Top 20 Rice Producers

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The national cuisine of many peoples of the world is represented by rice dishes. Porridge, pilaf are prepared from this tasty and healthy cereal, it is added to soups, sushi, salads, desserts, and in some countries drinks are made from it. Modern stores offer a rich assortment of rice varieties produced by various global producers. Among such a variety, there are not only familiar to us, but also exotic types of cereals. Housewives strive to surprise their loved ones with unusual dishes, but sorting out the varieties on the counter and buying the right one for themselves is not an easy task. Our experts decided to help in this matter and developed criteria for selecting the best rice producers.

How to choose rice

The taste of the future dish, the degree of its benefit to the human body depends on the correct choice of cereals, its quality. Most of the world’s brands introduce more than one variety of rice to the market to meet consumer demand. To include a particular brand in the rating, experts have developed a list of criteria by which the assessment is made:

rice processing type

Rice is divided into three groups:

  1. polished – it is characterized by the absence of a shell, a smooth surface, a translucent structure; the shape and size of cereals is different, it is prepared very quickly;

  2. unpolished – it includes brown, red, black rice, which are coarser and take a long time to cook, but are considered the most useful;

  3. steamed – designed for crumbly dishes – it is not cooked very quickly, but it does not stick together and has high taste qualities.

Grain shape

Depending on the dish being prepared, choose cereals in the form:

  1. long rice – considered universal, perfect for cereals, pilaf, salads and so on; in length it is from 6 mm to 8 mm, and in thickness no more than 4 mm;

  2. medium grain usually does not exceed 7 mm in length; it absorbs a lot of moisture and is prone to sticking together, so risotto, paella, soups and pilaf are prepared from it;

  3. round grain – about 4-5 mm long, and not wider than 3 mm; it has a lot of starch, suitable for sushi, cereals, casseroles, desserts and so on.

  4. Grade.

There are almost 150 types of rice in the world, but the most popular are:

  1. Basmati is the most fragrant variety, suitable for any side dish;

  2. Jasmine – a snow-white variety grown in Thailand, has a delicate aroma of jasmine, used for salads, side dishes, desserts;

  3. Red – recognized as one of the most useful varieties, suitable for the famous Iranian pilaf plau ahmar;

  4. Wild – grown in the north of the United States, has a black color, is considered the richest in vitamins and minerals, it is added to salads, soups, combined side dishes;

  5. Black – a red-violet variety grown in Tibet, harvested by hand, has a high protein content in the composition, is used for salads, side dishes;

  6. Arborio – a variety originally from Italy, has the ability to be saturated with the aromas and taste of the ingredients adjacent to the dish, is used for making risotto, paella, soups;

  7. Camolino – an Egyptian variety, with characteristic large round grains, is used for making sushi, cereals, desserts;

  8. Spanish – perfectly absorbs liquid, remaining crumbly, therefore it is often used for pilaf and paella;

  9. Krasnodar – a northern rice variety with round grains, has a pronounced taste, it is used for making soups, puddings, side dishes;

  10. Uzbek – simply created for traditional Asian pilaf, able to absorb a large amount of liquid, fat, in finished form it has a slightly sweet taste.


When choosing cereals, you need to pay attention to the quality of the packaging. It should be airtight, comfortable, practical. Modern manufacturers are trying to use high-quality packaging that can withstand long-term transportation and storage.

Choosing the right rice will be easier, focusing on the rating of the best producers compiled by our experts.

