Top 15 headache products

Often we do not attach importance to the headache – we underestimate the scale of the disaster (a headache may well signal a very serious malfunction in the body) or perceive it as inevitable. The bottom line, in any case, is the same – pain relievers. However, try not to resort to pills right away and use natural remedies first. Pain relief products are not scarce in your own home.

Before reaching your hand – either to the refrigerator, or all the same to the first aid kit – find out why you actually have a headache.

Causes of headache

It is raining outside the window, it is stuffy in the subway, an emergency at work, my husband snoring treacherously at night … The list of causes of headaches can go on forever. However, you need to understand that external stimuli are only a consequence. The reason goes deeper. In fact, a headache can often be just an “echo” of some problem – to signal a lack of a particular vitamin in the body.


Pain due to lack of potassium

Low potassium levels in the lymph of the blood can threaten muscle pain, arrhythmias, an increased risk of diabetes and other unpleasant surprises.

But the very first and most common symptom of potassium deficiency is fatigue and, as a result, constant headache, and sometimes even migraine.

If you go to your doctor, the first thing he or she will ask about is the amount of water you drink per day. If it turns out that in addition to tea, juices, soup, your diet contains no more than two glasses of pure water, the expert may associate your troubles with dehydration. As you know, a lack of potassium occurs precisely when there is a shortage or serious loss of fluid in the body.

Pain due to lack of calcium

For many, calcium is synonymous with a healthy smile. But in fact, calcium’s sphere of influence does not end only with ensuring the health of teeth, nails and bones. Calcium plays the same important role in ensuring muscle contractions – moreover, we are talking not only about skeletal muscles, but also about the heart, blood vessels (and even those vessels that permeate the muscles located inside the cranium).

When there is not enough calcium in the body, you can feel pain “all over your head” and unpleasant sensations from any attempt to move it (at this moment it seems that it even hurts to focus your gaze on a specific point).

Pain due to high blood pressure

May indicate that high blood pressure is a problem exclusively for older people. But actually it is not. Due to constant stress, living in a mode from report to report, abuse of fatty foods, salty foods, alcohol lead to the fact that the vessels become fragile and lose their elasticity.

As a result, a person often complains of unexpected dizziness and a sudden headache. These symptoms of hypertension are dangerous because if not properly treated, you can face serious vision problems, as well as stroke and heart attack.

Treatment of female headache

In fact, anecdotes with the notorious phrases from the series “women always have a headache” are not devoid of real ground. The fact is that women are by nature more vulnerable to headaches – for example, they suffer from migraines almost three times more often than men.

This is due to the fact that women are more sensitive to pain (just many ladies prefer to endure pain, and not tell everyone they meet about it), in the female body there is less serotonin – the hormone of joy (it is women who have more chances to become depressed and depressed, than men). Also, migraine attacks can occur during PMS, and especially acute attacks – 1-2 days before the onset of critical days.

In addition, some more habits that can provoke headaches:

  • Smoking (vasospasm is one of the many side effects of nicotine);
  • Alcohol (it does not relax and does not relieve anxiety; at first it may seem that the headache has really receded, but in fact, almost always after a few minutes it returns and already “hits” much harder);
  • Lack of sports in life, or, conversely, too strong zeal to lose weight or pump up the press;
  • Violation of the regime of work and rest (quality sleep is something that can minimize the negative consequences of a too busy day, but at the same time, too long relaxation can play a cruel joke on you, turning you from a full-bodied person into a “boiled vegetable”);
  • Taking hormonal drugs (headache is one of the most common side effects of hormonal therapy);
  • Not too correct eating habits (fast food, too salty or sweet, fatty – such “goodies” are not included in the list of products that relieve headaches. On the contrary, the frequent appearance of such foods in the daily menu can increase the risk of migraine, diabetes, and obesity, and diseases of the cardiovascular system).

What foods relieve headaches

It’s true. Many foods in the diet, in addition to just a pleasant taste and a bonus in the form of endorphins and an instant improvement in mood, can also have a healing effect – for example, be products that help with headaches.

If you take a good look at some “specimens”, you can be convinced that they are a real chemical cocktail (of course, we are talking about nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and not about dyes and preservatives).

Foods rich in magnesium and glycogen, as well as high-quality spices can help fill the lack of water, oxygen in cells, and cope with vasospasms.

Magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium is not without reason called the microelement “responsible” for the prevention of heart disease, kidney disease, and neutralization of the negative effects of stress. Magnesium helps to dilate blood vessels, relax them and thus oxygenate the brain cells.

An adult needs to consume about 500 mg of magnesium per day.

A hefty serving of magnesium can be found here:

  • Pumpkin seeds (100 g of product contains approximately 500-515 mg of magnesium);
  • Wheat bran (100 g of the product contains approximately 450 mg of magnesium);
  • Sesame seed (100 g of product contains approximately 350 mg of magnesium);
  • Nuts (100 g cashews contain about 270 mg of magnesium, and about 170 mg in almonds and walnuts);
  • Brown rice (100 g of unpolished rice contains about 150-160 mg of magnesium);
  • Oatmeal (100 g of product contains approximately 140 mg of magnesium);
  • Spinach (100 g of product contains approximately 90 mg of magnesium).

Foods with glycogen content

The human body is a highly intelligent “being”. He knows how to adapt to almost any circumstances, starting with ARVI and the protective function of the body in the form of temperature, ending with the magical ability to store the necessary substances in reserve.

Glycogen is just such a story. When a person receives carbohydrates in the required amount daily, glucose is “archived” in the body in the form of glycogen. That is, glycogen is a source of energy in case the body lacks the carbohydrates it needs.

Surely, while on a low-carb or protein diet, you have noticed that the head is “not like that.” Therefore, fruits, vegetables, cereals containing carbohydrates can act as products for pain in the head.

Doctors recommend not to lower the glycogen rate below 100 g per day. Keep in mind that you cannot find glycogen in its “pure” form, but its level in the body can be replenished by eating food rich in carbohydrates… Of course, we recommend that you lean on healthy carbs:

  • Corn (100 g of product contains about 75 g of carbohydrates);
  • Buckwheat (100 g of the product contains about 70 g of carbohydrates);
  • Bananas (100 g of product contains about 25 g of carbohydrates);
  • Lentils (100 g of product contains about 20 g of carbohydrates);
  • Cabbage (100 g of Brussels sprouts contains about 9 g of carbohydrates, in white cabbage – 6 g, in cauliflower – 5 g);
  • Eggplant (100 g of product contains about 6 g of carbohydrates);
  • Tomatoes (100 g of product contains about 4 g of carbohydrates).

Spicy food

Chinese experts have long established that spicy and spicy foods can prolong a person’s life. Several years ago, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences summed up the results of a five-year study, which involved about 200 men and almost 290 women between the ages of 30 and 79. And during the analysis, experts paid special attention to the eating habits of people. Experts found that people who ate spicy foods almost every day had a 14% lower mortality risk compared to volunteers who ate spicy foods no more than once a week.

Do not be surprised if, to the question “What products relieve headaches”, you hear from the doctor the answer – paprika. The fact is that different types of capsicum contain the alkaloid capsaicin, which suppresses substance P – this substance transmits signals about a pain impulse to the central nervous system.

Top 15 foods to help relieve headaches

1. The nuts

Thanks to salicin (a component of many popular medicines), almonds help with everyday stress-related headaches. A handful of these nuts are worth eating when you feel pain approaching. Please note: in people suffering from migraines, almonds, on the contrary, can provoke headaches.

2. Pyrethrum

Migraines and other headaches can be relieved with feverfew, a plant in the Asteraceae family. With a migraine, the vessels of the brain dilate and press on the nerves. Feverfew relaxes tension and helps to constrict blood vessels. It also reduces inflammation and pain with parthenolide, which is comparable in effect to aspirin. Brew 30 grams of fresh or dried flowers in 500 milliliters of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink half a glass twice a day as needed.

3. Flax seeds and fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in flax seeds and fish oil, reduce migraines and headaches.

4. Ginger root

Like aspirin, ginger root inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, fatty compounds that act on pain receptors. It also helps relieve migraine nausea. Just grab a cup of hot ginger drink, which can be prepared in half an hour over low heat by pouring two cups of water over the chopped ginger root.

However, be careful with the amount of ginger you consume if you suffer from low blood pressure.

5. Butterbur

The American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Association have approved this Asteraceae plant for the prevention of migraines. Butterbur works as a beta blocker by normalizing blood flow to the brain. This helps control blood pressure, which can lead to migraines. The highest concentration of beneficial chemicals is found in the roots of butterbur. But before using this herb, check with your doctor.

