A careful analysis of fashion trends has shown that any of us can find their own version.
Max Mara / Valentino / Paco Rabanne Spring Summer 2020
Spring is the time to change your hairstyle. Some will decide to cut off their long hair at last, as the singer Valeria recently did. Others, on the contrary, will understand that they cannot imagine their life without luxurious curls, and will follow the example of Daria Pynzar, who has grown her hair almost to her knees. In any case, the decision should be carefully considered, so that later you do not have to hide the fruits of the beauty experiment under a hat until winter.
Knowing the type of style will help you to understand what exactly suits you, based on the nature of the lines of the face, and you can cope with the choice of the current version of the haircut or styling, armed with a list of hairstyles that designers most often resorted to during the shows of the Spring Summer 2020 collections.
The most relevant haircut is the bob. Particularly replicated version: classic length, straight cut and smooth styling. Most often, such a square is found in the version with a parted part, however, there are other styling options, which we will talk about in more detail. By the way, Bella Hadid was not the only one who succumbed to the fashion for the classic square, whose version of this haircut could be seen as part of the show. BurberryReese Witherspoon, Kaia Gerber, Alsou and many others also followed her example.
Smooth styling is not for everyone. It is a fact. But modern fashion also avoids diktat, therefore, in the field of squares, it offers a certain take-off in the field of styling, allowing each girl to find her own version. So, for example, along with ironed hair on the catwalk, there were often messy disheveled hair. A square with a “nix” is another obvious trend with simplicity of implementation. Basically, this styling looks like you did it a couple of days ago. This is the whole point. Neat curls today cannot be made fashionable.
Straight bangs are in trend, and most often they are found in the context of a square. Styling can also be smooth or tousled – the choice is yours. The length of the bangs is still impressive: it should cover the eyebrow, moving decisively over the eyes. If you decide on this version, keep in mind that its operation is fraught with a whole range of inconveniences: from poor visibility to the need for constant correction. For those who have never had bangs, such a haircut can cause real beauty stress. But if you are ready for the inevitable difficulties, then you can appreciate the tangible benefits. For example, bangs perfectly hide skin imperfections on the forehead (wrinkles, rashes).
Very short haircuts are also in trend, like the one that recently surprised everyone by Charlize Theron. Recall that at first she had a version with a rather long bangs, which then began to gradually shorten. Charlize, her version of the pixie turned out to be very much even to the face, however, the actress nevertheless took up the growth of her bangs. Most likely, every second woman will do the same in her place, because such a haircut has too few styling options and quickly gets bored.
Fans of long hair can breathe out: this spring they will compete with the fashionable bob. The smoothed curls, austerely laid in a straight parting, have become one of the most popular catwalk hairstyles. Stylists resorted to them not only at the ready-to-wear show, but also at the Haute Couture Week. The main decoration of this hairstyle was the natural shine of the hair. For a while, you can forget about hairpins, bows and other decorations that were rich in last season.
Carelessness is still a trend, so long hair does not have to be pulled out with an iron. You can leave it as it is. This is, of course, a joke. Carelessness is not to be taken literally. Still, we are talking about styling, which imitates a mess on the head. The main difference from the “nix” formed after sleep is in the presence of visible curls and structuredness. Fashionable styling looks like you styled your hair for a long time, then went outside, and there is a wild wind.
Fashionable curls have no volume at the roots. They should start from the temple or earlobes.
Do not think that there is no place for beauty perfectionism this season. Those who are accustomed to twisting curlers will not be left idle either. Curls and waves are in trend. Their main seasonal difference is that curls without root volume are now quoted. That is, all these hair dryers upside down and large brushings can be forgotten for a while. Modern curls should be an extension of the sleek styling. They can start from the temples or from the earlobes. The caliber of the waves also varies from small to large.
A very small wave, reminiscent of the one that is obtained when braiding a lot of braids at night, was also very popular on the catwalks. Sometimes you can find the volume familiar to us, coming immediately from the roots, but more often it, as in the case of curls, begins in the temple area. Both long and short hair lend themselves to crimping this season. By the way, among the stars, fans of the shallow wave have already been found. Domestic style icon, singer Valeria, cutting off the fashionable square, immediately supplemented it with actual styling.
The absolute novelty of the season is long curls with a very deep side parting. This styling is created by throwing almost the entire mass of hair to one side. Of course, a logical question about convenience suggests itself … If the hair covers half of the face, there is no need to dream of normal functioning. Obviously, this is an option for the most fashionable and desperate. The rest can provide the structure with fasteners: a strand falling over the eye is not so difficult to pick up invisibly.
Deep side parting is also found in its more “wearable” interpretation. It can often be found in sleek styling: both on long hair, and on short hair. Here, of course, one cannot do without special means. To make the parting look perfect, it will have to be licked. I must say that it is this mirror shine, which is formed in the process, that is the main fashionable feature of styling.
You can provide such a parting with a bob, loose long hair, a low ponytail or a braid.
Monolithic hair designs are a distinct trend that can successfully compete with the current beauty carelessness. True, he has more success on the catwalk than in real life, because a rare woman wants to make an effort for the complex production of styling that looks like her hair has simply not been washed for a long time.
A clear fixation and solidity is the antipode of beauty carelessness, which has owned fashion minds for several seasons.
If you are not ready to completely immerse yourself in this aesthetics, then you can arm yourself with it partially. The main sign of the trend is the presence of a clear fixation of the strands with their noticeable discreteness. In other words, they must be structured and fixed.
Braids are the megatrend of spring and summer. And we are not talking about complex weaves like ornate spikelets, banal tight school braids are relevant. Of course, not everyone will be able to get inspired by this trend right away, after all, associations with childhood are very strong. In this case, you can start with more “adult” versions. The same spikelets will do just fine as a workout. By the way, pay attention to the fact that fashionable braids are impossibly simple and do not imply any decor. Minimalism is also an important feature of the trend.
Braids are found not only in their “school” format, but also in a more adult one. These are all sorts of “baskets” and the use of wicker fragments as a rim. In general, these versions are also well known to us from childhood. Two pigtails for schoolgirls were most often styling for every day, and more complex designs were made on occasion. By the way, House Dior it was this logic that followed. At the show of the ready-to-wear collection, models went to the catwalk with two pigtails, and at the couture show – with loose hair, where the braid played a decorative role, complementing the bezel.
If you think that everything is so simple in the spring-summer 2020 season, then you are greatly mistaken. A banal square, loose shaggy hair and pigtails – this is not all. There is also a huge “Victorian” fashion layer, which manifests itself not only in clothes, but also in hairstyles. This style is characterized by sophisticated hairstyles, historical counterparts of which can be seen in the portraits of Marie Antoinette or Madame Pompadour. Do not be intimidated: there is no need to directly quote fashion icons of that time. Designers offer only to be inspired by this style and bring a little pomp into the styling area. For example, it can be a bun that crowns hair that is very voluminous at the roots. Do not go too far.
Previously, such a bundle might have seemed like an old woman to you, but after the “Victorian” versions appeared, the opinion probably changed. It seems that now it doesn’t smell like mothballs either … Everything is known in comparison. For those who are not ready for pompous designs on the head, a smooth bun located on the back of the head is an ideal option for a solemn styling. It is also easy to use for everyday work. Parting and styling can be selected based on all the above fashion options. House Moschino offers a smooth parting of your hair, but there is also a casual aesthetics that will simply touch another trend.