Rating of the best rice producers

Nomination Place NamePrice
Best Long Grain Rice     1Miad Family Basmati Steamed Long Grain     245 ₽
     2Mistral Basmati white fragrant polished long grain     200 ₽
     3Sawat-D Black Organic Thai     383 ₽
     4Mistral Amber steamed long grain     80 ₽
     5National Long Grain Steamed Gold of Thailand     111 ₽
     6Uvelka long grain steamed     167 ₽
Best Round Grain Rice     1Rice Mistral Kuban white polished round grain     92 ₽
     2Rice National Krasnodar white round grain Krasnodar     104 ₽
     3Rice Uvelka round grain polished     115 ₽
The best rice for pilaf     1Mistral white round-grain for traditional pilaf 900 g     87 ₽
     2Rice Agro-Alliance Kamolino for pilaf     123 ₽
     3Bravolli! Basmati for pilaf extra long     485 ₽
Best Brown Rice     1Resfood For Sushi Hikari     349 ₽
     2CHIM-CHIM Extra class for sushi polished round grain     208 ₽
     3Sen Soy round grain for sushi 250 g     125 ₽
The best rice for rolls     1Mistral Indica Brown Long Grain Brown     107 ₽
     2Endaksi unpolished brown 500 g     104 ₽
     3Orgtium brown unpolished (ecological) 500 g     320 ₽
best rice for porridge     1Rice Agro-Alliance Krasnodar round grain     129 ₽
     2Polished round-grain Cascade “Selyanochka”     126 ₽

Best Long Grain Rice

Miad Family Basmati Steamed Long Grain

Rating: 4.9

Indian long-grain rice of the Basmati variety is harvested from the rice plantations of Punjab, has an exotic taste and aroma, and is recommended for making garnish, pilaf and desserts. For the environmental friendliness of products and convenient packaging, experts included cereals in the rating of the best. It belongs to the premium class products, its production is based on passing grains through steam. This technology eliminates the sticking of rice during cooking, speeds it up, giving the dish airiness and friability. The length of the grains after cooking increases three times, reaching a length of up to 15 mm.

The manufacturer packs the rice in zippered rag bags or plastic bags. In the first version, it is packed in 2 or 5 kg, in the second, a smaller weight. To prevent opening under the zipper, there is a special firmware of the bag, which must be unzipped before use. This allows the manufacturer to transport goods over long distances without fear for the integrity of the package. The groats are clean and white in color.



Mistral Basmati white fragrant polished long grain

Rating: 4.8

Mistral is one of the largest producers of cereals in Russia. The production was founded in 1998, when the problem of varietal diversity of products was acute in the country. The company immediately set as its goal not only increasing the volume, but also ensuring the high quality of its products. The workshops used the latest technologies, grain was supplied from the best plantations in the world, which made the cereal the most popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. For the high quality of rice and a rich assortment, experts included the manufacturer in the rating. Today the company continues to attract significant investments, constantly improves the production of rice – the catalog contains 9 varieties of this cereal. Particular attention is paid to product packaging – it is always the most convenient, durable and meets international standards. Weight markings are applied to it, allowing housewives to accurately measure the product.

All technological rice packaging lines are equipped with a treatment plant – the grain is separated by size, purity, stones and other impurities are removed from it, and metal inclusions are removed by magnets. The color calibrator is considered the most modern of the installations – it rejects rice grains that do not match the shade of the packaged product. The electronic device recognizes even the smallest color deviation. White fragrant polished rice is completely non-GMO, which is confirmed by the Declaration of Conformity. The aroma of cereals is delicate, the texture after cooking is not sticky, the grains crumble and retain their color.



Sawat-D Black Organic Thai

Rating: 4.7

Thai black rice is rich in vitamins and minerals, has a specific nutty flavor, is easy to prepare and is ideal in combination with white rice. Experts considered it to be the most beneficial for health, interesting in taste and suitable for cooking any dishes – for this he received an honorable place in the ranking. In Thailand, soups, side dishes for meat, seafood are prepared with it, served with fried dishes. In the northern and northeastern parts of the country, many varieties are grown, differing in size, color and taste. Black organic polished rice has an ideal oval shape, contains more nutrients than other varieties – this is due to the surface treatment, which retains its original properties.

The dark shell of the grain is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. It contains a large amount of fiber, B vitamins, potassium, selenium, zinc, magnesium. Thanks to vegetable protein, organic rice is included in dietary diets. The systematic use of cereals improves the composition of the blood, the condition of the hair, skin, and oryzanol in the composition reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood.



