Top 20 short’s low impact video workouts based on Pilates (Pilates is a Great TV)

Pilates is a set of exercises designed to overall tone the body, and the development of deep muscles stabilizing the spine and getting rid of problem areas. Pilates is widely used not only as a fitness burden for the formation of a well-proportioned body, but also as a rehabilitation burden for the prevention and getting rid of back pain.

Offer you 20 short video workouts based on Pilates YouTube channel Speir Pilates TV from the professional team of instructors.

Training for specific problem areas

In the first part of this article we offer you training Pilates in 10-20 minutes that will help you to work on individual problem areas. You will be toning the muscles of the upper or lower body depending on the selected video. The workout’s low impact and suitable for people with joint problems, varicose veins and other restrictions.

How to perform:

  • You can use the video as a short addition to its core training.
  • Can join several videos for the full program for 30-45 minutes.
  • Can train for 10-15 minutes several approaches during the day.
  • Or exercise for 10-15 minutes a day in times of acute employment.

1. The stomach workout (8 minutes)

This workout is Pilates involves exercises on the floor, which is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and back, including deep. You will perform a variety of strap on hands, plank on forearms, side plank and variations of exercises for the abdomen that are performed lying on the back with support on the elbows. The inventory is not needed.

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2. Exercise thighs and buttocks on the floor (10 minutes)

This is a great work out exercise Pilates for thighs and buttocks, which fully passes on the floor. The program offers a variety of moves down in the position of the bridge, on the side on all fours. Classes are complicated by the pulsating exercise options. The first half runs on the right side and the other half on the left. The inventory is not needed.

3. Exercise thighs and buttocks with a fitness band (10 minutes)

To perform this workout Pilates you will need a fitness band – a very useful tools to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. This program offers a set of exercises, which can be divided into two halves. In the first part you will train standing, performing squats with an elastic band and light jumping with raising the legs (can be replaced by walking). In the second part of the workout offers exercises lying on your side.

All about FITNESS-ELASTIC band

4. Workout upper body (10 minutes)

This Pilates exercise is completely on the floor. The complex is aimed to work the entire upper body: arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, back. Some exercises including involvement of glutes and hamstring. You will perform variations of push-UPS, hyperextension, straps on the hands and forearms, side plank, reverse push-UPS, roll-over on the back. The inventory is not needed.

5. Exercise dumbbell (10 minutes)

To complete this workout you will need light dumbbells (1.5 kg). Instead of dumbbells you can use bottles of water. All the exercises are classic: breeding hand in hand on the shoulders, bench press behind the head for triceps, straightening your arms at the triceps, flexing the biceps. But the exercise is complicated by multiple repetitions, minimal rest and the pulsating embodiments.

How to choose DUMBBELLS

6. Exercise thighs and buttocks standing (8 minutes)

And another very effective exercise to Pilates to slim legs and toned buttocks. The activity is entirely performed standing, additional inventory is not needed. You can find classic and sumo-squats, including the pulsatile nature for better development of the muscles of the lower body. In the second half you will play the lead foot back and to the side for getting rid of problem areas on the feet.

7. Training top with elastic tape (10 minutes)

To perform this workout Pilates you will need elastic band. This affordable equipment is great for toning the whole body, but especially of the muscles of the upper. Elastic band gives a great load on the muscles – your hands will burn for the entire 10 minute video. In this training tape gives minimal stress on the joints and connective tissue, reducing the risk of injury.

All about the ELASTIC band

8. Exercise thighs and buttocks (10 minutes)

In this short workout for thighs and buttocks offers a interesting selection of exercises. Most of the session takes place on the floor. You will perform a variety of moves down on all fours and a bar, as well as attacks and lowering to his knees. Prepare yourself for effective study of the gluteal muscles. The inventory is not needed.

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9. The stomach workout (15 minutes)

This is a great work out exercise Pilates to strengthen the abdominal muscles, including deep. In this video a classic set’s low impact effective exercises. Be sure to try this program if you are just starting their familiarity with Pilates. This video will be useful not only for a flat stomach, but for a healthy back. The inventory is not needed.