6. Water

Most of us don’t drink enough water, and coffee, alcohol, and sugary drinks make dehydration worse. Meanwhile, it is dehydration that can be the real cause of headaches. Drink water regularly throughout the day, and as soon as your head hurts, drink a large glass of water.

7. Watermelon

A good alternative to water is watermelon (it is almost 95% water). Plus, watermelon is rich in magnesium, which can help relieve headaches. Other moisturizing foods include cucumbers, tomatoes, and berries. Or lemon water.

8. Potatoes

This root vegetable helps with hangover headaches. Alcohol not only dehydrates the body, but also flushes out potassium, which is needed to send energy to organs, cells and tissues. Baked potatoes contain more potassium than an average banana.

9. Yogurt without additives

Lack of calcium in the body can often cause headaches. Fermented milk products will help to increase the level of this macronutrient. For example, yogurt without normal fat topping. Do not chase the words “fat-free”, “low-fat” on the packaging. Often, to improve the taste of products devoid of fat, manufacturers do not skimp on sugar.

10. Spinach

Spinach is practically a universal fighter for human health. It’s all about riboflavin. This biologically active substance has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, and is also an excellent prevention of migraines.

11. Fatty varieties of red and white fish

Trout, salmon, coho salmon, mackerel, herring, halibut contain essential omega-3 fatty acids. It has been proven that omega-3 is an excellent fighter against inflammation and headaches of various origins.

12. Caffeine

In the composition of funds aimed at narrowing blood vessels and increasing blood pressure, you can almost always find caffeine. In case of a headache attack, drink tea or coffee, but do not exceed 400 mg of caffeine per day (this is 2 cups of freshly brewed coffee, 5-6 cups of black tea, 8-10 cups of green tea).

13. Pepper

We’ve already written about capsaicin, which is found in red peppers. In addition to the ability to increase the production of substances that block pain, this alkaloid can normalize high blood pressure.

Keep in mind that peppers should be consumed with caution by people with gastrointestinal problems.

14. Herbs

Peppermint has excellent relaxing properties, while lavender and linden also help relieve pain. Brew herbs (in the proportion that your doctor recommends). Drink them separately or add them to fresh tea.

15. Millet porridge

It is known that millet porridge is no less useful than, for example, buckwheat. Millet contains tryptophan. This amino acid has relaxing properties, lowers blood pressure and helps relieve headache symptoms.

Foods to avoid for frequent headaches

In addition to the request on the Internet “What products help with headaches”, you can also find another one – “What products can cause a headache.” There are many foods on supermarket shelves that can worsen migraines.

But even natural and quality foods can trigger headaches. If you are suffering from it, try to carry on food diary: Write down the foods you eat and try to find their connection with the onset of the headache.

Take control of your consumption of these foods:

  • Industrial processed foods (ham, salami, soy sauce)… They can cause headaches, so avoid them if possible, especially if they contain the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate;
  • Alcohol.Alcoholic beverages often contain sulfites, which can cause allergies or asthma attacks and, as a result, headaches. In addition, products containing ethyl alcohol dehydrate the body in record time. And this, as you know, is the shortest path to migraine.
  • Aged varieties of cheeses. Experts say that aged types of cheeses such as gorgonzola, parmesan, brie, feta contain tyramine. This substance can increase blood pressure levels.
  • Peanuts and peanut butter. Yes, peanuts are rich in arginine, but an excess of this amino acid in the body can provoke blood thickening, increased blood pressure. Experts recommend limiting yourself to a maximum of 20 peanuts per day.
  • Bitter chocolate. This product can not only boost mood quickly, but it can also rapidly reduce serotonin levels in the body. This sharp drop is the cause of the migraine.
  • Aspartame. This artificial sugar substitute is believed to have serious potential to induce headaches. Aspartame is known to release methanol when heated. This highly toxic substance can cause dizziness and headaches.
  • Bakery products. This is especially true for people with gluten intolerance. Studies by foreign scientists have proven that excluding foods containing gluten from the diet (wheat, barley, rye, oats, millet, kvass, vodka, beer, ketchup, mayonnaise, ice cream, purchased dumplings), and migraine attacks in middle-aged people are reduced.
  • Ice cream. It’s not even about the composition of the ice cream, but about its temperature. Once on the tongue, ice cream activates nerve endings that send a signal to the blood vessels of the head to cool down. The vessels narrow in response, and then also quickly expand – especially when the delicacy is eaten quickly.

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