Mistral Amber steamed long grain

Rating: 4.6

Amber rice undergoes steam treatment, thanks to which nutrients penetrate deep into the grain and are not destroyed during cooking. Groats go through 4 stages of purification and are evaluated according to 46 parameters, for which they were included in the rating by experts. Dry grains have a light amber color, are distinguished by friability and purity. The length of rice grains in dry form reaches 8 mm, and in cooked form it increases 5 times. Groats do not require rinsing either before or after cooking, and the color of rice changes to snow-white during cooking.

It is used as an independent dish, side dishes, included in salads, soups and other hot dishes. The composition does not contain GMOs. Rice is packed in a colorful bag with adhesive tape for tight closure after opening – this allows you to store cereals without pouring them into jars. Buyers note that Yantar rice in pilaf absorbs the taste and aroma of zirvak well, and the cereal becomes a rich amber color. All dishes from this rice look beautiful and appetizing – the grains have the same shape and size.



National Long Grain Steamed Gold of Thailand

Rating: 4.5

Long-grain steamed rice of the National brand has an amber-golden color, packed in a bag with an unusual design, stylized with Thai motifs. Experts considered him worthy to be included in the ranking of the best rice producers. Thailand is famous for its exotic cuisine, where rice is the main ingredient in many dishes. Particularly valued cereals, steamed, having even grains of the same shape, snow-white color. Thai gold is a unique type of rice that has a slight golden hue when dry, but when cooked becomes snow-white, crumbly and very tasty. It can be used to prepare an independent dish, as well as included in salads, soups, cook pilaf or a delicate dessert with it.

Interestingly, when reheated, rice does not lose its original qualities – it remains the same crumbly and snow-white. It is packaged in a transparent bag with a national Thai ornament; an adhesive tape is provided for easy storage. Buyers note the extraordinary purity of cereals, its uniformity. Many people really like the little lyrical narration on the pack, telling the reasons for the name of the rice as the Golden of Thailand. The taste of rice is estimated as sweetish, its structure is elastic. It goes well with seasonings, sauces, vegetables.



Uvelka long grain steamed

Rating: 4.4

Rice from Uvelka is processed according to a special technology – after soaking, the groats are subjected to high pressure under steam. This has a devastating effect on the starch contained in the grains – it coagulates and turns into glucose, and it, in turn, is much better absorbed by the human body. Experts considered rice from Uvelka worthy of being included in the rating. It is especially important that the steamed grain does not lose its original benefits – it contains a large amount of B vitamins, vitamin E, and minerals. Rice is enriched with magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron – because of this, it is recommended to include it in the diet for anemia, increased physical and emotional stress.

Long-grain parboiled rice “Uvelka” is famous for its purity. The buyer sees it right away – in a beautifully designed package there is a transparent window. During the cooking process, the grains do not stick together, remain white, increase in size by almost three times. Dishes from such rice are recommended for people on a gluten-free diet. Most often, steamed cereals are used as a side dish for fish, poultry, meat, excellent desserts are obtained from it in combination with fruits.



Best Round Grain Rice

Rice Mistral Kuban white polished round grain

Rating: 4.9

Many varieties of rice from the Mistral company are considered the best in their category – Kuban rice is no exception. It is grown on domestic fields, undergoes thorough cleaning, all grains have the same rounded shape, white color. For environmental friendliness, the absence of impurities, flavor enhancers, experts included it in the rating of the best. Round-grain rice becomes soft during the cooking process, dishes from it acquire a creamy structure – it is ideal for making viscous cereals, casseroles, pilaf, desserts. The Kuban variety makes excellent sushi at home – the grains are moderately sticky, taste good, go well with vegetables, fish, meat.

The packaging of the product is bright, pale blue in color – it is easy to notice it on store shelves. On the front side and on the side there are transparent windows where you can evaluate the internal content by the purity of the cereal, color. Rice Kuban does not require pre-rinsing, which is very convenient when cooking some dishes. The cost is estimated by experts as inexpensive, affordable for any buyer.



