying for their services will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

20. Lunch

Take sandwiches and salads with you to work. A daily snack in a cafe is not the best solution for those who decide to save money. Offices usually have small kitchens where you can heat food and make coffee.


TOP 24 simple family budget saving tips

Focus on quality when choosing clothes. You should not chase fashion, it changes too quickly. And you need to have a very large wallet to keep up with it. Better you get one good thing a season, but it will last you a long time. And you will always look great. So that it would not be like in the saying: «The miser pays twice.» By the way, this rule also applies to products. If you eat wholesome and high-quality food, you will feel better, and there will be fewer health problems. Accordingly, spending on medicines is reduced.


To motivate yourself to keep a modest budget, save money for a very real dream. For example, you want to fly abroad, but you can’t afford it. Calculate how much you need for the desired trip, and how long it will take to accumulate it.


Analyze what you spend the most on. Utilities do not count. And try experimenting with giving it up completely for a couple of weeks. At first it will be difficult, but suddenly you will realize that you can do without the most expensive sausage or a sandwich with red caviar for breakfast.

24. Self-education

Invest in your education. If you have a choice, going to a restaurant or attending a self-development training, buying a book, then you know what to do. Knowledge and experience will stay with you forever, and will even be useful in work and life.


All of these principles are simple enough to use in everyday life, no matter what your budget is. If you want to learn how to increase your income, then follow this link. There you will find all the information you need on how to earn more. And that’s all for today, dear readers! Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina.

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