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10. Exercise legs and buttocks with elastic band (18 minutes)

This program is a little longer and it will surely appeal to all lovers of workouts with a fitness band. The first half of the program is performed by standing up: lunges, squats and their variations. The second half of the workout is performed on a Mat with a variety of moves down on all fours and interesting variations of bridges.

Pilates workout for the whole body

In the second half of our article we offer you a Pilates workout for the muscles of the whole body. This means that the proposed programs are designed to work muscles and upper and lower body. But before that, let’s remember once again what is the benefit of Pilates.

Benefits of Pilates:

  • Development and strengthening of the muscles of the body.
  • Strengthening the spine and reducing back pain.
  • Improved posture and prevention of scoliosis.
  • The development of strength, endurance and coordination.
  • Reducing stress levels and getting rid of insomnia.
  • The formation of a beautiful physique.

1. Classical Pilates (20 minutes)

This is another variant of classical Pilates, which is great even for beginners. All exercises are performed on the floor and effectively work problem areas of the body. Special attention is paid to the abdominal muscles, buttocks, legs and back thanks to exercises like the hundred, roll-over, leg lifts, pull legs to chest, straps, gluteal bridge.

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2. Classical Pilates (10 minutes)

And another version of the classic Pilates on the floor, only less prolonged in time. A 10 minute workout you will work on the problem areas, pointing out the muscles of the middle part of the body. Very nice exercise is of moderate difficulty that you will want to repeat.

3. Training with dumbbells (11 minutes)

To complete this workout you will need light dumbbells 2 kg. In the first half of the class, you expect mnogocwetnye exercises, which involve simultaneously the upper and lower body. In the second half of the exercises on the floor. This program will efficiently work all muscles of the body: arms, legs, buttocks and stomach.

4. Exercise with a chair (14 minutes)

This is a great workout Pilates with a chair for the study of problem areas, especially the lower body. The program begins with a pulsing squats with a chair and continues a variety of options leads foot back and to the side. Such exercises are particularly effective if you want to work on the buttocks and rear thighs. In the second half you will perform a plank with a prop on a chair and reverse pushups.


5. Training with ankle weights (15 minutes)

In this workout exercises are performed with ankle weights. The weighting is such equipment which can complicate any exercise Pilates. For example, the wing and leg lifts is not always possible to run with free weights, while the weights for the legs would be appropriate almost always. In this video you will exercises that are on the floor, including lying on your side, stomach and back with minimal load on the knee joints.

All about ankle WEIGHTS

6. Training with elastic tape (12 minutes)

In this workout Pilates with elastic band offers not only exercises for the upper body, but also exercises for the lower body. As we have noted above, with elastic band to work the arms, shoulders, chest and back but also buttocks and press there are a couple of useful exercises, which you can see in this video.

7. Exercise with a chair (13 minutes)

Another great workout with a chair, which offers effective exercises from Pilates for the whole body. The first half includes a variety of kicks for the formation of slender legs and long muscles. In the second half are interesting modifications of the side straps, as well as the gluteal bridge with support on a chair.

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8. Stretching for the whole body (15 minutes)

This is a great stretch for the entire body, which will relieve tension and relax your muscles. It can be done after a workout or in a separate day. Most exercises are performed standing and do not require you good skills of stretching, therefore the program is suitable even for beginners and inflexible people.

9. Stretching for the whole body (17 minutes)

And another option to stretch out your whole body, which can be done on a regular basis. It is a pleasant and unhurried program will help you to stretch muscles and release tension in the body. Special emphasis is placed on stretching the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

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10. Training with massage roller (12 minutes)

Exercises with massage roller (foam roller) is a form of myofascial relaxation (MFR). The cost of the roller is only 500-1000 rubles, to engage with him even at home very easily. Using the massage cushion you will be able to relax the body, improve blood circulation, relieve pain and stiffness in the muscles, improve the mobility and integrity of the joints, increase range of motion. The implementation of this video-training for 10 minutes at least 1 time per week will seriously improve your body.


See also:

  • How to get up to the bridge: exercises + manual
  • Top 10 coaches for beginners + collection video
  • How to remove side: 20 + 20 exercises

Without stock, For beginners’s low impact workout

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