Rice National Krasnodar white round grain Krasnodar

Rating: 4.8

The company “National” under the brand name Krasnodar sells round-grain rice of soft varieties. It is ideal for preparing various types of desserts, cereals, goes well with fish, fruits. The grain is grown without the use of growth stimulants and harmful chemicals. Immediately after entering the factory, the rice undergoes thorough processing – it is cleaned, polished, sorted. It is gentle grinding that gives the grains smoothness and shine. The shape of the rice is as uniform as possible, white in color, with a pleasant aroma. Experts considered it one of the best in this category and included it in the rating.

The packaging is yellow-blue with gaps to identify the cereal, its quality – the buyer sees immediately what product he is purchasing. Many people buy Krasnodar rice for making sushi – its taste, aroma and texture go well with other ingredients. During the cooking process, the grains soften and stick together a little, giving the desired consistency to the dish. In terms of cost, it is quite democratic, which can also be attributed to the advantages.



Rice Uvelka round grain polished

Rating: 4.7

The Uvelka trademark is represented on the market by several varieties of high quality rice – this was the reason for adding it to the ranking of the best producers. Round-grain polished rice is produced by the Resurs company located in the Chelyabinsk region. It is distinguished by two-stage cleaning, friability during cooking, grains are saturated with complex carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Grains are gluten-free. Recommended for cooking cereals, casseroles, desserts with fruit fillings, pilaf or an independent side dish. Grains are suitable for cooking in the microwave.

Rice is packed in practical bright bags, with a large transparent window through which you can evaluate the quality of the grains. The cooking time is no more than 25 minutes – during this period they do not boil excessively, but increase in volume, become snow-white in color. The cost of cereals is available to any consumer.



The best rice for pilaf

Mistral white round-grain for traditional pilaf 900 g

Rating: 4.9

By the name, it is immediately clear for what purposes this rice is used – it is ideal for cooking pilaf at home and on a fire. Its difference from ordinary cereals is the processing of grains with refined oil. This technology allows you to cook not only pilaf, but also other oriental dishes with this cereal. The experts considered Mistral brand rice to be worthy of the rating. During the cooking process, the grains retain their ideal shape, while increasing in size and saturated with the taste of the dish. Rice is of excellent quality – clean, white, rounded.

The packaging is quite dense, with an oriental ornament – it looks interesting and memorable. Through the transparent window, you can view the contents of the package. The manufacturer has placed a detailed recipe for traditional Uzbek pilaf on the packaging – this will surely come in handy for those who will cook this dish for the first time. According to the reviews of customers who used the recipe, the rice does not boil at all, but it turns out juicy, soft, and the dish is very fragrant and tender. The price category of cereals is affordable for buyers.



Rice Agro-Alliance Kamolino for pilaf

Rating: 4.8

The production of rice by Agro-Alliance Kamolino is based on the technology of polishing the grains, treating them with deodorized oil – this makes the cereal ideal for making pilaf. All stages, starting with the selection of seed, growing rice and its further processing into cereals and packaging, take place exclusively at the enterprises of the Holding. Experts highly appreciated the taste of rice, its delicate pearl color and included it in the rating. But not only pilaf can be cooked from Kamolino rice – it also goes well with vegetables, legumes, and can be prepared as an independent side dish. In appearance, it resembles a high quality Krasnodar variety. In finished form, it turns out moderately boiled, not dry, crumbly.

For Kamolino cereals, high purity varieties are used – Regul and Amethyst, which have the best taste for oriental dishes. The packaging used is standard for the Agro-Alliance company – colorful bags with a transparent window. In terms of cost, experts rated rice for pilaf above the average price category.



Bravolli! Basmati for pilaf extra long

Rating: 4.7

Extra long Basmati rice is known to buyers not so long ago as other varieties. It appeared as a result of selection of high-yielding rice in India. Scientists planned to make it universal, so that it simultaneously possessed all the culinary qualities inherent in this culture, but at the same time was longer than ordinary grain. For the base, an ordinary Basmati variety was taken. The Bravolli company offers extra-long Basmati for pilaf on the market, which is distinguished by the incredible beauty of the grains and excellent friability, for which it was included in the rating by experts. The variety is considered high-yielding, and its grains have the ability to quickly absorb fat, which makes the taste of pilaf unusual.

In the process of cooking, the already long grain of about 2 cm increases by 1,5-2 times – dishes with it look very beautiful, reminiscent of a real oriental pilaf from a cauldron. During cooking, rice does not need to be washed to remove excess starch – this is a valuable quality that makes pilaf incredibly tasty. It is also important that extra-long rice dishes remain crumbly even after a day. The product is packaged in small transparent bags of 350 g, on top of which there is a black label with detailed information. The label has a transparent heart-shaped window. The price category of rice is above average, but affordable for buyers.



The best rice for rolls

Resfood For Sushi Hikari

Rating: 4.9

Ideal for pan-Asian cuisine, this Japanese rice variety has a traditional sweet taste, rich aroma and an unusual nutty aftertaste. The grains after cooking completely retain their integrity and elasticity, their shape is perfectly round, and the quality meets all the requirements of the State Standard of the Highest Grade. This explains why the experts included Hikari Sushi Rice in their rating. This variety is grown in Vietnam, where its delicate taste is highly valued in combination with other products. The grains look like miniature smooth pebbles of the same size and white translucent color.

Cooking changes the structure of the cereal – it becomes sticky, but does not look like porridge, all grains remain intact and retain their color. The difference in taste is noticeable only when tasting Hikari rice with a regular variety of cereals, in another situation, their taste is difficult to distinguish. Groats can be used not only for making sushi, but also for an independent side dish that can be served with fish, seaweed or avocado. This rice is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1,2 l – this is how the necessary consistency is obtained in the readiness of Al Dente. Packed in craft multi-layer bags, which allows you to save the taste and aroma of the grains. The price of cereals is quite high.



CHIM-CHIM Extra class for sushi polished round grain

Rating: 4.8

The company “CHIM-CHIM” represents the highest grade rice on the Russian market for making sushi and other Japanese dishes. This rice is characterized by increased stickiness, which makes it possible to make rolls from it. It is quite neutral in taste, but in combination with seafood and vegetables it acquires an exquisite aroma and flavor. It is prepared quite quickly about 15-20 minutes, but requires subsequent infusion up to 10 minutes. Fans of Asian cuisine note that rice fully meets the requirements of a healthy diet, and experts considered it worthy of inclusion in the rating.

Rice is packed in pale blue bags with a transparent window on the front side – the buyer can immediately see the product, its purity, uniformity of shape and color of the grains. The increased stickiness of Extra class rice makes it possible to form rolls with any filling. Thanks to careful grinding, the grain looks perfectly even, it contains less starch. It is recommended for dietary nutrition, as it does not stimulate gastric secretion, is easily digested and does not contain cholesterol. The cost of cereals is below average, which makes it the most popular among buyers.



Sen Soy round grain for sushi 250 g

Rating: 4.7

The Sen Soy brand offers Japanese cuisine fans a whole series of homemade sushi products on the market – this is not only rice, but also kitchen accessories, seafood, and other basic ingredients. All products are of high quality and meet the requirements of the best sushi masters. The main component of the rolls is rice – the shape of the sushi, the taste and aroma of the dish depend on its quality. Rice Sen Soy round grain is grown on fertile Asian soil without the use of chemicals, so it not only has an amazing taste, but is also considered a food for centenarians. It contains a lot of fiber, B vitamins, the complete absence of salt, unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol.

Rice for sushi Sen Soi has a high stickiness, it is able to cook evenly. Sushi with it are distinguished by an even and dense shape, snow-white color. It contains a high content of starch. The manufacturer refers this variety of rice to the Premium class, as it meets all the requirements for making sushi. Rice is packed in a tight bag with the possibility of hermetic closure after the first use. The price category of cereals is average, available for mass consumption.



Best Brown Rice

Mistral Indica Brown Long Grain Brown

Rating: 4.9

Brown rice is considered the best alternative to white long grain rice, but with more benefits for the human body. It is recommended to include it in the diet menu – as an additive to soups, salads, combined side dishes. The nutritional value is due to the preservation of the bran shell of the grains. Mistral uses minimal processing of Indica Brown rice, which preserves the rice shell with its vitamins and trace elements. When cooked, the rice is crumbly, incredibly fragrant with a nutty aftertaste. Experts highly appreciated these qualities and included cereals in the rating.

According to the manufacturer’s recommendation, rice should be washed with warm water after cooking. Groats of the Mistral brand do not contain GMOs, undergo a four-stage purification from various impurities, the degree of its purification is assessed according to 46 criteria. The packaging, like all products of this company, is practical, with the possibility of hermetic storage – at the top of the package there is a special adhesive tape for closing. The package has an unusual barcode in the form of ears of corn. The price category is above average.



Endaksi unpolished brown 500 g

Rating: 4.8

Modern man is increasingly focused on healthy and proper nutrition. Endaksi’s brown rice will help customers stick to a diet without compromising health – it combines the maximum benefit, nutritional value and incredibly pleasant taste. It is cleaned only from the outer shell – the husk. The remaining inner shell gives a dark shade to the groats and a delicate nutty flavor. Brown rice protects the body from UV radiation, lowers blood cholesterol levels. Experts considered that its features make it possible to include rice in this rating.

Despite the ease of preparation, white rice does not even have some of the beneficial properties inherent in the brown variety. Unpolished cereals are suitable for preparing an independent or combined side dish, goes well with meat, poultry, and vegetables. The product is packaged in a light green bag with a small transparent window. The cost of Endaksi rice is average, which allows you to include it in your daily diet.



Orgtium brown unpolished (ecological) 500 g

Rating: 4.7

The company “Orgtium” offers on the market brown unpolished rice grown in an organic economy without the use of chemicals and fertilizers. It is for the high degree of ecological cleanliness that rice of this brand was included in our rating by experts. It contains a large amount of nutrients – zinc, iron, selenium, potassium, manganese, as well as vitamins E, PP, group B. The presence of complex carbohydrates in it allows the body to receive an energy boost for the whole day.

Nutritionists advise including it in your daily diet as often as possible. It is especially important to eat dishes from it for athletes, people whose work is associated with high physical and emotional stress. Doctors advise to use it for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Rice is packed in cardboard boxes with a transparent window through which you can immediately assess the quality of cereals. Inside the package are 2 bags with a volume of 0,25 kg. The cost of ecological rice is average, affordable for most consumers.



best rice for porridge

Rice Agro-Alliance Krasnodar round grain

Rating: 4.9

Agro-Alliance round-grain rice is the result of Russian selection, is famous for its high protein content, fast cooking. It is allowed for children’s and medical nutrition, which indicates its environmental friendliness, purity, and nutritional value. For this, he is included in the rating of the best rice producers. Features of the technology allow for additional sorting and calibration of grain, which improves the quality of the product. The round shape of rice, its white color is great for making cereals, casseroles, puddings, cabbage rolls.

Rice Krasnodar round grain is considered one of the most popular among the product lines of the Agro-Alliance company. Its high quality combined with the average cost made it popular with buyers. It belongs to the first-class rice according to the GOST criteria. The packaging is marked in accordance with the requirements of the Customs Union, contains information in 4 languages.



Polished round-grain Cascade “Selyanochka”

Rating: 4.8

According to Roskachestvo, polished round-grain rice of the Selyanochka brand is recognized as the best among similar varieties. Our experts analyzed it according to the main parameters and included it in the rating for a high degree of polishing, preservation of consistency during cooking, and quick preparation of any dishes from it. Groats can be cooked in milk, water, with the addition of vegetables, fruits. But best of all, porridge is obtained from the Cascade variety – it is moderately viscous, with the preservation of granularity, soft, clean, without impurities.

Some buyers note that there is a small amount of unripe seeds with white tips in the package – this is acceptable, since this rice is not a Superior, but a First Grade. It does not have an unpleasant smell and dust from broken grains. The package contains an adhesive tape for hermetic storage after opening the package – you can not pour it into jars. The cost is average, quite affordable for buyers.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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